I've literally stolen hundreds of nudes from women/girls I know irl. When they're not looking; from their phones, laptops, PCs. Am I an asshole or a genius?
>pic related
I've literally stolen hundreds of nudes from women/girls I know irl. When they're not looking; from their phones, laptops, PCs. Am I an asshole or a genius?
>pic related
>Am I an asshole or a genius?
For fucks sake. You're just a lonely, socially-stunted autist, kid.
What is your technique?
Help them fix some issue for their tech. Ask them for a glass a water or something that put a lot of distance between them and you. Forward all media to our email. Delete sent email.
>pic related
got a mega with all the pics?
or dropbox?
Nah. Can't share them all. Only the ones that have been passed around.
>pic related.
Agreed. Cant prove it then we call bull shit
Can't prove it 100% for you, but it is true. Even have my current gf's mom's nudes. My fav to get off to. Can't post those without being too obvious (face in all pics). Seriously the best porn setup you can ever create for yourself.
Here's some old gf's pics; shared with at least 2 other dudes, still rare.
>pic related
didnt realize how jew you were
Post anyway they will never know it was you.. Or your a troll fag
just post them op. literally milllions of chicks naked on the internet right now. doubt anyone cares about the ones you have.
I totally get you man, I haven't gone as far as to have nudes from my gf's mother, but if I had 4 sure I would not be sharing them all over the internet, and enjoy them myself. I'm glad I finally get to know about someone who uses the same technique as me hahaha
bs mate. Post you missus Mum and be done with it
This guy gets it.
As much as I want to share, even if there's a 0.0001% chance of being found out, it's not worth it. What I want to see is your pics found in the same way. Just post the ones you know have been shared elsewhere.
>pic related
>posted in 2014
Suck a dick faggot
Sadly I cannot, they're quite explicit, show faces (obviously), and none of them have been shared ever (except between my gf friends). Honestly, this kind of shit, together with recording secretly stuff with my gf, turns me way more than any other thing. This is what I've learnt in the last few years.
Yeah, that one has been around a lot. Good luck finding my OP anywhere.
Will post my gf's mom's nudes if I see dubs.
Give it a fucking rest, you lonely sperglet.
dubs get nigga
I 100% agree. I've managed to get nudes of my cousin in this same way.
>autist pc fag
>can't use paint to hide faces
>please believe me
Fuck yeah. Sadly I only have a few videos. Videos are god-tier finds. Chicks really want control of 1 frame and don't keep the videos it seems.
>webm related (mature chick with boob job; not the best I have)
>will sit in a thread for an hour
>begging for pictures of the tits of someone he doesn't know and will never meet
>but op is the autist
Just by my own experience, I know for a fact that the best stuff out there is the stuff that doesn't get shared. I've gone as far as to keep the vids and pics inside USB protected by password. On the other side, I've seen here on Sup Forums a ton of shared pics of a girl who happened to go to my school and I was sort of friend with her. She has a name everyone here knows her from, but I can't remember now. She posed with katanas and stuck pens in her ass and stuff.
just got here. Whats your excuse fag?
Attach didn't work. 2nd try.
Come on fags. Post your shit. Doesn't have to out you. The shit that's rare but has been shared with others so it doesn't point to you directly.
Thing is that is almost impossible, cause you get the docs through stealing from known people's phones, and most probably the pics or vids have not been doing the rounds around internet, cause in case of anyone knowing that person seeing it or the person itself, they will know when she had that pic or vid taken and who she send it to. And thats just the beginning to fucking up.
OP is an autist faggot
Dubs OP. Lol. Anyway, I dont need you to believe me or anything, I'm the one getting off to my gf's friends' nudes, who I see from time to time when me get to meet together. It just turns me on they don't know anything, neither my gf or her friend.
You sira re out HERO!
What's the story of this pic? Gf or someone else?
She looked familiar. But then I realised she just looks like a female version of L from Death Note. Moar?
>because i have difficulty finding pictures of naked strangers on the internet
Be a computer tech at a local small business computer store working alone. Lots and lots of opportunities. Some amazing content, some not so great.
I surely do have some problems finding oc pics of one person I am particulary interested in atm.
just hide the face, I'm curious what her mom looks like.
Wow mom! Look at me I didn't think through my post on Sup Forums, but I called him an autist! Look mom! :DDD I AM SUCH A BADASS! :DD
Just shut up user...
Only someone from this generation would think seeing a naked woman makes them a genius...jesus christ kid