Culture Pals: Redpil me on Turkish girls

Culture Pals: Redpil me on Turkish girls

Come meet qts from around the world, practice your bants, chill with the lads, press F to pay respects to the threads who didn't make it to bump lim, make memes, yell at koreaboos, recruit people from , get cucked, get b&, get v& ;^D

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Nice thread

lol at the pic

>tfw qt is sick and thinking about her hurting

>fax you a napkin
kek nice one user I bet you get so much pussy

I wish that was true, the thing is I seem to get grills to like me, but I'm terrified of advancing on them, I don't even know what to do.
Being such a beta faggot is suffering.

Just remember you are to boss and she will do whatever you want

I sorta know the tricks and all theory, but when confronted with reality, I go blank, and sperg.

Daily reminder: Turkish qts are #1

Viet qt:
>I booked a 3 day trip for $300
>It's not expensive
Show her flights from Amsterdam to Vietnam
>hmm it's not so expensive
>I can come visit you next year

>tfw I found a rich qt in fucking Vietnam


pls stop

Message 3 girls that are online "hi" followed by "plz reply" in a minute


Guess you can say she has alot of dongs.

>5 Korean girls messaged me today
What is happening?


Hey, why do Spanish people travel in large groups, shout and always sit down on the ground in the middle of a footpath or choke point in cities?

Also, people who eat with their mouth open are subhumans.


Just created an account

No, thank you

good look talking to anyone with that pussy ass pic boi

Turkish girls give me a coconut smasher. Must stay way.

I dont want to reveal my face on the internet.
Might as well just chat with some weebs.

Shitposting from a new country lads

Made fake account, 17 messages in under a day.Damn, girls really have it on easy mode.

Upside, I've gotten some replies on my real one. Hopefully I'll find language partners.

I need a new flag, britfagging is boring now.

only 17? My fake got like 60 on the first day and I'm sure you could get 200 or more

tbf i was only on for like45 minutes with no crap on my profile then offline since then.

Any ideas on how to bump it up?

update your description shit for bump

just keeping the tab open to appear online is enough

Go full pleb with your Ed Sheeran/Romantic comedies/Harry Potter/etc. sections.

she is so nice

Who's this


This trap contacted me. What to do? Block?

send nudes

One of the British guys

I didn't even reply to him/her yet. I am scared he will show me his dick man. It says preop on his info.

Why are you in the Czech Republic?


10/10 desu

send nudes
is this guy from here?

why would you think so?

He is being wayyy to nice to me and genuinely wants to learn english, seems suspicious and when i skyped with him, he was very polite lol , very fishy

omg he is being polite must be fake /cp/ wat do he wont accept my nudes

>jungle asians

eww shut up , no one is sending nudes, thats just nasty. but if he is from here , let me know you guys

Don't be a trap-fucking degenerate

Just on holiday for a few days, using couchsurfing app to meet some qt's

How's that working out for you? I've always been curious about the couchsurfing app

It's good, so long as you don't look a complete creep you can get meetups fairly easily

>couchsurfing app

What is this

Just connects you with people travelling to the same place as you on the same dates

>qt not answering

I don't know much about this platform but I've heard stories about users getting laid quite easily with it.

meant for


the girl who wants to makeout and listen to Sinatra sent me this.. I haven't responded yet. She looks good, but I just don't know if it's worth it.

Why don't you use designated shitting street meme?
Rate profiles lassies

you going for japs I guess?

You look cool, but you should smile more. Girls like that

Lol this is my 4th time making an account
I'm just doing it for the laughs

I wonder if the portugese ship brah is still here

seeing this flag makes me miss 15 guys :/

Are you back because you saw an opening as head chad now that Luddie left us?


You don't really have anything to lose here family

Either way you will gain a nice and enjoyable experience, try sinatra and making out.

Why do you think you should be attracted to her before even meeting her ? How long were you messaging ?

Go try, love will either follow or it will not.

But I can guarantee that absolutely nothing will happen if you do nothing.

You can't expect to find love on first sight and bullshit like that, it doesn't exist.
You don't even know when a person is pretending to be someone you like.

This only comes from being with the said person, sharing experiences together.

I have awoken

had my last class with her today didn't even look at her, feels good. fuck bitches desu hah

>Why do you think you should be attracted to her before even meeting her?

Because 2 times in the past where I met up with girls for sex it turned out to be a big disappointment and a bad experience. I'm thinking about not doing this Tbh. I think I'd rather do something like that with a girl I'm really into..

Hell yeah dude

>not entirely focusing on online qts you'll probably never meet

What should I add to my prof to attract the puss

but if you can't meet them, you can't feel anything

I actually met my main qt from Interpals and it was somehow disappointing desu.

I met two of mine few years back. Loved the first. Broke her heart. Liked the second. Broke her heart. It makes me feel so shitty just to write about it. Oh and both of them lost their virginity to me. I fucking didn't deserve them.

Currently getting back to the interpals qt game because I'm bored with my life and french gf. It's actually harder now that I got a bit older.

Who funny boy haha please here

>I have awoken

Only the see the ruins of this world ,and once glorious Roman Republic fractured into a dozen mini states that spent their time in battle with each other, politically ,economically, and sometimes even militarily.

The tribes that once lived at peace, had nothing but hate for each other, Greece, Athens, once a birthplace of civilization, of culture, reduced to small sad houses and big ugly apartment blocks.

The once proud Roman Senate is no more, the one in Brussels, just a lingering shadow of the power and glory that we commanded. Unable to come to a decision or to enact their policies, slowed down by redundant bureaucracy.

The barbarians of the east invading European lands even now, these Russians, these slavs as they call themselves, and the lingering shadow of the Republic that is the EU unable to come to an agreement, too scared to oppose them militarily.

Chersonesus once the most important port on the Black Sea, most important sea trading partner of the New Rome, lays now fallen to these barbaric hordes from the east, these slavs.

Moesia, Pannonia, Dalmatia, once counted among the most loyal and peaceful of the roman provinces, knowing nothing but hate for each other.

Constantinople once a jewel among the Roman cities, left to rot in the hands of the unfaithful hordes of asiatic invaders.

Even now at the time of peace, this new Senate, this new Parliament was unable to keep Brittania loyal, they let them go without any kind of a fight.

The citizens of former roman provinces abandoning their homes and running away simply because of war for greener pastures, cowardice and shame, and yet they're being encouraged to do so.

It is now that I see the task laid before me, it is now that I see why I have awoken.
The Roman Republic must rise again.
I Gaius Marius will achieve this, must achieve this.
For the good of the Republic.

Senātus Populus que Rōmānus

what can I expect from Bosnian qts? How are they usually like? How can I know if they are Muslim without asking?
I am talking to one, raised in Canada though.

>raised in Canada
She should be a typical north american, shouldn't she ?

Talk about food. Mention foods that contain pig. See her response

Why did I bother to read this tripe

I'm not reading it again. Ace digits tho


>tfw I deleted the 111 trips post so I don't spam :(

oh well :(

Is of good story yes ?

Horrible formatting though, fuck Sup Forums :(

Rate my writing skills please :(

Good point, btw she was raised in Quebec, I guess her parents fled there from the balkan wars in the 90s.
What are québécois girls like? As slutty as french ones?
Well we have just exchanged 3 messages so far, I don't see myself talking about food yet but thanks for the idea!

>What are québécois girls like?
I wouldn't know personally. I heard they are quite open-minded.

My opinion on quebecois girls as someone who's never been to Quebec is that they're hotter and less retarded than anglos, but still pretty retarded.

Where in Bosnia is she

You do realise she could either be a muslim, a croat or a serb right ?

What city ?

Talk about the 9th of january (today) celebration of Republic Day for RS

Talk about the referendum for independence of RS

>tfw found nortism real profile

I always thought the québécois were the superior Canadians in every single aspect.
I don't know the town where she was born yet but I will ask it if the conversation keeps going.
She is living in the EU nowadays, won't say country because I don't want my new potential qt to be stolen hehe.
I will ask her about the referendum and maybe the Balkan wars if I see that she's into history and Sup Forums related shit, I just hope she is not a Muslim because remove kebab.

That special kind of autism kinda stands out right ? :)

It's fine, I though she lived in Bosnia still so had the city set correctly.

Risky thought of the day

and her reaction will tell you everything


Thinking about it, if she's Bosnian and her family immigrated to Canada. In the 90's isn't there a high chance she is a Muslim? Were they maybe the only refugees from the war accepted in western countries?

he was more legit with the fake profile desu, can't believe his carer lets him put his real pics

Pretty sure they accepted everyone, although muslims were the ones that were running away the most.

carer ?

>tfw misclick on my qt's vk page
>she gets a notification I was listening to her music
>she now is following my completely blank profile and sent me a friend request

it was a joke with him being autistic and needing someone to help with daily life..

It was a bad joke and you should feel bad.

Like you do about missclick.

Is it a fake profile or yours profile, just blank ? Did she know you had it ?

no it was an okay joke, step up your game too.

fake name, no pics, every privacy settings "just me", fake bday. I was talking with her at the same time and she didnt bring it up so I guess she has no clue its me.

>fake name
>no pics
I wonder why she didn't think it was you...

Ask her for nudes, reverse test your qt.

I started talking to her like 3 days ago, when I get nudes i'll use my fake profile on ip and test her

Enlighten me senpai

Emperorpalpy messaged me again lads