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real talk. how many minutes of nudity are expected to be in this film?

Real talk, you trying to make a mediocre joke is not funny

Then why did they make this Ghostbusters movie full of mediocre jokes that aren't funny then?

I'm seriously giving this movie the benefit of the doubt, but why can't it be funny?

At least Hemsworth looks to be bigger than a throwaway part.

Trailers for comedies usually have most, if not all, the funny parts of a movie.

This I did not laugh at one bit, except maybe smile at the selfie part.

Am I the only one who thinks this would be much better without the Kate McKinnon ripoff Egon character? The fact that she has hardly any lines in the trailer tells me she probably really sucks in the film

This movie is going to be critcally lauded because of muh feminism.

Calling it

Don't look at the camera, nigress. Acting 101.

>The big fat character jumps into the crowd and they don't catch her

This movie is supposed to be p.c. and Feig says we're a bunch of basement dwelling neckbeards, but why is the giant black lady dumb as a box of rocks and ghetto as shit? Winston was the blue collar guy, but he was far from dumb, and certainly not the minstrel buffoon.

Man I really can't stand Melissa McCarthy, the blonde lady and the brunette seems cute, but everybody else looks lame.

this pham.
racist af.
SW7 did the same shit 2bh.
Boyega is a fucking english gentleman and you got him acting like urban youth.
I hate hollywood.

No bruh.

SW 7 was alright.

Im more genuinely wirried about this movie

Because Feig much like other people who try to act in favor of blacks and women, know nothing about them, so he probably listened to two hip hop songs, watched a Tyler Perry movie and concluded that this is what black people are.

>Tyler Perry movie

God I hate that man's movies, I was genuinely surprised when he acted well in Gone Girl. I saw his name in the credits and was expecting some dumb shit, but I didn't even notice him without the fat suit.

>Michael McDonald only gets bit parts in Feig's movies now
>Will Sasso barely has a career
>Key and Peele are household names and just had a movie come out

>Key and Peele

God I hate their tv show, I was genuinely not surprised when I hated them in the movies I've seen with them.

When I saw them not being funny on Fargo I knew there was no hope for them.
My best friend loves those fucks, too.

>why can't it be funny
Because the people writing it aren't funny.


Damn, I completely forgot them in that show, probably the worst part of the second season, and one of the few things I didn't like, they weren't as obnoxious as their own show though, which I'm quite thankful for.

Why is the CGI so shit?
Why is it so unfunny?
Why do they claim it's not about them being women, because women are equals blah, blah, blah, and then make "jokes" that make it all about them being insecure women?

at least Nicole Sullivan and Phil Lamar got a nice living doing voice work

My neighbor worked on this flick. He has nothing good to say about it.

You already can't criticize the movie otherwise you're woman hater and it's not even out yet.


holy fuck this makes me dislike it more than the first trailer

this movie is going straight to dvd. what a shitfest.

Wimens Lib.

>i dont know if it was a race thing or a lady thing but im mad as hell
or maybe it's because you're fat as fuck and would probably crush someone
seriously? thats the thing this character thought about instead of her fucking weight problem? christ

>Why do they claim it's not about them being women, because women are equals blah, blah, blah, and then make "jokes" that make it all about them being insecure women?

This is my thought exactly, why didn't they just write a ghost movie with a female cast, and call it something else.

This one doesn't look that bad

why didn't this progressive movie make the black member also a scientist instead of just making them another blue collar schlub working for smart whities

I did my part by disliking. Thanks senpai

no one would give a shit if it wasn't called Ghost Busters.
it would have been a three week theater release, low sales and just be forgotten.
But the bitch CEO at Sony wanted this, because it would speak volumes.
She just got the wrong director who didn't want any of that shit.

What was so bad about it?

Not even a blue collar schlub...at least Winston was a generic everyman who happened to be black.

In this one, they went back to the "sassy, street-smart black person" cliche' that we've been seeing in every fucking buddy-cop movie for the past 40 years.

I don't know how they managed to do it, but this trailer managed to lower my expectations for this movie even more. That is one hell of a feat, I honestly thought they had already hit rock bottom.

Nothing was funny. Comedies are supposed to be funny. The ghost look kinda cool though.

That was actually pretty good desu. Not even mad also check em

Why are they bothering with the "We can do what nobody else can do!" angle, when that goes against the original film's intent entirely?

It's supposed to be a schlub kind of job. Not fucking Spider-Man 'with great power comes great responsibility' shit.

>why didn't this progressive movie make the black member also a scientist

There's equality and then there's just being silly.

I'll give it to anyone that the effects actually look pretty decent in this movie.

However, the humor is fucking awful.

Femgon is probably one of the few reasons to watch the movie actually

>I'll give it to anyone that the effects actually look pretty decent in this movie.

I'm sorry, but you're so wrong.

This is extremely poor quality CGI, how can you honestly sit there and say that? After all the great things we've seen movies do, especially the original two films.

no it's not. It will bomb as all this kind of flicks do and it'll be the patriarchy's fault again.

im not saying they are great, im saying they are decent only.
desu I like the ghost that pukes on one of the characters. the colors are nice.
but thats it
im not praising it here dude

The special effects look like some kind of hybrid Adam Sandler + Scooby Doo shit. They're so out of place for Ghostbusters.

Are you blind? The effects were shockingly bad. I know trailers often showcase unfinished effects, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was 100% what is actually going to be in the movie.

At least Crista Flanagan still gets some work, never really in comedy though

>i don't know if it's a race thing or a lady thing
>we're gonna need a bigge-
no, seriously these days companies will do every possible thing in their power to appease the widest audience ever and despite the sheer amount of hatred it got they changed absolutely nothing. I expected a completely different movie at this point, but they are actually committed to releasing this. Amazing.

The movie has become too politicized for them to not go through with it. This isn't just about the movie anymore, it's about the MOVEMENT.

>Man I really can't stand Melissa McCarthy
this. i went to see spy with my mom and i was cringing the whole time


Yeah, that part was so shitty. Everything else in that trailer didn't seem so bad either.

Is it bad I got mildly aroused when Kristen Wiig got covered in goo?

Is this movie a reboot of old jokes too? Because that's literally all they've put in the movie.

I actually really enjoyed The Heat and Spy. This would look fine for me if it didn't ride the feminist meme so hard instead of being funny.

This is something I would expect from an Adam Sandler movie or something.

The main characters are the worst thing about this reboot, now I want to see this movie but without them

so it's like the interview but no one cares if they are seen as Un-American?

The part where Leslie Jones attempted a stage dive was kinda funny

>reused title
>reused jokes
>reused ghosts
>reused logo for final bad guy

Reboot? More like regurgitated.

Alright this could have been funny with better execution.

I'm confused I just watched the Star Wars and now I'm watching the Ghost Busters, what year is this. oy boi.

The movie will fail outside US.

The original Ghostbusters didn't even really have "jokes", except maybe when Venkman got slimed. It was more witty than laugh out loud funny, at least that's how I see it. Whenever I watch Ghostbusters, I'm chuckling all the time, but not guffawing, and that's fine. It's one of my favorite movies because it's a great mix of humor and the ghost stuff.

This reboot was obviously written to be a comedy first, with sci-fi stuff thrown in. It feels like they wrote the story around jokes instead of the other way around.

What is wrong with her face?

Maybe? To the people doggedly supporting it the movie itself is completely irrelevant compared to what it represents: a mainstream motion picture with all female leads and advertised as being created (mostly) by women. It doesn't matter what the movie is actually about or even whether it's good or not, it just matters that it succeeds so that it can be used as a foundation for them to build on.

Why is the bottom of her face green when the source of the light is on top?

On a side note, I can't wait to nitpick the shit out of this movie

Who here is going to watch the movie?
I am but only because I want to see Mike and Jay destroy it

Yo check out mah gold chain nigga!

Actually, I don't find her that bad, but why is she so token? It would have been funny if she was Egonblackgirl.

I won't pay to see it.

I'll probably watch a cam rip or something so I have context for watching other people rip it apart.

Exactly! It's funny, but it's funny out of sincere humor...it knows what it's doing. It's not TRYING to make you laugh...especially some of the subtle stuff, like Egon miming how much to charge the hotel. I bet you there won't be ANYTHING that clever or subtle in this movie.


Next watch The Back to the Future. What the fuck retard???

So are we placing bets they have a ghost fart or poop in the movie?

won't, i got better things to do
like getting

Probably a gay ghost.

I respect the level of the spectrum you have. Carry on.


based james

the crowd just caught mccarthy's character just before her dive.

it couldn't have been a girl thing. it had to be a race thing. the joke makes zero sense.

What's worse is they didn't even go for a fat joke, they went for a race/woman joke, unless it's one of those things where the trailer messes the sequence of the scene up.

I thought it was funny

Any details he went into?

>2nd trailer i
Looks great. I'm going to go watch it.

I actually clicked it because I'm on Mobile and it sent me there

I think the proximity of the claws on her shoulders is the primary source of glow, not the center of the ghost itself.

First season. They were the stakeout cops that Malvo just walked past.

I don't blame you for forgetting though. They were the least memorable character in the whole fucking series.

>Chris Hemsworth is box office cancer

There's no chance this won't bomb, right?

>well I'm sorry to hear that


I was impressed with one practical effect I noticed in the trailer.
Instead of using a cgi effect, they actually cast a black woman as one of the main characters.

Got to say, even if it was dudes making those jokes, it would suck ass.

I almost feel sexist saying that...

>Hemsworth knew this and auditioned to play the secretary to sabotage the movie from within

The only other answer is Kevin Feige put him up to it for the same reason.

You're not. The jokes are shitty regardless of whether the person telling it has a fuckhole or not.

It was obviously a "did not feel confident enough to catch a 600lb silverback gorilla" thing.

desu based on the first trailer I fully expected it to be fine and that the haters were rk9 just spammint he shit out of the dislike button... now I am not so sure.


wow, the final boss is the logo

I shed a tear