>kid is practicing guitar in his room
>he's really awful
>playing a $3000 Fender Stratocaster
Kid is practicing guitar in his room
Other urls found in this thread:
>not doing ebin pentatonic runs on a $700 used American Standard Strat and Tubescreamer plugged in a 1000w tube amp
>1000w tube amp
Bro is on my level
>let me upload this to youtube so other children may tell me I'm right and she's wrong
Right in the feels. My mom could storm into my room at any minute and give me the exact same rant but she's way too nice and caring to ever do it.
>be really good at playing the guitar
>played and practiced all the time beginning when I was 12
>now 21
>guitar is out of fashion and fedora-tier
>parents say I'm only good because I have a "God given gift" and not through my own work at playing it
>guitar is out of fashion
Spotted the talentless hack
>guitar is out of fashion
It is senpai. There hasn't been a popular band that actually plays instruments in years.
He is right though. Guitar is totally fedora tier right now and i don't think it will recover.
>tfw spent nearly 10 years playing an irrelevant instrument.
>tfw girls don't give a shit about your guitar skills because it's not the 80's or 90's
>tfw if you play and sing them songs with a guitar you look like a try-hard douche
>Guitar is totally fedora
such a fedora opinion
>understanding music or art in general
Lol. And just like fedoras, only blacks can pull it off
>Vietnam movie
>kid starts playing 'it ain't me'
that is why you don't play THEM songs or sing THEM songs.
You literally just play and sing what you like and what makes you happy.
Never sing a girl a love song unless she asks you too
Some white guys can pull it off
Nice abomination
Post your axe
This is mine, god-tier acoustic
That is actually a pretty smexy guitar.
Not gonna post my 150 dollar Chinese jasmine
Im a beginner
As a teen my dream was to own one of these.
But now it is seen as literally the fedora of electric guitars.
>tfw did this and girls don't give a shit about Rust in Peace
>his reflection in the amp, a broken man
more like god tier autistic
Instruments in general are archaic and the electric guitar in particular is a relic of the industrial era. Playing songs by pulling stretched strings over a microphone is as outdated as taking pictures on film, in the current year music is one more thing you make on a computer
>Nice domination
Usually the first thing a guitarist learns is how to hold his guitar without dropping it. Steve must have skipped that part.
If it didn't have the monkey grip i'd snap one of these up in a jiffy.
oh snap I should have mentioned electric guitar is actually fedora tier and irrelevant now...
Acoustic is the only respectable guitar now, electric is dead in music nowadays and brings back memories of ridiculous 80's or heavy metal rock..
so yea acoustic or get cucked
>Go onto Sup Forums and Gear General
>All the guitarists admit that guitar is nothing what it used to be
Feels bad
My mother used to do the exact same shit when I used my entire summer to play vidya in middle school
what do you mean by not what it used to be?
As in there isn't as many great guitarist or it isn't as mainstream or the current trends aren't as good as it was in the past?
Only guitarists care about anything guitar related. Kids don't look up to musicians anymore.
My new hatchet (get it? It's a smaller axe?). You guys like?
It isn't as mainstream is what i meant
Are you a Filipino with a snapback?
>having musical talent
Fucking f-faggots, y'all suck...
There are plenty of great guitarists still. They are becoming rarer and rarer though.
It's mostly just that people, young people especially, don't care and don't look up to them anymore.
No, but I am part Hawaiian, if that helps.
Yet another brown person playing a uke
Just what we needed
this honestly hurts
+ have 1000's of other distractions
guitar is hard
Are Basses allowed too?
He's probably a shithead IRL, though. Some edgy faggot who disrespects his mother and takes everything he has for granted, then whines about it all on the internet like an even bigger and more pathetic faggot.
>i'm going to play some shitty metal and then upload the video of my mommy yelling at me so that I get internet points
Why the fuck does this trigger you OP?
>tfw had to learn on a $50 1980's Applause brand strat knockoff
Holy shit that thing sounded bad.
it's pretty and nice sounding but there is no reason to spend that much money on a guitar.
he looks pretty old
if my son was a neet late 20s id be pissed too
The David Gilmour signature strat is the best sounding thing I've ever played, and well worth the money. It's like $5k though.
in his most recent video he's a fucking beast on the guitar though
ever wonder why most "virtuosos" are terrible artists?
Good looking too, no homo.
know more than you you nerd
Was it really? Or did you think it sounded good because you were told it was 5000 dollars?
It takes more than just technical skill to be a great musician. Look at John Frusicante (chili peppers) and Mike Eizinger (incubus). They're both incredibly talented, but it's mostly because they have a signature style and can craft unique and interesting solos and riffs as well as chord patterns. They can paint pictures with sound. They're artists, not guitar robots
I think Viktor Wooten is fucking shit.
I don't mind what he does but I mind the constant praise he gets.
Why is he shit?
Who here /buckethead/
Not a fan of his style but he's at least way better than that hack Slash
fuk man this is beautiful
The man is a god.
He actually makes shred non cheesy.
So this is why white people kill their parents
This cunt needs to be hit, what a bitch putting up with that
Even if she provides for him and he doesn't get off his ass all day he shouldn't be taking that
>look him up
>he has released 264 studio albums
Holy shit.
How old was he? If he was young, she's a cunt, but if he's 21 or older then as rough as that was, she has a point.
As long as he doesn't sell it for weed or amphetamine later you're all doing just good. Some kids are natural. Some needs to develop a sense of musical theory before becoming good later. I could tell a story about how I (gifted) used to impress my cousin (way less gifted) but later he became the better musician but my point is... don't fret it.
He's like the Eric Roberts of music.
his good to bad ratio is pretty low
holy fucking shit, the dude is literally flying up and down the fretboard ~4mins.
fuk is that even possible?
She's right.
What a fucking dumb cunt. Holy fucking shit, kek.
Why do women not seem to understand art or entertainment in general?
She's right tho. Only children are getting butthurt.
>i give you a place to sleep therefor i have the right to tell you how to live your life and dictate to you how worthless you are as a human being
>i work some miserable 9-5 job so therefor my life is more meaningful than yours because i am productive, because i file X or Y forms for 80 hours a week
Because women are literally incapable of creating, innovating, or advancing the limits of the human spirit
>yeah shut up mom!
In the real world you actually need a real job. He's probably a free loading faggot. Thanks for showing your age.
>have kids, forcing someone against their will onto this miserable rock
>expect them to wageslave for 60 years and repeat the vicious cycle by having kids and expecting them to do the same
Fuck normies.
>guitar robots
Nigga even cavemen worked to eat. Grow up faggot
>get out of my house
Cavemen just hunted and fucked all day until they died some brutal way at 35
What happened to doing what made you happy?
At least he's into guitar enough to practice everyday
And now that's been extended for 40 years. The point is nothing in life is free. Get off your ass and work
>kid is practicing
>he's really awful
Psst. I think that's why people practice in the first place.
The point is that nothing in life matters, and I'm not going to spend my limited time on earth slaving away like a cuck.
>get out of my house
parents arent gonna support you forever
Sure pal. Once mommy and daddy kick you out you'll see.
his mum is clearly a cunt
At that point I'm going to kill myself. Better to die a free man than live a slave.
What you don't see is the context outside the video, though. He seems like the kind of faggot who takes his dinner to his room and never tells his mom thank you.
Why not now family?