Who accomplished more, Lex Luthor in BvS or every singles Marvel villain ever in the MCU?
Who accomplished more, Lex Luthor in BvS or every singles Marvel villain ever in the MCU?
I was gonna say Doomsday did more since he "killed" superman But Lex unleashed him.
Loki would be pretty close though. In all the marvel movies so far the hero has a typical happy ending.
Lex Jewthor was a shitty villain
Blueman almost killed a planet.
>orchestrates everything
>manipulates everyone
>fulfils objective
I think only zemo comes close
"almost" yea. Doomsday wouldve done the same if they didn't stop him going by your logic.
Want to defend Marvel's nearly two dozen shitty villains?
>evil ironmanman
>evil hulkman
>evil birdman
>evil naziman
>evil terroristman
>evil elfman
>evil soldierman
>evil blueman
>evil robot
>evil insectman
Holy shit, I've forgotten how much marvel villains fucking suck