>Back in 1996 while driving on a rainy night in Santa Monica, USA, Tom Cruise witnessed the hit and run of Heloisa Vinhas, a 23-year-old Brazilian aspiring actress. She was on her way to the bus stop after finishing her shift at the California Chicken Café when she got knocked down by an unknown driver. Cruise followed the ambulance to UCLA Medical Center to make sure she was ok. She had suffered a broken leg and bruised ribs. He discovered that she was not insured and was faced with a $7000 bill. So what did he do? Paid it for her of course!
Back in 1996 while driving on a rainy night in Santa Monica, USA...
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Literally cannot be bruised.
That's a really nice gesture. Good for him. Unless this is like a troll thread and I'm missing the joke.
>23 year old brazzilion actress
did he tap that?
>Can't _____ ___ ______.
Fill in the gaps
What would he do in this same situation?
Cruise was great in the Impossible Mission movies.
I'm sure Cruise would've paid Brendan's medical bills too.
Look up celebrity random acts of kindness, its all bs for publicity
Fuck my ass
He would have stolen her purse while she was unconcious on the ground.
Can't love wife's son
try to move her around or pick her up after she was hit, hurt her even more, and then get sued for all he's worth.
>In 2012, Wahlberg was quoted in a magazine interview regarding what would have happened if he had flown aboard American Airlines Flight 11 on September 11, 2001. He had been booked on Flight 11, but his plans changed the day before the scheduled flight and he cancelled his reservation. Wahlberg received public criticism for stating, "If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn't have went down like it did", and "There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, 'OK, we're going to land somewhere safely, don't worry'"
>T.I. was on his way to a video shoot when he learned that a man was about to jump from a 22-story building in Atlanta. “Something in me just said, ‘Man you gotta try and help. You gotta do whatever you can.’” He did the only thing he could—record a video message for the jumper: “Nothing is that bad. Nothing in life is worth taking your life,” T.I. said. “I’m here to help you. Please come down and talk to me.” It apparently worked, so the man immediately stepped down from the ledge and met with T.I. in the lobby. They spoke for a few minutes, and the man was later transported to Atlanta’s Grady Memorial Hospital.
>But this is only the “Tip” of the iceberg when it comes to T.I.’s heroism. Singer of Creed Scott Stapp, had an encounter with him that changed his life forever. As the story goes, Stapp was in the midst of an awful drug binge. At a Miami hotel he began seeing visions of being locked in asylum and imagined voices telling him to jump from a 40-foot balcony. And he did. Said Stapp: “I laid out there for two and a half hours and my guardian angel showed up—rapper T.I. He immediately took care of the situation and saved my life.” The musician suffered a fractured skull, broken hip, and a broken nose. So without T.I. being there, Stapp would probably be pushing daisies.
They're both aspiring actors, so he'd probably kill her and then go for any roles she had lined up.
>In America you can get hit by a car and then be forced to pay $7000 USD in 1996 currency for the pleasure of not dying from your injuries
The thing is, I believe him. Wahlberg has a history of violence and the hijackers didn't even have guns. Tossing his kids into the situation, it seems like a safe bet he'd have stomped those terrorists like they were Vietnam fucking shits.
Damm thats cold but then a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do to survive
Why is this so funny
>Wahlberg has a history of violence
I shot snot out my nose
Tom Cruise has been sending Dunst a cake every Christmas since Interview With the Vampire
The best part is there are still Americans who are against a public health care system
>my guardian angel showed up—rapper T.I.
Odds are the passengers thought they were just going to be held for ransom or something. I doubt he would have even known he'd die that day, much less karate kicked a dozen terrorists as his delusion leads him to believe
You don't know about the "Vietnam fucking shit" story?
>Interview with the vampire
For the last time it is "Interview with A Vampire!"
>Before time dimensional shifts changed it
Forcing people to fund services they couldn't possibly utilize themselves is immoral.
He killed a cambodian once while screaming "cambodian fucking pricks", read his wi ki
He'd be the one who robbed her
Alimony isn't cheap family
>Dave, I got a potential convert over here! I need you to pay her bill!
>By age 13, Wahlberg had developed an addiction to cocaine and other substances. At 15, civil action was filed against him for his involvement in two separate incidents of harassing African-American children, by throwing rocks and shouting racial epithets. At 16, Wahlberg approached a middle-aged Vietnamese man named Thanh Lam on the street, and using a large wooden stick, knocked him unconscious while calling him a "Vietnam fucking shit"
>That same day, Wahlberg also attacked a second Vietnamese man named Hoa "Johnny" Trinh, punching him in the face. He believed he had left his victim permanently blind in one eye.
>Investigators also noted that he "made numerous unsolicited racial statements about 'gooks' and 'slant-eyed gooks'
>Trinh was interviewed in December 2014 by the Daily Mail; he revealed that he had already lost that eye during the Vietnam War, and did not know the identity of his assailant prior to being contacted by the media.
>For these crimes, Wahlberg was charged with attempted murder, pleaded guilty to assault, and was sentenced to two years in Suffolk County Deer Island House of Correction
Didn't people get stabbed or am I wrong?
creating life can be logically argued as being immoral
what's your point my friend
The problem isn't that Americans don't have a public health system, the problem is that the average American is shit at handling money. They spend it on all kind of trivial bullshit - like eating at restaurants twice every day for every day of the month - and then when an emergency comes around they're like "wow how can you expect me to PAY for medical care, what do you mean I'm supposed to pay for my insurance, I deserve everything for free"
This guy needs to get the fuck away from mai waifu before I unleash hell on his manlet ass.
Couldn't tell you, don't know much about the goings on in those planes, but I wouldn't doubt it. Wasn't my point though; I believe they didn't think they'd all die that day like they did, at least the majority. Someone probably resisted though.
Though it would benefit the hijackers immensely to give the passengers a false sense of security so as to not have them take back control. Probably told them they'd hold em for ransom if you ask me.
>I swear it's The Nightmare on Elm Street!
I don't know what to believe anymore
>"wow how can you expect me to PAY for medical care, what do you mean I'm supposed to pay for my insurance, I deserve everything for free"
Sounds like you just described every non-asian minority in America.
Not OP. but its true, no trolling here, this really happened. based cruise
>$7000 forced hospital bill for a broken leg in 1996 dollars.
literally me
>in 1996 dollars.
This is what really made your post worthwhile. Epic, my dude, just epic.
False equivalency.
The continued existence of humankind isn't dependant on government run healthcare.
Society does not, and should not
I want him to star as Bob Morane.
that's not my point
saying "x is immoral" without any qualifiers or further explanation adds nothing to the argument. it's a non-statement since morality is highly subjective.
more information is required.
he'd be the victim
'aspiring actress' usually means whore so im sure this was some ay papi cruise was sticking his dwarf cock in or he was ambulance chasing in the hope of getting the pussy.
It's neither moral or necessary to force taxpayers to fund government run healthcare, nor would it result in better quality of care.
>when u too dumb to banter
is it moral to force me to pay taxes for other programs i dont utilize? what about programs introduced by candidates i didn't vote for?
why isn't it necessary to reform healthcare in america? plenty of metrics show it as being, on the whole, inefficient and more expensive than other countries of similar size and development.
i agree that the quality of care would likely stay the same but the point of universal healthcare is to provide access to those who normally wouldn't have it. the quality of care largely depends on if the facility you are at is well funded and if the staff gives a shit about their job.
personally im still on the fence about healthcare but im sure universal care has some positives.
rapper T.I. is actually a pretty good person.
I agree.
Really the main point of argument is that you're supposed to always have the coverage, so you don't have to worry about dying all the time.
I had a coworker in a factory once with a funny attitude. He would always use equipment very destructively, like slamming things on the table, and when I asked him why the fuck he does that, he said "who cares, if it breaks, we'll get a new one".
One time I accidentally rolled something over his foot (wasn't too heavy luckily) and I apologized. He said "don't apologize. If I get hurt, it's considered a work injury and the company pays for it"
If you have no possibility of uitilzing those services now or sometime in the future, then yes.
And I believe quality of care would dramatically drop. See the healthcare system of the U.K. and Canada for exampe.
Healthcare in the United States is expensive when compared to other Western countries due to a number of cultural and demographic reasons, none of which are due to a lack of government run healthcare. The obesity rate and lower average IQ among the poor when compared to other Western countries are the main reasons.
>quebec """"""""""healthcare""""""""""""""
He went to Walmart on Christmas eve and paid for everybody's stuff just because.
everyone gets sick or injured at some point in their lives so saying that you will never utilize universal healthcare is pretty silly.
you're right though, demographics and cultural differences likely play a part but i dont think IQ is a big factor here. the US is only a point or two behind canada and the UK. spain has the same average IQ. so does france, which has universal health care and one of the highest rated quality of care in the western world.
of course, france has a fifth of the population of the US so that needs to be taken into account.
idk too much about QoC of the uk and canadian systems so i can't speak on that. i just feel like conversation about healthcare is way too politicized instead of people looking for solutions that would help the largest amount of people. i just think it's fucked up that if you don't have a job or have a job that doesn't offer healthcare and some shit outside your control happens there is a good chance you could end up homeless or in debt so bad your life is fucked. also the state of the homeless and mental health in the US.
I was referring to the individual healthcare itself rather than the entire system.
And 30% of the population of the USA is either black or hispanic. Blacks have an average IQ of 85 and hispanics 89. Other Western countries do not have similar demographics.
High number of illegal aliens within the USA also play a role.
>Stapp was in the midst of an awful drug binge
So it's a Tuesday? Because Wednesday is conspiracy day.
on the whole those with lower intelligence will end up being a larger burden on the system but there's nothing to be about that really and i don't think the impact is aggressively large that a universal healthcare option is completely out of the question.
anyway they are citizens they deserve care regardless of intelligence imo.
the illegal alien issue is the more pressing one and it has no easy solution beyond tougher border control, i'm at loss on that one.