>I have awoken
Only the see the ruins of this world ,and once glorious Roman Republic fractured into a dozen mini states that spent their time in battle with each other, politically ,economically, and sometimes even militarily.
The tribes that once lived at peace, had nothing but hate for each other, Greece, Athens, once a birthplace of civilization, of culture, reduced to small sad houses and big ugly apartment blocks.
The once proud Roman Senate is no more, the one in Brussels, just a lingering shadow of the power and glory that we commanded. Unable to come to a decision or to enact their policies, slowed down by redundant bureaucracy.
The barbarians of the east invading European lands even now, these Russians, these slavs as they call themselves, and the lingering shadow of the Republic that is the EU unable to come to an agreement, too scared to oppose them militarily.
Chersonesus once the most important port on the Black Sea, most important sea trading partner of the New Rome, lays now fallen to these barbaric hordes from the east, these slavs.
Moesia, Pannonia, Dalmatia, once counted among the most loyal and peaceful of the roman provinces, knowing nothing but hate for each other.
Constantinople once a jewel among the Roman cities, left to rot in the hands of the unfaithful hordes of asiatic invaders.
Even now at the time of peace, this new Senate, this new Parliament was unable to keep Brittania loyal, they let them go without any kind of a fight.
The citizens of former roman provinces abandoning their homes and running away simply because of war for greener pastures, cowardice and shame, and yet they're being encouraged to do so.
It is now that I see the task laid before me, it is now that I see why I have awoken.
The Roman Republic must rise again.
I Gaius Marius will achieve this, must achieve this.
For the good of the Republic.
Senātus Populus que Rōmānus