My "friend" just stole $500 dollars worth of stuff from Walmart and I'm pretty sure that a cart pusher saw his license...

My "friend" just stole $500 dollars worth of stuff from Walmart and I'm pretty sure that a cart pusher saw his license plate from a distance of 20ish feet away. Even though the parking lot was dark, "my friend" is really fucking nervous right now. How long does my friend have to wait before he's in the clear? If the cops don't show up to his house within 24 hours of the theft is he in the clear? 48 hours? Help please. inb4 moralfags and get a job

Cant tell if you're trolling.

How the fuck would they know it was him by name face etc. Unless he has a record you're probably good

ur fucked

Walmart doesn't press charges for shoplifting. It's corporate policy.

>implying Walmart employees care enough about stolen goods to do jack shit about it. Source: worked at walmart for 6mo a couple years back.

I'm being serious right now. After "my friend" who definitely isn't me ran to his car, he noticed that in his rear view mirror that a walmart cart collector was walking towards him since he had seen him run out of the store with a pc in his hands and one of the employees yelling for him to stop. He was about 20 feet away and this happened at 11:30ish in a dark area of a parking lot but what if he pulled out his phone or memorized his license plate. Would a cart pusher even give enough of a shit to report a shoplifter to the police? "My friend" is freaking the fuck out right now. Will Walmart go after him for stealing $500 it's not like he stole a $5 candy bar

Step 1 - Don keep the shit in our car
Step 2 - Don't keep the shit in your crib
Step 3 - ???
Step 4 - Profit!

You speak the truth.

He stole $500 though

I hope they bust your ass, low life piece of shit thief.

How does Walmart know what value of crap he stole?

If you were dumb enough to drive away with your lights on, you deserve to get arrested

Also this

If its a super center they have cameras literally everywhere, they can go back and look at what he stole. but the fact op was able to just walk out with all that shit tells me they probably aren't gonna do shit

Used to be a professional shoplifter.
So in my state

> If the cops don't show up to his house within 24 hours of the theft is he in the clear? 48 hours?

Statue of limitations is 2-5 years. If it's over $500 it's a felony.

That said... walmart doesn't give a shit about theft most of the time.

Honestly your fucked.

It was his friend not him you stupid cunt

My lights were off when I drove awayand I was near the edge of the parking lot in a poorly illuminated area compared to the other sections of the parking lot closer to the store.So I know that the cameras probably couldn't see my car especially since it was behind another one and there were some trees in the way but I noticed the cart pusher following my "friend" when he ran out of the store with an employee yelling at him to stop. He might have just been following me because he was bored or was wondering what was happening, but he's afraid that he got a picture of his license plate or something

whyd you steal a pc man. Are you poor. Or a faggot? Lmao what's the deal my man

Happened to me before in qld australia. Cops knocked on my mums door and never heard from them again.
Got in trouble with the police in qld a couple years later and it was never mentioned

Oh fuck it I'll drop the "my friend" bullshit. Yes, it was a super center and I stole a desktop. I literally cut the spider wire grabbed the box and ran like hell. Most of the employees just stared at me like a deer in headlights and none of them tried to stop me except for one guy who yelled at me to stop.

I'm a poorfag, my laptop is a potato that's dying and I love vidya. I'm also a bored neet so part of the reason I did it was for the rush, yeah stupid I know.

You goofed. Just hide it somewhere for a week. Like in a box out in the woods or somewhere no one goes to.

Ya they're not gonna do shit, obviously you can't go back there but fuck it. Plenty of walmarts around

And not surprising nobody stopped you. That tends to happen when you pay people a slave wage and then expect them to give a fuck

Nothing will happen
Walmart security by me is a guy sitting in a room with one monitor flipping through 20+ cameras…you're fine

Yeah you're probably right. The cart pusher was probably just following me to see what the commotion was about.

reminds me of this

>walmart doesn't give a shit about theft most of the time
>Honestly your fucked
You're sending mixed signals.

Cameras will get him he's fucked


also if you do get arrested just deny everything. unless they have you on video in the act (they probably do) you are okay

How long do I need to wait until I'm in the clear? 24 hours, more than that?

Pre built desktop? You peasant.You deserve to get caught.

I would get rid of the license plates on my car and see if a friend or relative is chill with me leaving it in their yard or otherwise, probably stow the pc

Given the number of cameras in the store along with the possible witnesses, cameras in the parking lot and cameras along the entire way from the store to your house... wew lad.

they can track those things
ya goofed op, prepare your anus for county

Yeah and this is Sup Forums

>implying that cops would go through traffic cam footage to track me down
>implying that the employees give a shit about theft
I'm probably fine tbh

Yeah its not like stores dont ever make examples of thieves, and cops of course dont operate from a quota system for exactly these kinds of crimes

This isn't true at all. I'm a police officer and have been assigned shitty Walmart shoplifting cases before. All I can say is I hope you're not dumb enough to have the merchandise lying around when the search warrant is executed on your house. $500+ is a felony in most states. The search will happen between the hours of 6 AM and 10 PM most likely. And kid... Stop fucking stealing, you degenerate fuck. Get your life together. I'm rooting for you.

Well if he parks his car in a garage he's safe. Plus what are they gonna do to prove it once he leaves

Im no genious on how stores can track thier showroom PCs but if its some kind of software id factory reset that shit ASAP.

>I'm a police officer
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Good luck getting a search warrant.

Also fuck the overpriced shit, they don't give a rats ass about the customers, they're a bunch of money hungry cunts

15 year walmart manager here.

If they saw the licence plate and have you on camera stealing then they can call the police and file charges. Wal-Mart DOES press charges for shoplifting and will not hesitate to do so.

Pretty decent advice regardless

*only applies when convenient for user

It wasn't a showroom or display computer. It was one of the ones for sale in a box secured by spider wire.
If they do send my license plate to the cops they can find out who it's registered under and find out what my address is.


The cops already know.

accept they dont and you are underage b8

Wal-Mart security cams record in 1080p HD to hdd storage that is also backed up off-site.

True. Low level employees are one thing. Managers are another.
Pay a friend $10-30 to hold onto it for a week in his garage. Or until they search your house.

>I'm a police officer
Then why are you posting on an Anonymous African Cave Painting Board at 1 in the morning?

I'm a Oorrections Officer, and OP, if you do go to prison, it sucks but you probably won't get raped, we even give ours a fucking iPad.....not sure if more than $500 is a felony in your state, or if you have first offenders laws, but you do deserve to be punished user. If I were you, I'd dispose of the merch very effectively and hope not to get caught....though you should.

Corrections Officer

Also, probably because he's off shift and works nights

Sorry, I don't feed the trolls. Believe what you want. I've watched a many people go out those back fire doors in cuffs thinking the same thing. And by no means is it not corporate policy to prosecute fucktard.

>Oorrections Officer

I'm still here, OP. I'm working the graveyard shift and not much is happening. And you guys can doubt me all I want, I don't care. Any other questions, OP? Chances are we aren't even in the same state. Definitely not in the same city. None of the 3 loss prevention officers at local Walmarts have called anything in tonight. But seriously, how stupid do you feel? Multiple people saw your face and could potentially ID you, you're on surveillance video, and if that cart wrangler got your license plate number, the police can type up a warrant, get it signed by the on-call judge, and search your house in the morning. How are your parents gonna feel about that?

I corrected it.
Because I'm good at corrections

nothing he can do about it now. Turning himself in might help but really the punishment prolly wont be much better. plus no fucking way anyones gonna recognize his face. Like, seriously, try and remember one fece you saw at walmart the last week.

Vouched. Stupid bitch I know got caught for stealing from a wal-mart.



This is comical...

I've stolen at least $1k worth of shit from Walmart and I've never been caught before

You do understand that walmart has cameras built into the entry an exit door frames or mounted on the wall? His face can be seen quite clearly.

I'm in the pacific northwest. I drove really far away to a ghetto ass walmart in a different city and I didn't recognize any of the people there.

Tell me your friends plate number and ill make it disappear of the internets

The sumer is strong in this one.

How did you do it fam? Got any good stories?


Just wear sunglasses, a wig, different makeup, etc. Not that hard.

Plus most cameras are just to scare you anyway

And once you run too far they lose you

i used to work at walmart. stole ipods video games, consoles and tv's all the time. loss prevention is a joke. you are in no danger.

what if i stole like, 20 - 50 bucks worth of shit, would warlmart call the cops on me?


No, he definitely shouldn't turn himself in. All he can do now is hope nothing comes of it. It's a 4th degree felony in my jurisdiction, meaning that the max sentence is 18 months in prison, but no one ever gets that. Still, it'll fuck up your chances of going to college or joining the military, if that's what you want to do. A lot of jobs won't consider you if you're a felon either. Enjoy your WoW, OP.

If it was the face of some dumb shit running out of a walmart with a stolen pc, I would definitely remember. All they need is your plate. If they have that, you are done. They just have to pull the video and prove it was you. If you haven't noticed, there is a camera at the entrance, usually on a wall, that gets excellent face shots. They definitely know what you look like. Even if anyone just got a partial plate, they can still id you with make and model. Police will come with a photo snip from the cctv cam and you'll be done. You fucked up, you dumb motherfucker

except that anything returned worth over $100 has to have an ID if you dont have a receipt

>Try and remember one fece you saw at Walmart
>Remember one fece

I'm really not kidding about that. The older orb cameras that we still use in some stores don't but those are mostly gone company wide and are being replaced by the smaller white Bosch bullet cams that mount to the rafters.

cart pushers dont fucking care who steals from walmart relax you fucking scitzo

OP, I work at Academy which obviously isn't Wal-Mart but we have very similar protocols and if someone stole a 300$ Yeti from our store we'd make a police report and the coppers handle it. One time when I was working this dude filled a suitcase with 12 pairs of Nike shoes and ran out of the store similar to how you did and our greeter got his license plate number and the police actually caught him and repossessed the shoes and we put them back on the shelves. So I'd say it depends more on the police in your area than the store. If they're usually pretty lenient or lazy then you're probably fine

what state are you in OP?
also Walmart prosecutes EVERYONE
anyone that says different is a retard and hillary supporter

Well I wore a wig, I did my makeup a bit differently too, and wore colored contact lenses.

I saw a camera that I really wanted. At self checkout, I scanned it so that it wouldn't beep once I walked out of the store. I then cleared the register of my camera purchase and bought a box of mints so that it looked like I bought something.

I then walked out like nothing ever happened and now I have a nice camera because of the stupidity of walmart

So simple question, why the fuck didn't you use a stolen car you fucking amateurs?

This some good bait.


We don't put the shoplifted stuff back on the shelf at Wal-Mart like that. The items are sent to claims and the shoplifter has to pay the cost of the items, the associates wages for the time they tracked the person and any damages incured. The items go of to the junk pile even if nothing is wrong with them.

I thought it was your "friend"?

Are you a fucking retard?

This is the closest to what will happen. Partial plate databases, ones that LEOs can access, can Id you with make, model and 2-3 plate numbers/letters. Walmart DOES have a clear face shot of you, no ifs ands or buts; most likely the entrance cam like he said. Police will snip a photo from the video, show up at your house, confirm the ID and then place you under a arrest. He's right, you fucked up and lost your cool and now it's going to cost you. All well, another dumb shit thief off the streets for a little while.

Please let this be bait.

lol, claims is a goldmine. they kept ours in a chainlink cage but there was enough room by the door to just put your arm through and take whatever you wanted.

well at least its better than the user who stole the sink from a fast food toilet

>can't into irony
lurk moar

I think im gonna turn myself in guys. Maybe they'll let me off, because I just don't wanna go to jail.

correcting the corrections.....

If I could afford a stolen car I wouldn't be stealing a fucking pc from walmart. If I actually had the skills to steal a car I wouldn't be stealing fucking computers. Also I'm a neet so I don't know anyone who could get me a stolen car.

I refuse to believe this is op. no one could possiby be this retarded.

Once again, police officer here. That's the dumbest thing you can do right now. If an officer calls you, go turn yourself in. But you going and confessing? Jesus... Criminals really are stupid. You know what? Just go. Just fucking go.

Hide the computer somewhere and just wait it out

No. I'm the person who said this
I work as a corporate security director for a 22 billion dollar corporation with previous LEO experience. The damage is done. Police saying they will let you off easy if you confess is just a way to make idiots admit guilt.