Are the French the leading force behind the destruction of the West? Explain yourselves, Frenchmen.
Are the French the leading force behind the destruction of the West? Explain yourselves, Frenchmen
Yes, it's our germanic side, sorry
>destruction of the West
Rejection of Marxism (True Western Ideology if someone forgot) is true reason of destruction of the West. It's just question of time now - when more progressive nations replace obsolete West.
Post-structuralism has destroyed the left, not the west.
We are trying to fight post-structuralism and other bullshit in the alt-left
>we in the alt-left
Fuck off, you cringeworthy faggot.
No bully pls
it's almost like some sort of national socialism but more socially liberal?
Silence, commie
Commies have some consistency. This ''realist'' left is just washed-up version of Sup Forumsack autism.
Answer these simple questions:
1. Do you fight for World revolution?
2.Do you prepared for armed struggle against opressors?
So simple questions but they so easily separate true Left from blah-blah opportunists.
>murikans misunderstand French deconstructivism
>they build a cult around it and create "French theory"
>all of this is just a big misunderstanding
No we are not behind it and we really have nothing to do with this shit.
>commies have some consistency
Commies are shit.
>No Sartre
That fucker has also heavily damages French thought during his time and we havent fully recovered today.
>Commies are shit.
Main advanage of Marxism - it's not important why someone is anti-communist - because of his stupidity or because his burgoiise nature. Enemy is just enemy and we anyone know what we must do with our enemies (no, not discuss with them).
*poos in French*
>mfw my high school termnial philosophy book was full of these fucks
i fucking hate the french
where is sartre ?
France was politically neutral during the cold war, it was nautral ground for "philosophers" and those leftist "philosophers" being from France were seen neutral and not agent of the ussr and thus were allowed to spread their shit.
but then again, the source of all our problems is consumerism desu, and to live in thriving consumerism societies, women had to be given a salary to spend, and then women stop wanting to be mothers and now we have to rely on immigrants to keep growing.
even if you dislike their opinons that doesnt mean they are not philosophers also im pretty sure those baldies were against le evil capitalistic consumerism
>People that nobody never heard of and who hold no political power destroyed the West
Pic related Kike
*Economically collapses*
>m-muh Jews
Whenever a Frenchman is confronted with evidence of his kin's destructive actions, he lashes out thusly!
In a grave, where he belongs.
Are there many communists left in Russia?
of course they were against it but they were just usefull idiots for the elite
this tbqh fampai
soiling the ground? no just put his body in a rocket and send it away in the dark space.
nope. Tsar Stalin exterminate them yet during 30s.
Fuck French posters of this board.
Also these philosophers didn't convert people to marxism wtf return to Sup Forums fuckin autists.
>anti white and anti male
stopped reading there
more self-victimizing trash by the whiny neckbeards over at rèddit/pol/. these faggots wants to be seen as victims so much it's insane.
Are you a Trotskyist?
The picture isnt far off by calling them the ancestors of the SJW, you wouldnt be able to count how many writers with differing views and concepts they humiliated, suppressed and burried the work, and are only now given proper recognition. Those are also the people that defended tooth and nail such regime as the one of Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, etc... fighting off any proof of what happened in those countries and threatening the journalists invastigating there that could be a threat to their vision of the world.
I'm borgoise corporate dog, but i'm have profit from this at least... we just use Marx's works for better understanding of capitalism nature and for much forced exploitation of workers. Meanwhile many pro-capitalist anti-marxist losers on this board are just idiots with Stogholm syndrome. ;3
I say sorry to the world.
really sorry for all those shit intellectuals and ideologies.
You are forgiven
Its ok france we share a mutual history concerning the spread of shitthinking.
By the way this is our latest up-and-coming insane ideologue, he will bring about global war and millions of dead people, do you like him
As lons as his works isn't translated in english, it should be safe.
those are all dead today. not only physically but also systematically dead.
especially Lacan was the genuine scam artist who indoctrinated a bunch of naive academic lefties into believing being pretentious, even though with pseudo scientific logic, is worth doing.
that alt-rights bullshit however is total trash. it sounds really massively uneducated and fucking worse than what they did.
if you think the damage wasn't already done by the time post-structuralism came to be you're retarded, but again you're a turk rape baby.
Yeah well, at least I didn't destroy the West, my 'continental' friend haha!
>I'm borgoise corporate dog
Which corporation?
>he will bring about global war and millions of dead people, do you like him
He seems like an ok guy.
The world seems to be at war right now, at least a proxy one. And millions are already dead. It can get worse of course :^)
>True Western Ideology
>Which corporation?
>None of this meant that a Cynic would retreat from society. Cynics were in fact to live in the full glare of the public's gaze and be quite indifferent in the face of any insults which might result from their unconventional behaviour.[9] The Cynics are said to have invented the idea of cosmopolitanism: when he was asked where he came from, Diogenes replied that he was "a citizen of the world, (kosmopolitês)."[17]
checkmate, retard
>Live in Europe since Roman Empire
>not Western
I'm not Greek, I'm just a Turkish rape baby who hates the noxious influence of the despicable French.
C'mon you Greeks invented all sorts of western philosophy, stop pretending to be triggerred.
You mean the noxious influence of the despicable greeks that was exhumed from the asshole of history.
Wrong, it's the French's fault. Greek philosophy gave us the theological basis of Western Christianity, the French destroyed it.
Enough said, Frenchmen!
I just proved you wrong though.
Honestly i think it just seemed right at the time. Objectively. I think they were just saying the truth.
But of course the people who follow them are going to be awful. Like the people who follow Marx or Nietzche, they are terrible even though the writers weren't necessarily so bad.
Sometimes people just need philosophers to latch on, so they can have some sort of justification when they massacre people. If they were alive today they would probably bitch at SJWs too, because essentially philosophers are nothing but butthurt contrarians.
Why are you avoiding the Kike Question, Moshe ?
This in all honesty
So if you truly are what you say, what are your feelings about Marx? Secret admiration, love-hate, respect? If you're larping why do you truly feel about Marx and the so called "world revolution"?
That's incredibly reductive and highly retarded.
The Jews are defenders of the West. The French, destroyers. Proven!
>it is a french hater is an autist episode
I do wonder how marx would feel if he was revived today and saw what the "left" is doing
ôy vey, I can't stand for this anti-Gaulish sentiment
>what are your feelings about Marx
Just truth of life. Best description of capitalism evar.
>feel about Marx and the so called "world revolution"?
Masses drive history of Humankind. Because of masses mostly idiots in current time - here is no "world revolution" in near future expected. In such situation i just live by life of prospected "middle" class.