Legs of Sup Forums

Legs of Sup Forums

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lol looks like mine but I have beautiful toes


who is the monkey? huh? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I think it's nice, manly.


true white man

Don't be spooked

Oh man, I get to post this again.

Post toes
Are you a cute japanese girl?

I'm Japanese boy. Sorry

nope, this faggot will fap on my toes
do not want

Are you a ghost or preparing to become one?
Are you cute? Post feets

Looks just like mine but a lot fatter
You should lose weight you fatass



gained like 12lbs in december :s

>this faggot will fap on my toes
How do you know?

Monkey foot

>Are you a ghost or preparing to become one?

I'm not a ghost but i surely live like one



Now kiss


Why kiss when we can touch legs?

You think I'm gay?

I love these threads


can i rape your legs

I have big bunda as well _(:3」∠)_

Would I pass as a local in your country?

Post soles

No but bulgarian gorilla sounds really gay

Do you have a BMC (big monkey cock)?

What's wrong with that nail?

Get back in the kitchen woman


Nail is gone, it's just skin. Dropped something heavy on it and it came off. It looks weird because I just got out of the shower

r8 no h8 tho

oh pls not you too
i have bbc big brazilian cock those black americans can't compete with me

Show your third leg

Post more of doggo
How tall are you?



>He never went outside of his basement.

no h8

sory can't get hard right now also i will get banned from int and i will die of sadness

I don't shave it yet so 'no'.


I like to hike from time to time

No feet for you degenerates.





>152 kg
Koji kurac

kot legs


Niqqa go outside
Nice gains
Shitty filter
Your skin looks wel treated but your toes are ugly :(
Stronk as well
Shitty as well
Is that in your soles kek
Best one itt thread :DD
Do you climb shoeless?

Do leg exercises please


10/10 post moar of kot

Are you a traps?
This cant be you. Right?
Atleast your not this guy

>Do you climb shoeless?

I like to take my shoes off during the breaks
That pic was took in summer

Is 21 healthy?The color from fat and healthy kid of blend in for me

kot 1st day we adopted her from the streets


hahahahhaha eiii vittu :DDD

niiin läski äijä :DD

Tnx man


What the fuck? Even the fattest motherfucker I've ever known wasn't above ~110kg and he was fat. How are you alive?

This is now a kot thread


Hello please rate

sleepy kot :3


Can I join you inside that comfy bed?

not sure if fag or pedo

Nice carpet legs everyone~ I'm not being mean, I like to touch the fur kot.. slowly massaging them.. no, I don't have foot fetish, okay!

A pedo fag

But in all seriousness im just joking pls dont inform the jandarmeriata


we're all on a list tbqh


Made me jizz tbqh

wow rude

Hello baguette man.

post your legs ;3


Where are yours, black mountain man

Are you gay? :0


Cut your toenails man

>Not ironically being gay
You're a big guy


For a qt shqip, yes

left is better 2bh

Jesus.. my legs are hairy but yours are pic related

Chop of thoes discusting nails and rub some anti bacterial cream or baka on the small pink spots

t. russuan twink

t. has sweaty legs when wearing warm trousers

Jokes on you! I dont wear any warm clothes, my hair is all i need


don't lie


Fake and gay

I dont wear anithing but T-shurts for upper clothes exept sweatshirt (only when going somewhere) as for my legs i just grab the cleanest jeans and summer shoes because i hate boots

Inb4 your gonna die from hypothermia