Is America the standard bearer for white countries?

Well are we?

>Could've been a safe haven for white people
>loses country to chinks, beaners, and dindus
Jesus man, ya blew it

Still whiter than your country

>implying Shitalians are white

i have this one ready for you


But you guys are blacker than us?

there is a higher percent of white people in america now than there was 500 years ago

you cannot say the same about your country

>spanish intellectuals
i thought we were friends


Why would you want to be friends with a Spic?

They're a huge part of the reason why we are becoming less and less white.

Spain is an enemy of the White race.

mexican ≠ spaniard

do not listen to him, he is probably an andalusian or a jew

I know that Spain loves only the lower half.


Murica is the Standard bearer for staying quiet locked-out in a cage and stop embarrassing the real white people

Says the Spic

Your language is associated with brown people unlike my language.


t. Mohammed

I like yanks really that was just funny and everyone else was posting stuff

Toppest of the banter

u okay there ?

Nowhere in the US is as bad as Malmo.

>"ah yes the US but I hear they're only 60% white can we trust a country like that to get the job done?"

>Responsible for the largest number of shithole colonies
>Country is an economic joke
>"real white people"

yeah because your minorities are spread out over the entire country and not bunched up like here

im just being honest, still like you guys
i am catalan

If by white countries you mean the white supremacists in those countries yes, undeniably you are. No other country in the world has as amny racists just going on the number of people voting for Trump. Yes, not all, some I assume are good people.