So we are taught that this place is inhabited by happy, colourful people...

So we are taught that this place is inhabited by happy, colourful people, despite the place itself being a rotten third world shithole.
Now we see everyday on this very board that south americans are incredibly bitter, hateful "people", especially brazilians and argentinians.

Other urls found in this thread:

niggerspic hellhole nuke it

una vela...

All Italian women I know date either niggers or Ukrainians.

rly mke u tink

>Now we see everyday on this very board that south americans are incredibly bitter, hateful "people"
>incredibly bitter, hateful "people"
No shit Sherlock, where do you think you are?

t.pedro de la vega

>Now we see everyday on this very board that south americans are incredibly bitter, hateful "people", especially brazilians and argentinians.
So you are new here

t. Lucrezia Borgia

JASKJAKJSKAJSKASJKSAKJSAK non posso credere che gli italiani sono così stupidi AJSksjaksjKAjksajkasjaksjkas

Sup Forums and Sup Forums can change the way you see the world

Do Brazilians enjoy bananas?

The redpill about South America is that the only decently developed parts are not very happy, they are bitter and hate their poor people. While the "happy lower classes" are actually a degenerate bunch of alcoholic drug addicts whose culture consists on reggaeton and demanding socialist redistribution. Violence, corruption and crime are normal in the region but the media will portray them as colorful people who just love to dance.

im so ashamed of my country right now, im sorry


welcome to Sup Forums OP

this is a real redpill this is why i come to Sup Forums, to learn the hard truth

That's Africa 2.0

It's clearly flooded with subhuman baboons.

Truth is there's a couple chilean posters, a couple argues, one Uruguayan, one Peruvian, like 3 Brazilians, 1 Colombian and a couple Mexicans that are a bunch of bitter delusional cunts and tend to derail every thread they are in to try to convince everyone about how good they are and how shit everyone else is.

we are taught they are agressive, violent people. there's always news about some killing in prisons and favelas.

Piss off wanker. It's faster to ask if you can suck op's dick

tem umas thread por ai que os caras ficam falando umas coisas mt idiotas cara, eu realmente to envergonhado

no, tu solo vieni qua perché sei un fallito autistico che non sai cosa fare della tua vitta

Shut the fuck up Chimpanzilian

This country is absolute garbage, by far the worst country I've ever lived in.
This shit is a hellhole filled with niggers. I despise you baboons so much.

>there's always news about some killing in prisons and favelas.
Well, yes, crime here is rampant after all.

Nigga do you really think the average south american speaks fluent english and spends his day discussing politics and world events on an anime-themed imageboard?

t. subhuman baboon

South america indeed stinks.

>south americans are incredibly bitter, hateful people

Well on this board italians are much more butthurt than argentinians and brazilians combined.

Some of us do, some don't. I personally find them rather distasteful. Feel free to ask any more questions, friend.

the brazilians of this board aren't even 0,1% of the brazilians

brazilians can't even understand english even less write it
so it's obvious Sup Forums posters aren't a representative sample of their cunt

Think about it, this is a region where everything is permissible, no matter how degenerate it is, sex is very easy to get, drugs are cheap, etc. And yet, there's still faggots who instead of engaging on this easily available degeneracy, would rather have discussions with autists on a n obscure, foreign, english language only, mongolian animation imageboard.

escreve em portugues porque não entendi teu post paragay arrombado

No, they can't, aside from the usual trivial fact you can learn here every hundred threads or so.

good example

Don't you dare talk about my. Country disgusting shitalian

mi pica in tu culo paragay concha de madre

I grew up thinking Southern Americans were all silly hat with earflaps wearer dancing samba and doing coke on the beach 24/7. Thanks to Sup Forums I know that they are as miserable as the rest of us.

>how shit everyone else is.
meh, I'll admit the "banter" does get overboard but people talking about their country's strong points and culture, as long as it ins't in delusional or misleading terms, aren't as much of a problem as the people who just incesantly hate on their own and the region.

There's more than a few Lat Am posters on the unironic racism train trying to suck up to the /pol types.

>An italian calling others nigger

Gian carlo giovani di santino della mamma, your country is the shithole of Europe..

Ignorance is bliss as they say

This is the soundtrack of latin america:

You forgot to say we eat tacos all the day and every person here have a piñata

Do you keep a list or what

I do, and he is not far from it.

We are two or three urgayans.

That's bad for subhuman chimpanzilians though, if Italy is bad that means Apezil is a literal hellhole hopelessly infested with niggers

This. This is the cold, hard truth.

holy shit

>sex is very easy to get

The other brazilians here say otherwise

>degenerate bunch of alcoholic drug addicts
Except that we (I only know the stats from here, but I assume it is similar in the region) consume less drugs than almost everyone in the world, especially Europe and Anglo countries. Drug addiction, alcoholism and suicide are for first world countries.

They are all manchildren, of course they can't get it

Do you think poortugal is european tier?

y vo?


actually your description is pretty accurate

>Thanks to Sup Forums I know that South Americans on Sup Forums they are as miserable as the rest of us.*

Yup + the one in france, and one of you in uruguay is that bitter cunt that occasionally comes here from Sup Forums if I'm not mistaken.

Piñatas are based, always had them in my birthday celebrations when I was a kid.

We're taught that the entire continent is one big favela

Yes, anyone would become miserable and bitter after realizing, in a moment of epiphany, that your country is a subhuman-ridden shithole and the laughing stock of the world that no one respects and even loathes, far different from what have been told all your life, from birth up to that moment.

Mexico has a strong alcohol culture, and mexicans are degenerate even without the use of drugs. You have cartels and smaller gangs as well

Feels good be a sudaca desu

Thats exactly what they teach us about Italy.


Yes, we do have a strong alcohol culture, except apparently we can hold our liquor better than most of you.

As for degeneracy we remain above the region's average in percentage of Catholics despite the constant barrage of Protestants next door.

Gang culture is universal, as for the cartels there's economic pressures that have propitiated that, same as the Italian mafia in the US during the 20th century.

If you're middle to high class in Latin America you are going to be pretty happy honestly.

>disability-adjusted life year for alcohol use disorders per 100,000 inhabitants
that's a little far fetched but I looked it up and you don't drink much more than other countries from latinamerica.

>As for degeneracy we remain above the region's average in percentage of Catholics despite the constant barrage of Protestants next door.
being openly catholic doesn't excuse you from being degenerate. Even if you're practising

>you don't drink much more than other countries from latinamerica.
Which can be misleading as we drink more hard liquor than wine compared to southern cone countries but that's still less alcohol problems for similar levels of consumption.

That's a meme claim so you got a meme answer, what the fuck do you mean by degeneracy? It's countries in south America like Brazil and Colombia that are known for sex with animals.

Europeans are more into drugs than South Americans.
In Spain they even forget their drugs in the hotel rooms when checking out (I worked there from 2004 to 2006).
They are also much more alcoholic, at least the non mediterranean ones.

Dangerous poor criminals drink beer, and smoke pot, or crack/meth which is called Paco in Argentina, and turns them into subhuman addicts capable of selling the door of their house to buy more drugs, or stealing from their mothers.

cocaine or stuff like ecstasy is for middle class or high class people.

What? Brasil aswell? What do they fuck?

>You have cartels and smaller gangs as well
I didn't say we don't have them, just that we consume less drugs and alcohol than most countries, which is true.

> I looked it up and you don't drink much more than other countries from latinamerica

The stats for all other drugs are the same. The correlation between drug addiction/alcoholism is a very strong one with suicide rates, and we don't have a lot of those either.

>mexico is south america
nah man. you are north america. at least according to the tectonic plaques
i think bolivia is the worst when it comes to drugs, with 1/3 being drug users.
like you can be forced to go to jail for being accused of drug usage without any proof. You have to actually proof you didnt use drugs, instead of the other way around.

Yeah, but I was assuming that the trends are the same over there, we are all in Latin America after all. Dunno desu.

I dislike the fact that my country is shit, we could be great or at least decent but instead we are living in this shithole filled with imbeciles.

>It's countries in south America like Brazil and Colombia that are known for sex with animals.
Excuse me? What the fuck are you talking about?

Do you even know what you are talking about m8 ?
We export drugs not consume em.
Don't get high on your own supply.

If you think about it, this is fucking funny. People here think they get first hand info about different cunts, but they talk to the same 3-4 autistic "ambassadors" of their cunts posting tons of the same shit every day (argentina is black or white or whatever) and so one might get an impression that a lot of people think that. But it is literally 3 (three) or 4 (four) anons "representing" their cunt on behalf of millions of their compatriots. That's Sup Forums for you. And you go to a different board/forum/whatever, and you get a totally different opinion and you get all confused, what? That's the fate of all autistic armchair travelers.

This. I fcing hate dumb Western bitches who go wet for fucking dumb latinos.

About Colombians, he is talking about pic related, about you, dunno.

Who do you think you're replying too :^)

sure my donkeyfucker friend.

hurry up your gringo master is waiting for you to do the donkeyshow thing.

>thinking Sup Forums users represent a country