Doctors of Sup Forums, can someone tell me what the fuck is growing out of me asshole...

Doctors of Sup Forums, can someone tell me what the fuck is growing out of me asshole? I've been looking on google extensively for about a week and I'm too scared/embarrassed to go to my actual doctor.

Its itchy as fuck. It's doing my fucking head in and its only a matter of time before I start dragging my ass along the carpet like a fucking dog.

Yes, I know it looks disgusting and I know my ass is hairy as fuck but in all honesty I'm not really up for putting anything near it right now b/c the last thing I want is to irritate it (luckily it doesn't hurt right now just itches like fuck)

Plz help.

Well OP being a faggot didn't help you this time. You have anal condylomas which will probably lead to cancer

Source: I'm a doctor

what the fuck
you have a second asshole

dude I feel SO bad for you

go see a doctor you stupid motherfucker

It's hpv aka genital warts? Someone fucked your ass

I believe that is cancer

Looks like a fungus of some sort. Should try and get an antifungal. Maybe your ass crack is just really sweaty and you got a yeast outbreak.
Buy some vagisil or something for athletes foot.

Bump for a Sup Forumsro

>anal condylomas
Congrats, alcoholic swine, you gave yourself ass cancer

You got ebola in ur anus, you got fucked by a nigger?

Don't be embarrassed to see a Doctor user. I'm almost positive that is not the most disgusting thing a doctor has seen. They see worse everyday. People die in front of doctors and you're worried about your asshole?

Just kill urself right now and aboid the public humiliation of having anal cancer for being a faggot

This. Thats nothing like hpv op. Go to the doc and tell him your issue, he'll take a quick glance before giving you a prescript for some cream.

How does alcohol play into this?

looks like a fungus to me.

Bad news OP. Tomorrow your butthole will look like this

Nasty shit, thanks god I'm not u op

OP is fuck

Oh and don't use vagisil. Shits bad if it get into your digestive tract where the body can absorb it.

OP is definitely fuck af

Pinworms laying eggs outside you butthole m8

Hey, OP here.

I thought it was warts but I'm a hopeless virgin. The most I've ever done is oral with a stranger that I met at a bar. And that was about 8 months ago. This, however, has only been a problem for about 2 months, getting a lot worse withing the past few weeks.

Can u really get anal warts from that? I had nothing around my lips and then this has come up. Fml.

put some ice on it and it'll feel better

Schedule an appointment with your doctor in the morning or go to the emergency room/urgent care.

Fungal infection. Try... bathing?

Defo ass cancer. Rip.

Jesus fucking Christ, the flash is reflecting off of your ass grease

why is your ass so greasy?

every fucking day on this site i have to see some gross motherfucker's asshole. fuck you go somewhere else you nasty fuck

Just showered, just applied cream.

Thought I would take a picture to see what I was dealing with and nearly fucking died.

Seriously, go and take a fucking shower everday and wash your ass with shampoo, how hard can it be...

Tip of the day: Don't be OP


maggots or lice?

Probably this. Good luck OP, hope it goes away.