Discussion time: Would you hit your child, Sup Forums?

Discussion time: Would you hit your child, Sup Forums?

not having kids

with my penis

I prefer to hit other peoples children

Yeah, next question.

Why? To make them cry...to hurt them? I can do that better with words.

No, Officer

choke em

Oh, but only if he said I hated him. If he said I didn't love him I might take him fishing somewhere down somewhere.


But I would spank/slap my child. Only in certain circumstances. My family has done the same. We are able to take kids to eat without them screaming and expect them to behave at social functions

Why is this such a common thread. Are yall getting off to this? and sure if the situation seems fit for a beatin' but I'd prefer to raise my child with logic being their primary reasoning skill. Kicking ass is for the more unforgivable actions.

Corporal punishment is the gold standard of child raising but it should only be used as a last resort.

Well yeah like any parents would. Wtf is that question ?


Nigga it aint a hard question

>why is this a common thread?

why did you come here and post? that will answer your question.

Yes. I would slam his little ass into the floor while choking the life out of him. Watching his eyes as I gouge them into his sockets before ending his life, well not before killing the rest of his family first.

I'm not a fan of foreign objects. I don't like adjoining children with their toys.

Operant condition nigga, negative reinforcement

make it dildo to stop them from being gay, idfc


I got beaten as a kid and thats why I do not hit my children. They behave just fine. much better than brats that get beaten

Or maybe I could just stick mine in them while they're still young and cute and innocent so they have a reminder of how disgusting that is for an adult to do that to a full grown adult. I truly have no shame do I?.

OP here: Why would you use violance though? Aren't you able to speak to your kids if they did something wrong?


But it is your child user. How would you kill it after killing yourself?

Some of these people are being extreme, but you have to understand that kids are shitstains until you force them not to be.
And shitstains rarely respond to a conversation.

Yeah, because I'm not a spineless bitch.

Paranormal activity

they become "shitstains" through bad parents in the first place..

Oh, hi there you cute innocent little creature, that I want to tell how uninnocent you are! I don't hate you, look, something bad just happened that was clearly the consequence of your environment, but you allowed yourself to do. Let me tell you what you already know which is that that shouldn't 've happened so as to pin the blame on someone else besides adult me, and spare you the loving act of showing you just how depraved I was to have allowed this wrong to have happened by you, because I'm "merciful", and because I said "you didn't do anything wrong!" Maybe I could just take responsiblitiy and smack the whore, then leave him wallowing in his own tears knowing damn well I was attentive and getting kicks out of his "indiscretions". "Because I'm evil."

Name of the game is to stop them from acting up, which would discourage you more?

Reason why it's been used throughout history is cause it worked.

Why would you take the time to type that... how will it ever benefit you in the future?

I would if I had to. Last resort ya kno'

That's where you're wrong and Freud, of all people, is right.
We all start out entirely id.
"Feed me, fuck me, give me attention, give me everything I want, and I will give you nothing in return."
It's only through discipline from our parents, and sometimes our environment, that we ever progress beyond that stage.

>B-But user, surely the reason that children act bad is because of discipline and beatings instead of giving them a stern talking too. That always works.

Operant conditioning

If they do bad they get punished. If they do good they get rewarded. Plus bonus anal sex if they achieve a lot

Jeez, I wish my mom did that... and she was alive at the time...

Essentially. Discipline isn't something that should be smoothtalked into a child. The real world, you know outside your mothers basement, isn't liable to give you a second chance.

>Kid gets uppity and flexes on me at restaurant
>Ain't having that shit so squeeze the shit out of his hand arm till he cries
>Waitstaff kick us out
>Give him a lashing at home and teach him consequences of being unreasonable
^the consequence being the world is unreasonable back.

Oh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't introspective enough! Take your fake testicles and go hightail it out of here.

So.. You want anal sex... From your mom

Not sure.
I didn't really know her, she died when I was 3.
But I'm not ruling out the possibility.
These urges had to come from somewhere, and as far as I can tell, the rest of my family is normal.

Your dad fucked your ass didnt he?

You like anal sex? In general

Id try my heart out to not hit him. but if iv tried everything for him to not be a bitch, and hes still being a bitch, you best believe im hitting a niggah.

Yeah. You dont?

Not really. Are you male or female?

depends on the personality of the child. it would've helped me a lot with my upbringing lol.

only if he's spoiled or gay

Just so we're clear, I do not enjoy being fucked in the ass.

No, I was beat several times a day and I am severely traumatised by it. I would disciplin them some how, but never hit. I see parents not doing anything to disciplin them and I think that's fucking stupid though.

Ohh ok. You got me confused.

So let me repeat what i understood.
>you are an adult male
>likes anal sex (with you as male part)

Ok ok. Glad we're clear

How big is your benis

Nothing to write home about.

Oh nice.

You a virgin? Do you consider yourself a beta fag?

It's time you started answering some of my questions.
Male or female?

You did not answer my last question.m


>Are you a virgin

>do you consider yourself a beta-fag
Not really. I don't fall cleanly into any category.

Ok. So have you ever thought of killing yourself? If yes, what made you think of it


Hitting your kid is the only way to keep the little shit in line. Abuse is wrong, though.

I wish I could discipline my niece, but fucking cps wont let us. She's a piece of shit that has never been disciplined... cant wait for adoption!

I'd slap that

You would think spending time on Sup Forums you would know that arguing with kids simply doesn't work.
They need a smack in the mouth and kick in the ass.

When I was a little shit my dad hit me and I learned that if i wasn't a little shit he wouldn't hit me. it worked and I'll do it my kids if i have any

if he likes anime, then yes

I have seven kids (inb4 white trash/nigger) and I spank them, kinda shitty to slap their face though. Sometimes words really aren't enough to get your point across. I spanked one of my kids a few days ago because he was running towards the street (chasing a ball) and almost got hit by a car. I spanked him then talked to him. Punishment should be reasonable, so parents who spank for every little offense are retarded.

Yes but only when they're really retarded. I slapped my oldest upside the head when the school called the cops on him.

Yes I would, but most likely only on the wrist. The principle of the punishment should far outweigh the pain for it to be effective longterm.

Probably not. I honestly hate hurting other people.

If I learned anything from being beaten as a child, it is this. Violence is the easiest way to get people to do what you want. If I wasn't spared, why should they?

Nice trips, also I actually some what enjoy hurting people but I don't think I'll spank my kids. Feels like there is a better way to get my point across.

>Why would you use violance though?

Because violence is the answer you pansie faggot

90% of this thread:
>Hurr Durr hitting works, therefore its right!
5% of this thread:
>Hurr Durr they are unreasonable, i will be unreasonable back
Other 5% of this thread:
>no hitting is bad, and im not going to say why because im an idiot

Jesus, everyone in this thread is fucking stupid.

If you hit your kid because you can't conversate with them, then you're an idiot. You are just avoiding a problem, and creating a problem for the future.

If you hit your child because it works/your parents did it, You're an idiot.
This only repeats the cycle, A cycle of violence, and pain. It may be hard at first to teach them to communicate, but they are kids, you have to teach them how to talk and communicate how they feel, and what they want.
37% of your brain is dedicated to talking, communication, language, understanding others and more.

only 10% of it is for fighting.

And you should know hitting wrong, 53% of your brain is for logical reasoning, So start using it.