International Relationship : Girls Pulling the "Cultural Berier Card

Curious if anyone else has had this problem.

I have been living in Taiwan for three years and I now fluently speak Chinese (albeit with an accent). I only date girls who speak Chinese because I find only speaking my mother tongue boring.

I have had a lot of experience in dating and the language barrier has not really been a big issue from my perspective, I even had a long term relationship with a girl that only spoke Chinese when my Chinese was shit.

However, now I am running into a problem when I am so fluent that I can express my humor comes through and I think I just come off as an asshole cause my …語氣... tone of language isn’t right…
But part of me thinks that these fucking girls just have no sense of humor, cause I joke around with guys all the time in Chinese and they find the shit I say with my accent hilarious.

But these princesses have grown up in little bubbles waiting to become some kind of designer who uses a analog camera and looks pissed off all the time.

I’m about ready to go on a shetox… because I was just on the cusp of an amazing relationship with the hottest girl that I have ever been with.

Besides her looks when we were together she was so sweet, but like a lot of the girls that I have dated here they are total ice princesses in text.

I haven’t heard from her all day, below is our last conversation. If you can read Chinese please give me some perspective.

Is this cultural barrier thing for real or is it just a lazy excuse to say fuck off ?

23:23 ME 如果妳沒有忙,我希望打給妳
23:33 HER I just have had a feeling that you don't really listen to me
23:34 ME 我想打給妳所以我可以聽妳
23:45 HER 不是那個意思
23:46 ME 為什麼妳的回答一直十分鐘後
23:50 HER 我不知道要說什麼
23:51 ME 別害羞
23:53 ME 說妳的想法, 說妳今天過了什麼,說而已。
23:53 ME 我想聽妳
23:53 ME但是妳很封閉
23:56 ME 我想跟妳講因為聊天會讓我們兩個變更密切
23:57 ME 我的意圖很明白的

2017.01.09 星期一
00:11 HER 我大概一輩子也不會成為直接的人吧
00:12 HER 遑論跟你還有語言障礙
00:13 ME沒有那麼大的語言障礙。
00:16 HER 文化障礙?
00:18 ME 唯一個障礙是妳自己造的。
00:18 ME 不是語言
00:18 ME 不是文化
00:18 ME 是妳的想法
00:20 HER 你真的很自以為是
00:21 HER 我說的語言障礙是指你聽不懂我的委婉表達
00:22 ME 妳說妳感到孤單,然後有一個人想跟妳講話,但是妳常常在推我
00:23 HER 只要孤單就是誰都可以嗎....
00:23 HER 也要有共同話題、共同想法阿
00:24 ME 我覺得大家都孤單,那是為什麼我們找關係
00:25 ME 所以我們的生活會有意義
00:28 ME 宇宙沒有意義⋯⋯但是跟其他人類的關係讓這一輩子有一個真諦
00:29 HER 都可以啦 但你有在回答我嗎...
00:29 HER 還是你沒看清楚
00:29 HER 還是直接忽略
00:30 ME 什麼問題

00:31 HER 我在說我跟你沒有共同話題
00:32 ME 妳覺得是這樣子因為妳都沒有給我跟妳講的機會啦
00:32 ME 那就是為什麼我想要跟妳見面
00:32 HER 但其實我是覺得你講太多欸....
00:32 HER 覺得你活在自己的世界
00:33 ME 誰不是
00:33 HER
00:33 ME 但是我想知道妳的世界如何
00:33 HER 那你就繼續活在自己的世界ㄅ
00:33 HER
00:34 ME 什麼願意
00:34 HER ...我是覺得我說了滿多 只是你都不太認同 所以我也沒想繼續
00:34 ME 什麼意思
00:35 HER 當然你說的很多我也不認同啦但我是事不關己就懶得管的人
00:35 HER 沒辦法
00:37 ME 我覺得妳沒有認真試試看知道我是誰
00:39 HER 所以你否認了我剛剛說的
00:39 HER 然後是要繼續鬼打牆嗎
00:40 ME 好想妳是躁鬱症 我們在一起的時候是完美的 但是在Line上妳是不一樣的人
00:41 HER 不是喔
00:41 HER 是你沒注意到而已
00:41 ME 貼圖
00:41 HER 因為我是擅長偽裝的人
00:42 HER 只是想好好地跟你解釋清楚
00:42 ME 我怎麼偽裝
00:43 HER 因為你是很認真的人 所以我不能隨便地敷衍你
00:43 HER 你在說什麼
00:44 HER 我說我在與人相處的時候常常會隱藏真實想法
00:44 ME 哪裡太認真啦
00:44 HER 你哪句沒看懂
00:44 ME 我覺得我是非常chill
00:45 HER 對感情認真阿? 你說的
00:45 ME Because I like you
00:47 HER 我也很chill因為大部分東西我都不是很在意
00:48 HER 但是對於別人的心意我還是會認真看待的
00:48 ME I think you are taking what I am saying to seriously
00:49 HER 因為不管你是不是認真的 你有本事講這麼多次喜歡我我就應該相信不是嗎
00:49 ME All that I am saying is that I want to talk with you and you attack me like that I want to talk to you is wrong
00:49 HER 對阿是錯的

00:49 ME ...
00:49 HER 因為我沒有辦法和你講話
00:49 ME Ummmm what?
00:50 ME 沒有辦法⋯
00:50 HER 哈哈哈哈反正講那麼多你也看不懂
00:50 ME It's called a phone
00:50 ME You are being really rude
00:51 HER 簡單來說就是和你不是同一個世界的人
00:51 HER 那句話原封不動還給你喔
00:51 ME I understand
00:52 ME I understand the Chinese
00:52 HER 你從剛剛都沒有在回答我啊 所以覺得你是不是沒看懂 阿你又不回答
00:52 ME STOP ASSUMING I DON'T understand
00:52 HER 所以你只是不想回答?
00:53 ME I don't understand how wanting to talk with you 是錯的啊
00:54 ME 我:All that I am saying is that I want to talk with you and you attack me like that I want to talk to you is wrong You:對阿是錯的
00:54 HER 嗯嗯
00:54 ME妳懂我的意思嗎
00:55 HER 我剛剛說過
00:55 HER ...我是覺得我說了滿多 只是你都不太認同 所以我也沒想繼續 當然你說的很多我也不認同啦但我是事不關己就懶得管的人
00:56 ME It's only like that because you have already decided that you know who I am
00:56 ME You only know 1% about who I am
00:56 HER 所以你想跟我說話基本上不對阿 因為我沒有辦法和你有所交流 只是在否定對方而已
00:56 HER 嗯可以這麼說
00:56 HER 不過
00:57 HER 我沒有想懂欸
00:57 ME 妳還沒認識我啦
00:57 HER 我不喜歡和你說話
00:57 ME 哈哈哈
00:57 HER 一直被否定很討厭
00:58 HER 很累
00:58 ME 為什麼
00:58 ME 無人接聽
00:59 HER 因為聽你說話我會知道你想聽什麼不想聽什麼 認同什麼
02:01 ME 貼圖

03:11 ME 1。妳怎麼會說妳被否定?


3。「You only know 1% about who I am」我的意思是,繼續跟我講,而且妳會發現我們哪裡認同。






blocky runes: the thread

Seems like aren't verry sensitive with her either

chingchongpingpong to you my friend

In what sense

dont know, i only speak english

Cool blog, liked, subscribed and called a translator


I've been years here but it's the first time chrome asked to translate this site. Nice to know that new stuff still happens here

"I just have had a feeling that you don't really listen to me "

... That is the thing that bothers me, she says that I don't listen to her, but she never wants to fucking talk... how the fuck am I supposed to even get a chance to listen to her if she ignores phone calls like the plague

This girl uses a lot of slang so the translation is gonna be off

>Yellow fever

no shit

How did you not know this is how they behave?

I can add you to a chat with Asians on whatsapp. College age, that could give you perspective. If you don't mind putting your number.

>Is this cultural barrier thing for real or is it just a lazy excuse to say fuck off ?
Could be either, from my understanding. I only get like 90% of the conversation though. If she really thinks you're different in person, then see if you can meet up with her and talk instead of arguing online.


I have had better experience in the past before I was fluent in Chinese ... I think Asian girls don't want you to speak their language,

They bitch about foreigners who never learn the language, but in the end I think they just want free English lessons...

This is how all Asian girls act, you're a status symbol and a slave to them otherwise you're going to be dealing with this behavior forever. Talk about it with other Chinese guys and or just get a Filipino or Thai gold digger like you're supposed to

That is all that I have been trying to do, but she has had a lot of excuses .... but I don't understand why she has to always be so defensive, We have talked on the phone for hours before, but then she said that she doesn't want to...

we can't read moon runes, please translate if you want us to read your blogposts user

This is an international board, though it would be more multilingual ... but everyone is speaking Anglo Gutter Tongue

True. We should all speak French, Anglo domination is boring as fuck.

careful pierre, don't make us destroy your navy again.

or at least Spanish

But the Chinese is going to take over the world and this language sounds like some kind of magical Native American language when you literally translate it and understand the depth within

Chinese is a much better language at describing emotion and beauty ... English is good for talking about time and capitalism

Your monarchy is German so STFU brumie

How could Chinese take over the world ? It's crazily difficult and spoken by only one country.

>It's crazily difficult
not really

Lingua franca has nothing to due with the difficulty of a language to learn, it's about where the power is , money is power, China has all the money

Learn Chinese it's not that hard

take the chinese cock out of your mouth and say that again

I don't believe so. English is set as langua franca, all international organizations are speaking English and English training is spead worldwide. For the moment Chinese is restricted activities with China, basically business with the country.
Chinese is very far from the English situation, I'm not even sure I would see Chinese be considered a lingua franca in my lifetime.
Also India will be a superpower in the next 50 years (memes aside) and the country will learn towards English.
This not considering the fact that the US has important capacities of population and wealth growth: it will always be one of the most relevant countries in the world.

No this is me with a Chinese cock in my mouth:
西方國家的銀行偷走格人的錢,西方經濟是歷史裡面的最大泡泡。它快會爆炸,但是從2000年中國在慢慢買全世界的的黃金。ㄋㄑ ㄑ ㄜ ㄛ kough
...huh ,, chough coul-

What I'm trying to say is the west is fucked

You are probably too forward and overconfident, plus I think she prefers a man with a bit of mystery. This is a girl on whom the Mr. Nice Guy approach will actually work. Calling yourself a good teacher (on the subject of ROMANCE!, I presume) and blaming her for wasting your time when she is clearly tired of your horny yippings is definitely the wrong way to go, I feel. In a roundabout way she is trying to be kind at the expense of politeness, as you are probably one of those guys for whom hints come in the form of a tap to the noggin. I mean, she already told you "I don't like talking with you", what more do you want?

I have never been in a relationship before, so please take what I have said with a grain of salt.


My Chinese isn't that good yet and I'm too lazy to make any effort reading all that, but you're probably using the western half sarcastic style playful bashing thing and East Asians are too autistic for that.

Singapore thank you

I'm not calling my self a teacher of romance I'm literally saying that I want to teach her English, History world perspective, I just want to talk.

When I say that I am wasting my time, I mean that I am wasting my time worrying about her. I like her a lot, I want to do more than just have sex, but she has been so distant, if anything she has only wanted to have sex with me an nothing more.

And as for being a nice guy, that doesn't work (my advice to you) you need to be clear, I have been really 耐心的 with her, if I sounded direct at the end it is only because I'm tired of her carelessness about my feelings. I really did a lot to try to make her happy.

What I gathered is that she thinks you don't really have any common interests. Because of the difference in personalities and interests she finds it hard to behave naturally on dates and needs to force herself.
She's not angry that you want to call her, just taking the chance to tell you how she feels. Strange time to vent but I guess that's how women are.
I think you started escalating the whole thing from 00:18, but I don't blame you, she doesn't express herself very well and it was a bit hard to me to understand.
You did seem like you didn't understand her, especially from 00:24 to 00:32. Her point is that you have different personalities while your point is that you just need to know each other more. Feels like you two were talking about different things, up until the end of the convo.
I'd recommend never touching on serious issues like that over LINE ever again, ask the girl out immediately for a talk instead. It's much easier for an argument to sour over text compared to talking it out and there tends to be too many misunderstandings. You two need a heart to heart talk asap.

I am from Hong Kong btw.

Great, you made me feel OP.

Still kind of jealous as well though because his Chinese is so good.

you kinda put words on some of my thoughts that I couldn't express myself

If I was her, I think it just too forced. She's beating around the bush so you are not offended. My advice, forget about her.
"Sorry, Davido kun (after a while I realised that you are not my type). We need to stop talking to each other (you are boring, lame). We are not compatible (please leave me alone)"

Yeah, but she isn't really putting forward the effort to make time.

And I don't understand how she can make a judgment call on our personalizes being so different when she has only gone out with me for like 2 weeks

She claims to be a really private person, but i think she has this idea that I'm some kind of social butterfly because of all of the get togethers going on during the holidays

I don't know what her perspective is because she is really vague, even in English

How did you learn Chinese? What do you do in Taiwan?

Also, are you from the Netherlands perhaps?

Shit just got real niggas

not gonna look at the message until tomorrow though,

I think it is better that I just coast through this until I can met with her in person

I guess she's idealistic and expecting a boyfriend who's perfectly compatible, but she hasn't clicked with you yet. Maybe you could ask her friends what she likes to do in her free time? Perhaps you could do something private on your next date, like hiking or just taking a walk in the park? Just make her feel that you're catering to her needs.
Agreed, a lot of Chinese girls tend to be very vague, it's troublesome.

Yeah good luck man I don't think you'll be able to salvage this over text.

she's right

Yeah i'd definitely root for Spanish to be the next one
That would be so very convenient to learn unlike Chinese

In general i hope after white people (if Trump doesn't actually save the world that is) are gone either Russians or Spics take over, not the fucking Chinese

I'm from California

to learn Chinese you need to do 3 things

1. Move to a Chinese speaking nation

2. Get the Pleco app and buy the flash card addon and study like a fiend , I learn about 1000 characters a year, and I'm up to 4000 now.

3. Get a Chinese speaking GF

( and to any of you whiteknightcucks who say number 3 is immoral you can go fuck yourselves because it is literally the mirror image of what all the Asian girl with white boys here do, that's why so many 老外 can't speak Chinese because they are full time English teachers for their GF who wishes they were ABC)

How could spic take over ?
The number of Spanish-speakers in the US is impressive today, but into 1 or 2 generations chicanos will stop to speak it.

Nice try kiddo, guess again

>very vague, it's troublesome.

Maybe, maybe not

Definitely not

Taiwan is the only Asian country I'd like to live in, but the problem is that the place I emmigrate to would be the place where I would get married.

What are the views of the locals on gwailo taking their women, and hapa children (hapa children are a risk though) and shit?

>bothering with relationshits

Lmao enjoy your hearbreak


This makes no fucking sense as I haven't seen her in 8 days

post her feet

Taiwanese people as THE NICEST PEOPLE ON EARTH .. I have lived here for 3 years and I meet maybe 1 douche every 6 months, where as in 'merica it was once a week

And you are Euro so you probably have that Greyhound/Legolas look, you will do fine.

If you you are and Engineer you will do great

just don't be that foreigner who doesn't learn Chinese


doubt those are hers lol!!

>Greyhound/Legolas look

Good to hear that they are bros.
I'm a software engineer, so I imagine that there's a market for that.

I'd obviously want to learn the language, seems rather easy grammar wise, I imagine that the most of the difficulti of the language would be the tones, but I guess that you can pick them up with practice.

Thanks for the answer and good luck with your grill.

I still don't have the tones down, I have a much better grasp on it, but if I say any one noun out of context people have no fucking clue what I am talking about

The trick is to just speak quickly and, expressively with lots of context and everyone with say your pronunciation is amazing... i don't fucking get it, but that's the way it is


小老弟你到底认识到所谓“真谛”在于“真谛”并不存在没有 你中文又不是一等一的好不要扯这些

culture barrier exists and acts sorta like brain blood barrier as a defensive mechanism i'd say

t. native prc chink

Was the language hard tho?
I will move to macao soon and only speak some words in Cantonese

It's called a shit test, mate, and you are failing it hard. The more you care, the less she does.

Also, talking all day on the phone or via text kills the mystery. She probably got bored of you.