You know I used to actually find grimes ok a few years back...

You know I used to actually find grimes ok a few years back, nothing mind blowing but I could jam to tracks like vanessa and oblivion.

But now I absolutely can't stand her, her face repulses me and her music is even worse, I put the blame solely on the one or two grimes shit posters on this forum (literally no more than 2 people spam this shit)

am I a cuck for letting them influence me? I mean it's done now and there's no going back but unsure if I should feel sad about this.

Other urls found in this thread:

I like Art Angels but she is seriously fucking ugly.

Stop posting useless whiny threads like this one. This is not the complaint department. No one cares if you can't stand her because some trolls influenced your naive mind to hate her.

your post is the whinyest thing ITT though

It's not whiny, it's a meta comment.

enjoy your mental breakdown



see, this is a troll thread. you can just ignore these. they don't mean anything because they're insincere


nailed it

Objectively wrong, guys.

grimes with short blonde hair is just perfection

Are you guys expressing milk to her?

it was beautiful

claire doesnt drink milk

do you think people ever took these things seriously or got upset over them? they should be laughed at

Her face has alway repulsed me. She's hideous.

Anyways she has a handful of good songs. They are as follows:


That's it, skip the rest.

>pleb calcium intake
Enjoy weak bones lmao

you're a cuck for making this thread, and for having that picture saved

>am I a cuck for letting them influence me?
Unironically yes.

Grow a backbone and stop letting shiposters on the internet dictate your sense of taste.

Art angrls is the best album ever

I didnt even like her before

Your loss

Shencmt cure my erectile dysfunction

Now if only you could spell...