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real talk. how many minutes of nudity are expected to be in this film?

Real talk, you trying to make a mediocre joke is not funny

Then why did they make this Ghostbusters movie full of mediocre jokes that aren't funny then?

I'm seriously giving this movie the benefit of the doubt, but why can't it be funny?

At least Hemsworth looks to be bigger than a throwaway part.

Trailers for comedies usually have most, if not all, the funny parts of a movie.

This I did not laugh at one bit, except maybe smile at the selfie part.

Am I the only one who thinks this would be much better without the Kate McKinnon ripoff Egon character? The fact that she has hardly any lines in the trailer tells me she probably really sucks in the film

This movie is going to be critcally lauded because of muh feminism.

Calling it

Don't look at the camera, nigress. Acting 101.

>The big fat character jumps into the crowd and they don't catch her