Was it the greatest empire of all time?
Was it the greatest empire of all time?
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>Portugal making the map unaesthetic
every time
Are Portuguese, dare I say it, too strong?
>Including Cádiz in the pic
This triggers me
The Portuguese Caliphate.
Portuguese clerics blessing the great Caliph Alberto Barbossa.
I thought Sardinia and Sicilia never were under complete French control.
>european continental empire
do not want
r*ssia was bad enough and all they had was endless frozen wasteland
half of that "empire" was never under french control Tbh
Sure, adding Prussia and Austria to it is just for show.
You think it's not an empire ?
One day the Kaiser will come back and Make Europe Rule Again
By influence and legacy:
Spanish > Roman > Portuguese > British
One day koning Willem II will come back and defeat him.
Actual empires tend to last more than a decade.
Also OP pic is misleading as it includes vassal states.
> Spanish > Roman
The discovery and conquest of the Americas was bigger than anything the Romans ever did. The world changed forever and Europe surpassed the old arab caliphates. The white man was taking the world instead of their own continent.
>tfw the ideals of the revolution apparently dont matter enough to make it in the list
the entire western world, and in second plan, the entire modern world is built around Greco-Roman culture
That thing never controlled such a large area and only lasted 10 years, it's a bad joke not an empire. But Tbh I wish it was a real thing.
british empire because we're literally speaking english, over the internet, on an yank website.
the roman empire never did anything or us
>didn't even pass the Augustinian threshold
nope, not even close
Killed by Christianity
>on an yank
Is that correct?
Yea, sure, a "bad joke" that kicked everyone's ass.
the Roman empire never really existed, look into Fomenko who proves it conclusively
what do you mean? it's an american website is it not
There are at least 3 different French empires there.
ebin :D
More like this:
American > Mongol > British > French > Roman > Spanish > Third Reich > Ottoman > Portuguese > Japanese > Soviet / Russian > Dutch > Italian > Swedish > Polish-Lithuanian > Austro-Hungarian > Belgian
Rome is number uno if you only consider the legacy.
I think he was asking about the article. "A" or "an"?
>Moroccan islamic occupation unifies barbarian visigoths
>Moroccan islamic unification leaves behind prime naval tech and gunpowder, making iberia the most advanced region in europe for a solid 300 years
>Iberians find the americas with said tech and set base for mercantilism and humanism
>Mercantilism and humanism are the foundations for the industrial rev
>Industrial rev sets base for euro world domination and colonialism forever changing the world
W-w-e're impactful
Le leaf know
you left nothing but rapebabies and alhambra
what fucking gunpowder in 1100?
only chinks had it then and they were using it for something gay like fireworks
But everything changed when the fire nation attacked
Moroccans did nothing good in Spain, only the arabs and andalusies.
oh yea, cheers, meant a yank not an yank
The anglojews will pay
The Englishman fears the Chevalier
Damn Sozin for ruining everything that is dear to me
No. The french are very simple-minded in their hunger for power. There's never any glory to being a part of it.
French and Germany, two countries that used to be great, tried to unite Europe in an Union but fucked it all up by inviting the Greek to the Union
further keeps fucking everything up by condoning mindless immigration policies, when Europe finally breaks and gets swallowed by US and Russia we can look to the central powers and say "Thanks French and Germany, you're truly Europe's greatest allies"
Good post
>portuguese empire has a more impressive influence and legacy than the british empire
>not controlling half of the world's population
Do you really say "poka poka poka poka poka poka" when you talk ? I can't stop listening to Suomi, sounds like a pokemon language.
what happens when the french chevalier charges british infantry squares with no infantry or artillery support? :^)
>spanish empire has a more impressive influence and legacy than the british empire
"hron hron hron baquette oui oui"
*spits on the street and inhales cigarette while adjusting his beret*
French revolution was a mistake
The greatest Frenchman in history gets put in the naughty corner by the mighty anglo (again).
Seeing how they were inspired by british thinkers and the American revolution i'd say that the brits were more influential
The whole legal system on Europe (except arabic influenced countries) is based on the romans, even the germanic countries
>the greatest frenchman in history
The greatest Frenchman was Lafayette
Roman or Mongol no contest
Was Portugal an empire?
Is not it a Spanish region?
Is it the influence of Portugal that left a fail country like Brazil?
Kkkkkkkeeeeeeek must be proxy
At least change the title to alberto_barbosa or some shit
Fuckin leaves, they know nothing.
Roman > British >>>>>>>>> Everything else
non debatable
American >>>>>> Everything else
non debatable
>anything above roman
>portuguese above british
Hello have you heard of the anchient finnish empire?
>greatest frenchman
Why did the Brits wanted nothing else than crushing the Revolution and restore Ancien Régime if you actually inspired the French Revolution? I'm experiencing a mindfuck now.
Because we realized how based monarchy was
t. member of the 3rd estate
If monarchy is based, why is it so backward ? Half of Europe got rid of its monarch, and the US doesn't have any. Even us had to wait Napoleon III and the 3rd republic to be really relevant again.
Seems like another Albion trick.
No, that was Rome. Unlike other empires you could cite, even much larger ones, Rome endured centuries and set the foundations for Europe and the West. No other polity in history has been as influential, most of the world's governments today, republics with senates, are based on Rome, the Napoleonic code follows on the model and principles of Roman law, our appreciation for science, the fine arts, philosophy and history follow in those of the Romans even if many of these things originated in ancient Greece as in fact what survives today of Hellenic civilization did so through the empire's Byzantine branch.
Our conceptions of honor, love, family, they all originate in the Romans.
Basically the UK was ran better than France and had less corruption in the church etc. Louis XIV had made sure the French King was an absolute monarch while parliament was clearly in control of the UK so there was more unrest.
>if you actually inspired the French Revolution?
Not the Jewish Rothschilds and their controlled crypto-Illuminati Jacobin Freemasons.
>tfw you will never throw the French out of Spain
>tfw you will never crush their hopes of ruling Europe at Waterloo
>tfw you will never cuck their greatest hero
The only 2 empires that immpose culture and give legacy to the natives are Rome and the Spanish, after that France but less and maybe Portugal, don't know how r their Africans colonies, English preserve cultures in some places, India, Africa and replace the entire population in others, USA, Canada, Australia. Not unified religion, language, culture....
The UK exported the Anglo-Saxon traditions of Democracy, commerce, free trade, private property, tolerance of religion and the ideal that men should be strong but humble and resilient (भगवद्गीता in Indian)
in India democracy? with the caste system
Africa? even today there's slaves in Africa
Too Frankish.
And it is based, desu
>in India democracy?
Africa is more than one country.
Is this a fake Roman empire?
Britain ruled India for 100 years and now India is a democracy with elections and the caste system is practically meaningless. And many former British colonies like South Africa, Kenya, Botswana etc. Are Democratic
fuck off coast-niggers
Retard arguments desu
Of course.
>there's slaves in Africa
Mauritania*and it was a french colony
That's not USA
Oh boy
Britain in the third world was a mess, we take people that didn't know the weel, and now they got more lv that all ur negroes, speak spanish and belive in our God