Reminder that you're not truly free unless you live in Canada.
Reminder that you're not truly free unless you live in Canada
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wtf I love Hungary NAO
Note to self: open a factory in Eritrea.
wtf I'm gay NAO
>Gay Porn
>number one in billionaires
doubt it
>tfw those countries which are not #1 in anything
> Australian
> Cybersecurity incidents
aussies shitposting so bad they put national security at risk
>lgbt tolerance
At least we get that sweet boipucci r-right?
> Latvia
> Women
thought it mght be per capita but nah
There are more russian billionaires in London than in Moscow.
capitalism BTFO
it means spain knows how to ignore attention seekers
good job
>personal freedom
>can't even conceal carry
>can't even call a tranny a man
if i was canadian i would illegally immigrate to america
literally, who?
Fuck off chav scum.
Most of /brit/ is filled with working class low lives, just beacuse you are poor does not mean everyone is.
London has a large amount of millionaires and a few billionaires.
>horse meat
WTF I *HATE* Argentina now
>number 1 brazil nuts
Hey Brazil, how do like your cucknuts?
>Kiwi fruits
excuse me what?
>news media
Def. mediocre at best.
I'm scared of mongolia now wtf
Pls gimme residency.
fuck off dickhead where did /brit/ come from in this conversation?
It's not like we're known to have billionaires, despite London
and probably more of putin's enemies and henchmen/assassins than russia too
Bolivia is better at Brazil nuts than Brazil.
Latvians officially have zero excuse for no gf
We don't eat it, tho. It's for export.
let me marry your sister, marcin
there are really a lot of those typical tall slim blondes with blue eyes in latvia. they are not plain looking, they are really cute and hot
I have no sister, but I can be your wife, Canada is free country.
>more of putin's enemies
you mean, friends?
Once weed gets legalized Canada will literally be 100% free as in freedom, non-proprietary software and bios.
> captcha is a street sign pointing to the O.P.P.
ok thats not weird as fuck
Whatever you say horsie-killer
: |
>bill c-16
clearly this is what google was trying to communicate to me via captcha
perhaps canada's personal freedoms are just a meme?
>personal freedom
>can't even watch anime without getting the mounties on your door
>fat kids
>heavy women
What's the difference?
theres LITERALLY a camera up your ass watching you type that
I like Kanada.
>can't even say offensive things in comedy clubs
Free as fuck my dude
Is this the fucking 1600s yet?
>this is the prime minister of the second largest country on Earth
Yes I'm sure Litvinenko was a close personal friend of Putin.
Don't worry. Spirit didn't suffer... Much.
When did I ever imply Pry Minister Theresa 'Crouching Tiger' May isn't an Orwellian? Still doesn't change the fact that you guys got stuck with the biggest PC loony in power on the planet.
*relevant pic
worth it for the weed
desu its the only thing that will get him re-elected (assuming weed does bring in big tax $$$)
The best thing is that we do it just for fun. The meat is worth nothing. It's kind of the nation's entertainment, you can watch it on TV sometimes
Reminder that you're not truly cardamon unless you live in Guatemala
it's either that or homicide rates
wtf i love being canadian now
>ukraine is number one at nothing
holy shit
Better to be a slave than a fucking leaf.
>because every country is number one at something
>a lot of countries aren't number one at anything
haute cuisine...French?
Hentai anime?
my bets have always been on him pushing legalization legislation being pushed into his second term, i mean he's only stated difficulty in legalizing weed when the subject has been brought up, its like he's been preparing to push it off into a second term
spain has nice men and nice weather
regards had a little vacation month with homosex
Korea makes better hentai. Not even meming.
what's an ukraine
you can call a tranny a man
and our gun laws are pretty solid, plus our non-gun civil liberties are top notch
>Cashless payment
Yup, I I always pay by card
>it's not even coffee anymore
>best passport
Not for long. Soon our passport will be worthless, when most of the ones carrying it are ISIS sand niggers. RIP German passport
>Still doesn't change the fact that you guys got stuck with the biggest PC loony in power on the planet.
This is a severe exaggeration. But if you only inform yourself with memes, fake quotes, and soundbites, it may appear that way.