Femanon here

Femanon here

What's the best language for me to learn to get a cute bf? Canadians are such man-children!

kys rping weeb faggot

Post you hips

Move to texas

>pic related is OP in a few months


this, I'm pretty cute and will consider you if you're a qt girl

You want trap? Finland give you trap. Learn Finnish or Swedish.

Umm no? I'm just trying to decide what language to learn!

every other westerner is either being raped by africans, is a chav/trailer trash or is american.

Funny thing. He was gay himself and his two daughters? Lesbians.
Some have the nerve to say gay genes aren't real when Mannerheim proves they are.

>I'm a girl btw

I thought Japan was having an issue with birthrates?

We won't believe you are a girl until you post a photo of your hips, you whore

Russian. No way.
It's very simple and funny
look: RЯ 3Зз

You didnt say anything about children :S. But yeah japanese males are sweet but have no experience/interest.

i'll take you to an Arsenal and introduce you to the biggest man baby


what the actual fuck? that is not something that plays any part in this decision, stop baiting


>Femanon here
Stopped reading there


Jorge please calm down the focus of my post is not being female but rather my inquiry as to what language to learn and why.

may I see the feminine penis mistress

Join us :)

Come to aus, am cute + manly combo, live in my house and do whatever the fuck you want. Maybe get casual or part time job. No need to learn language.

Well, first you have to clarify what you mean by "cute". Cute as in chiseled muscles yet sensitive, or cute as in small and feminine?

Sweden have cute bois.

Plx be in Toronto

>Study Japanese
>Go to Japan
>Everyone ignores you
>Come back emotionally drained