No rekt thread?

No rekt thread?

Post a few more and maybe I'll contribute too.

Hot wheels

comon OP
put some effort into your thread

I saw the full video of this on youtube like 7 years ago. I'm still terrified to sit in a car to this very day, and i'll avoid it at all cost if i can.

handle your shit user
fuck man

why are they just filming
they could get the guy on the left away from the flames and maybe pull the other one out too?


just do yourself a favor,
and kill yourself

Its a car full of people, atleast 5.
At the beginning of the video you can see the car crash. The cameraman walks over to help, but all the doors are closed. Then the fire slowly starts spreading and you can hear one of the girls scream in pain as she's getting burned alive.

The driver actually got out, but he died from smoke inhalation later in the hospital. Everyone died. Worst fucking shit i've ever seen, and it made me terrified of being trapped in a car with no way of getting out.


why didn't the cameraman throw in the window or something.
it seems mean just standing there and filming it instead
was he arrested? it's probably his fault they're dead
also where can I watch the video

The cameraman seemed confused as what to do, and just walked in circles around the car.

He eventually kicked in the front window, and the driver climbed out, but by then it was already too late. The entire car was engulfed.

ill contribute





they dont learn, huh?


>edgelord newfag

I love when chink purge themselves.

>Jew finds a penny

Number 1 fear


Chinese girls are so cute when in despair
also why is this a thing in china?

this isnt facebook nigger.

They have their eyes closed user, they can't see

good kek, no rek

And what are you waiting for to share the link, asshole?


ok you win Sup Forums

I almost fucking vomited, and I am a nurse so it takes a lot

I am assuming the video cuts off because he starts to help the guy once he climbs half way out the windscreen?

source? or a name that I might be able to search?



>Jungle gym

Holy shit



This is fucking hilarious.. Is there a video with sound?

this made my anus clench


wtf this is some sort of sign







what is that magical liquid they pour which causes pain to become nonexistant



put that at the end of liveleak

Someone would have to make me watch this at gunpoint.
I feel queasy from just watching the first second.

Fuckin' loved Event Horizon

dont be samefagging.

And then you get satanic trips on a kid that hung themselves.

Satan, promise me that you will purge this world

Absolutely fucking disgusting. Who the hell drinks Fanta ?

this is so fucking fake. wow! you are so dumb to think we would believe this is real.

Oh, sorry.

My nigga

lol click on the white dot and drag it from the end back to the beginning. it looks like they are shoving it in.

Baby changing station
Baby hanging station

did they expect elevator to be there?

is it a virus

OC, slaughter house.

no, but b0aty and iceposideon are a virus to your moms credit card.

yes user
yes it is


Yeah, but that's to make the bacon I ate this morning

Try harder

Meh, 2/10. Would still fuck.

Blew his fucking jacket off. The fuck was that?

sigh. Noob.

http ://www . liveleak . com/view?i=996_1336098700&comments=1

Shh, he probably doesn't even know what runescape is

You put them thru still fully aware and alive right? Thats the respect way.

killing turkeys. turkey sandwich


nope, gas them in a co2 chamber then slit their throats at that pic by machine


Totally shopped, guy actually opens chute and lands safely.

I always wish someone would animate in the little cloud of dust when he hits like Wile E. Coyote.

yeah, you can tell he missteps on purpose.

wow you are so cool

I'd love if they remade this movie. I felt like it had a great concept but poor execution.

What a faggot. user we all know you have to take the animal while it is alive and aware, all bones, all skin, all meat. Put it in back feet first then feed it in till it gets to the front feet. Do you not know how to kill a animal with loyalty? niggers.

Fast and the Furious 8 starring Paul Walker.


But why

Grove Street. Home.

>implying it's real.
Your balls would not just drop out like that.
wtf is wrong with you?

SAtan has spoken!


>it keeps happening
wtf is this some cool new way to an hero in china or something?

>double down

wish we knew what floor this was to know how far the drop was

why even bother with the bucket??



oh, then it was lunch
