Mean things said behind France's back

Mean things said behind France's back.

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"What a bunch of fags". This is what I think of my countrym8s

In front of Fronce : "fuck France, you're a bunch of irrelevant surrender monkeys and you sound gay, lmao"
Behind France's back : "i liek frans"

what a lovely country

you can't say anything bad about France since its the soul of Europe, am i right folks?

"bit of a gay country desu"

Belgium, this will be ur last words

Pay denbts

Is it true that Belgium and France have different words for "seventy?"

Yea, they say septante and we say's easier.

Merci Pierre

No problemo, Juan

"No problemo" isn't Spanish.

No problema?

same for you

Probably, nice effort.

What a shit prompt Drew. How am I supposed to improv off this shit?

Their economy really does suck. Shit work ethic.

They're a lot trashier than I'd originally imagined

our food and wines are better

wtf I love Belgiun now
soixante-diz is fuckin retarded and septante is a million times better



I don't like their cheeses or bread

Why would you shutdown his bantz there? You're the one they owe the denbts to and it's a much different situations than our denbts. Fucking hell germans are autistic.

do they say 'huitante' instead of quatre-vingt?

Octante instand of quatre-vingt, and then nonante.

