i don't get it
I don't get it
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It's a country with an actual national identity and history. Of course someone from the world's first post-national country wouldn't understand it.
>national identity
Lol, we don't share anything in common, only true Italians are Central Italians, I wish I were one of them
>actual national identity and history
free Veneto tbqh lads
t. Cuckrmine
Northern italians are the only true italians, masterrace and vector of this country. Everything below the Po is
This guy gets it.
Reminder that everything south of Umbria is NOT Italy.
of Lazio*
Yeah I agree, I wish I were Italian
t. Umbro
t. Laziale
Must feel bad to be an african in denial
Meant to reply to you, not two times to the umbronigger
>tfw no unnaturally beautiful italian gf
columbus was spanish and north italy belongs to spain.
I'm not Umbro you dirty terrone, but I recognize their region is pretty nice and the people are somehow ok (except the junkies).
north italy has been thoroughly IBVERIANED by Hadrian.
yes..yes...! YESSSS!!! I AM SPEN!!!
Milano belongs to Spain as much as triveneto belongs to Austria, that is to say, NOT.
Daily reminder that your continent was discovered by an Italian, mapped by an Italian and named after an Italian.
You BELONG to us.
Colombus was a north italian therefore spanish.
>accusing a pure-blooded VENETO of being a filthy terrone subhuman
kek, nice b8
pic related is the crew of a perfect union.
You have good taste, lad
Ok ora ditemi i confini reali del nord italia e del centro italia
stop posting this obnoxious whore
Nord: +nizza, +savoia, -valle d'aosta, +canton ticino, -alto adige, +istria, +fiume, +dalmazia
"""Sud Italia""": no such thing
take that back mate
perché non vuoi la valle d'aosta?
He had to ask to the spanish crown (very rich at the time) because Venezia fighted the ottomans for 30 years saving europe from islam and was like "dude i have no money to throw for your crazy-ass adventures"
wtf im moving to rome now
ugly milf?
das terrone
I'll have you know she had sex with Berlusconi and literally swallowed his semen.
perchè è francia, così come il sud tirolo è austria
e il canton ticino è padania
Nah erano parte del regno sabaudo.Ma se non sbaglio i veneti e i lombardi non si odiano?
almeno non ne è fiera come altre troie che ci sono in tv e parlamento
no, al massimo c'è sana rivalità
tbf so did ruby and I'd still tap that and so would you mate
It's like im really on /ita/
>thread about italy
>subhuman illiterate poo-lentaniggers flock to it and start flinging shit at each other
It's like throwing a banana, taking a step back and watch all the apes fighting.
Karima el-Mahroug
Lazio,Umbria,marche and toscana are the only italian
Italy is white proven
i was born in sicily, why am i not italian?
If you look closely at it, it ressembles a piece of shit...then I remember it's Italy, ergo it IS shit.
the butthurt nigger is at it again.
He had to ask the spanish because Venice would have rather murdered him than finance his attempt at diverting trade away from the Mediterranean you fool.
Veneto is not italy. Everybody in Italy hates venetians, the terroni del nord.
They like to babble about some "independence" they will never gain, they do nothing all day but drink themselves retarded and swear at each other in their intelligible babble. venegri= subhumans.
Correction: Shitalians are by definition butthurt niggers as Italy means shit in proto-north African language, the term was coined by North Africans the first time they saw the shit looking silhuete of the pigtalic peninsula in the horizon.
>Ma se non sbaglio i veneti e i lombardi non si odiano?
Solo quando i leghisti insistono che siamo tutti padani. L'odio regionale è morto col ducato.
Detto ciò, Milano merda per motivi finanziari.
you subhuman baboon.
you literal nigger.
how dare you talk about italy, with your big lipped, crusty, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone Maradona.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfater's ship to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as it's in your nature. it would still be the only pussy you'll ever get. Give Nigel a chance for some target practice.
you make bolivia look first world.
australian abbos are a beacon of civilisation compared to you, you zika-infected jungle monkey.
No amount of shitty olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of european heritage.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard and never talk about italy ever again, you obsolete farming equipment
well that was short-sighted, infact it happened anyways. They could be the one with tobacco, gold and shit.
Se non l'avesse scoperta colombo non è che l'america sarebbe rimasta nascosta per sempre.
Because you're basically Arab.
This is the autism that will pierce the heavens
I milanesi sono checche, ma checche abbastanza sopportabili in confronto ai terr*ni
cit. Belìn
old pasta, get more original pizzanigger
t. starts the same "shitaly" thread every day
t.buttmad venegro. go drink and swear Rigon, the local tavern is about to shut down because it's being overrun by rapefugees.
kek I've got this flag in my bedroom
Yeah, that totally accurate. Then the africans decided to move away and founded your city
Gib Südtirol back
Why can't italians admit they are garbage people that are hated by literally everyone? They had to pay Hollywood in the 40s to pump americans with propaganda of beautiful women
>62.4% of my country has at least an italian grandparent
>4 grandparents from spain
whew, dodged a bullet there.
Good lad.
Che ti ridi è vero
>The only true italians are central italians
>Everything below the Po is Africa
>Everything south of Umbria is not italian
>Everything south of Lazio is not Italy
laughing at you delusional faggots
nada que ver you fucking lying nigger
argentina is thanks to the pachamama, overwhelmingly amerindian with a small tiny amount of spaniard genes, but as I said, very small and minimal.
Yes well there's a difference between letting the inevitable happen and paying someone to make it happen quicker you know.
Why would Venice ever have wanted to pay Columbus, regardless of the inevitability of the discovery f the americas?
cancro x1000
Quindi in caso che il nord diventi indipendente sarebbe meglio che il veneto sia autonomo o no?
Always thought this is just banter, like the Bavarian independence
italian girls are qt
It is banter, because we're well aware it's not worth it economically. It would only make sense within the context of a strong and truly economically unified EU.
Now culturally and socially on the other hand...
t. Ambrogio Polentin
now we only need somebody from South Tyrol to tell us we can't celebrate "unity day" because it reminds them the day they became italians, the day "they were raped"
yeah, it's great to wipe your ass after a big piece.
>Milano merda per motivi finanziari
milano merda perchè non è più milano tbqh
i milanesi 4/4 non esistono più
>that one lone umbrianigger neet thinks his opinion matters
laughing irl
venetians are massive autists and they genuinely think that independence would be viable
most italians would gladly kick them out
mettetevi l'anima in pace, patetici ritardati.
>m-milano è migliorata tantissimo negli ultimi anni!!!11 nuove strade nuovi parchi sicurezza trasporti!!1 unica città italiana degna dell'europa, capitale italiana!!!
>milano è oggi una merda x colpa di questi DIRTY TERRONIALBANEGRI™!!1 se non fosse per i TERRONIALBANEGRI™ milano sarebbe di nuovo capitale MONDIALE grazie ai MILANESI™ doc!!11 mica come una volta figa pirla zio!!1
Good lad
>rispeto par i veneti
global warming ca. 2100 best year of my life
No cazzo roma deve rimanere a galla
>visiting the ancient submerged city of Rome
sounds bretty gud
Underage b& pls go
why do people pretend that before nationalism any other region in Europe was much different than Italy in its diversity?
do people seriously think that just because France was under one king in the 10th century this means a Norman and an Occitan were the same thing? nationalism is actually something modern and overall pretty recent for everyone, not just Italy
Italy is not much different from any other nation in Europe, the biggest difference is that unification was done so poorly that to this day it still hasn't leveled certain differences that other countries have already done, which is actually a good thing in my opinion
Guaranteed replies.jpg
>is actually a good thing in my opinion
care to elaborate?
t. 1/64 Italian
i believed we were spared from your kind here, but i guess i was wrong
because it adds to our heritage, instead of leveling everything to the same common denominator in order to make an "Italian"
I like it that we have so many dialects or local customs for instance and I find it shameful that many of them are disappearing or being forgotten.
>do people seriously think that just because France was under one king in the 10th century this means a Norman and an Occitan were the same thing?
United by blood and religion
Everybody in that country should just speak central italian dialect and grasp that identity
how am I wrong? before nationalism being under the same state didn't mean much in terms of identity the way we understand it today, it was mostly about religion
to this day France is not homogeneous, like pretty much any medium-big country in Europe, south France is closer to west Mediterraneans while the north is closer to Brits and Germans
Italy has a bigger diversity but the concept is the same
imho local customs would've survived even with a better unification process.
i'd rather have a more unified italy instead of an italy where northeners hate southeners, southeners hate northeners, and certain regions want independence
>Y-DNA haplogroups
delet urself