Hungarian memes

Hey guys im in an urgent need of Magyar/Hungarian memes, if you have some please dump them here




When I get home (30 min approx.) I will dump you all my shit, just keep the thread alive and dont post romanian propaganda.

dont have any but this is the one mentions them


>implying our memes are for sale

A foreigner can't handle them power





I've always wondered, why are Hungarians so quiet on Sup Forums?
I mean, apparently their general seems to always run out at a very fast pace, it looks much faster than some other generals, and yet i really rarely see them on other threads. Wtf is this. They are the most enigmatic users on here.

I'd say we are mostly only attracted to threads that are directly mention us or are directly related to us



>apparently their general seems to always run out at a very fast pace
it isn't really that fast
>i really rarely see them on other threads
dunno why

I'm not part of you. I'm more interested in American and Euro politics and social backgrounds incl their crappy internet dramas so dont know much about the threads you are mentioning.

This is a thing on pretty much every thread. You can barely see the flag even on a thread about Eastern Euro.

Please give me more answers. This Hungarian matter is probably the most curious thing I've got here. I'm deadly serious. And your general looks the most mysterious yet fun. What is that "kurva anyátok". Why is there always a fruit that is very simple?







"we" as in Hungarians, I'm Hungarian







wew Its pretty surprising. Thank you so much for replying:).
You guys are very interesting to me, since only you have been doing it on Sup Forums



kurva édes anyátokat, és csodálkoztok bazdmeg hogy egy magyar se ír a szégyenteljes mocskos fonalaitokba, szarházi banda

hello hungary, what is hungary like? It is of interest as my grandfather is immigrant from it.

That's all banter btw. Hungary is fine.




I love Hungary, keep em coming boys!

Ahhahahaahah ching chong gook long dong

looks like hungarians are really quiet that much to me. their quietness has even reached the point where it makes them unique and adorable.

this pic is extremely accurate (except i've never met an Estonian feeling pic related). could be added the turks coming with their turáni stuff.

I, as someone behind a hungarian proxy is a reliable source of intel, will help you out

>The generals mainly consist of 5-6 "frequent" and a dozen "lazy" posters
>The general is maily about sticking out. Hence the "Kurva anyátok" which is both aimed at those in the thread and all who browse int
>The image with the guy in the doctors outfit is a meme which originated from the hungarian Sup Forums clone "lohere(clover and a funny pun on horseballs ló - horse, here - testicles)". The image pictures the founder of the hungarian site. Who tried to stay anonymous, but thanks to the nature of the ".hu" domain registration process his identity was revealed. Shitposting began with his face photoshopped acompanying text that somehow incorporated scat fetish into into it.

Otherwise the generals main theme is usually shitposting banter in hungarian.

yep, thats extremely inaccurate. why do you lie on the internet?

Well then what is the truth then
(pic related)


Thanks man. This is very precious and informative.

>The general is maily about sticking out.
LMAOing I didnt expect this.

I havent totally bought into it but anyway, you guys have always stuck to the general with your language, so, aside from the accuracy, it still interests me.

why dont you just come to us? usually if you dont come with the intention to shitpost and gather a few (You)-s, and we made sure you are alright and magyarfriend, we tend to anwer your questions.

Not gonna lie, we have a few members whom it does not matter what your intentions are, gonna spam MENY INEN etc. but most of us are alright and open.

I like collecting gyppos
here, take this gyppo, its one of my rarest ones
he calls himself Hitler :D

awesome hobby you have, friend.



what seems to be the problem, friendo?


b-beautiful language

Well trips confirm it


it's not supposed to beautiful. it's harsh and strong, yet very describing and gives you as much freedom to express yourself as you wouldn't get from english, not even from german (i speak both)

tell me more

what would you like to know?

Most of the negative attitude come from the general state of the country... and the attitude of the disillusioned lower-middle class, still in education (university), unemployed youth

this freedom to express yourself

Tell us more about Hungary

well, i can pick a few things. i would mention the huge vocabulity, i mean really huge, for one thing we tend to have 10 or more slightly different word, which allows you to express yourself suited to your mindstate, "style", surrounding enviroment etc. the other thing is what i would highlight is the fact that it's an agglutinating langunge, and this is the reason you see fuck-ass long words. we can express with one word the tense, person, whether it is conditionate or indicative and so on, you get it. Compact if you ask me, probably a huge pain in the ass who would like to learn it.

There is not a strong word order how to structure a sentence, there are of course basic rules but it's usually up to you which thing is more important than the other and you want that to come first.

well these are that came to my mind this quick, but probably others cound add to this more

Basically this tbqhfamalam


Transylvania and székelyföld are not interchangeable you dummy

It's a fucking dictionary,so funny

Amúgy grat.
Kiadtatok egy csomó nemzeti titkot a rekes külföldieknek.

well it has a giant overgrown capital city that acts as economical/infrastructure/political/tourism capitol of the whole country. Most of our neighbors (countries) hate us and vice-versa.
According to them sometimes we are "hungarianized slavs" othertimes "gypsies" and "country-less".
The only slavic country that likes us is Poland and the feeling is mutual.
We usually have a weekly bout with the EU about something. The goverment doesn't side with the EU with crucial questions and the EU hates the way the country is run.

If you are planing a short trip to Hungary the capitol is the way to go (sadly), but if you do have time you could travel to many historical sites.



one of my favourites

Hungarian grammar is the most known meme.
>Nouns have a large number of cases (up to 18, depending on definition)
>Half of the 18 cases express a combination of the source-location-target and surface-inside-proximity ternary distinctions
>Hungarian has no prepositions; instead, it uses case suffixes and postpositions.




the magyar cool story bro (old meme i know)



Also its a genderless language. Hungarians who start to learn english usually mess up the "he/she" stuff and hilarity can ensue. Hungarians who start to learn german are mostly driven mad by the fact THAT THINGS HAVE GENDERS.


Wew, it's really weird


Kérlek posztold a szupercsapatosat!
>hun,szkíta,etruszk,ősgepida jövőnk méltó letéteménsesei
Azon mindig szarrá röhögöm magam


der Band - volume
das Band - connection, bond
die Band - musical band

yep, fuck tone of sense, wouldn't been easier to make new words, naaaah hansi this gonna do just well

az nincs lementve csak a munkahelyi gépen

>Romanians get absolutely trashed by the Austria Hungarian empire, whose army was at its worst after being demolished by the Brusilov offensive because they were stuck up cunts with a superiority complex for basically invading Bulgaria with little to no resistance in the second Balkan war
>From some fucking reason I can't even understand, they gave Hungarians half of Transylvania and fight along Hungarians in the second world war
>"hurr we defeated u"
Absolute scum.


very extensive history knowledge you have there, wanna share more with us with your overwhelming intelligence?

try to vocaroo it

now i feel offended



Not really, sorry.

>t. romanian dishwasher

you sounded like you gave zero fuck about what i made time to share with you

not really a surprise, wouldnt expect more from your uneducated kind

what did you expect ? more questions ?

Rude and I don't even know why you're mad at me.