>"That's a cute outfit, did your husband make it for you? Because there's nothing wrong with that and I firmly believe homosexuals should have the same fundamental and legal rights as everyone else."
Damn this movie was ahead of its time
>"That's a cute outfit, did your husband make it for you? Because there's nothing wrong with that and I firmly believe homosexuals should have the same fundamental and legal rights as everyone else."
Damn this movie was ahead of its time
>"That's a cute outfit, faggot"
Damn, this move really took some shots
>That's a cute outfit
>"Shit, a fucking Bob-omb"
How did they pull this off?
More like behind its time. Liberals are on the wrong side of history.
>I can see your tiny dick through your tights, bitch
What the fuck raimi, god damn
>I missed the part where that's my problem, you fucking hooknosed kike
Goddamn, you could NOT get way with releasing this movie in 2016
>That'd be a pretty cute outfit IF YOU FIXED MY DAMNED DOOR