/éire/ + /celt/ = /theboys/

1798 edition

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Gaff party?

that you benzolad?

as if he could afford to buy all that from his fucking tent

Benzolad was just a made up character.

Stop inviting brits to /éire/

Wish I could get my handwriting to that standard.

>he doesn't have an indecipherable scrawl

>tfw no slightly dominant older polish fugitive gf

A chara, cuir chugam más é do thoil é an drama, "Fear na millúin Punt". Seo é ocht piginn luacht 'S costas posta.
beidh mé buideac má beidh sé agam le.

don't give up hope

she's old enough to be your mammy

you act like that doesnt turn me on

Levuticus 1:13
"Hear my word citizen of babylon , thou shalt not reply to the yank"

>tfw your handwriting is so shit that you type all letters and print all envelope addresses

>christcuck edition
cool picture though tbf


Imagine replying to the yank - I just can't fathom it.

weebs should kts

don't let his 4th class insults get to you

t. Kristian "Louis Cachet" Vikernes

Sinn Fein first minister? Is it happening?

I still think the unionists will narrowly scrape their candidates into the first ministry, cunts mobilise the dead for votes


fuck off you unbaptised swiss yank shit

new rule for /eire/: you can only post here if you are baptised and go to catholic communion at least once a year

also plenty of irishmen went on crusade if that's what your asking


I seriously doubt there'll be a Sinn Féin first minister.

>Is it happening?
It possibly is, here's his letter
Don't know about you, but it looks like he's given up on power sharing, possibly all of SF have, they've never said this since the Good Friday Agreement. I'm not sure that the UUP, Alliance or TUV would support the DUP in a unionist government with the RHI scandal and excluding TUV differences over Brexit. The UUP might not be keen on supporting SF and SDLP in government either. The DUP will try and mobilise people to vote them though, as otherwise SF could be the largest party in Stormont. If no power sharing arrangement can be found then we go to direct rule from Westminster. The last thing May wants to deal with now is the DUP throwing their toys out of the pram in the North, and she also knows that Northern Ireland voted to remain. This could mean that we have a reunification referendum or some power sharing agrement between London and Dublin to try and keep everyone in the North happy. Southern partitionists on suicide watch.
Stop fucking replying to him
It doesn't really matter, if no power sharing agreement is found something happens.

What is the cash for ash home heating shite all about anyway? Big political fuss over nothing?

Mummy May seems like the type to sooner re instate direct rule rather than deal with another referendum in the middle of brexit negotiations, but one can hope.

I'm reading the comments on the Irish times and the commentators are based.

>worshipping a dead kike on a stick

Grasping at straws

Is this a good post?

essentially they had a program where they subsidised properties with green energy. then some people toom advantage of it and started heating empty houses with green energy and stormont threw cash at them. then it came to light and its a big shcandal
t. read about it for 5 minutes earlier

A reunification referendum would almost certainly fail.

>What is the cash for ash home heating shite all about anyway? Big political fuss over nothing?
There was some grant for heating buildings, which doesn't make any sense anyway. Arlene Foster was the minister at the time who set it up, but they ended up giving 400 millons pounds away in grants which mostly benefited unionist farmers.
>Mummy May seems like the type to sooner re instate direct rule rather than deal with another referendum in the middle of brexit negotiations, but one can hope.
Probably, but they might not want to deal with the North while going ahead with negotiations. They also have to deal with the North not having an opt out like Scotland have potentially with a second referendum.
I know I'm grasping at straws.
Best post in the thread.
Right now it would, but if the UK don't want to keep funding Northern Ireland and if a hard border went up it might pass.

Honestly, follow Ian Paisley's example.

This guy founded his own Christian Sect, Fraternal Order, Terror Group, and Political party.

I think he is the closest thing we've seen to a fascist messiah complex in our life time. Pity he was a filthy Prod.

>A lot of it personal. There’s a lot of it, sadly, misogynistic as well because I’m a female, the first female leader of Northern Ireland.
lmao this woman

finally unbanned

>not just resetting your ip and clearing cache

gave me a bit of time to clear the auld noggin and have a read anyway

nice trips

How do you reset your IP these days?

reboot your router

turn the router on and off you dumbass

If on mobile, Airplane mode on and off.

Doesn't work for me.

your main internet router not your wi fi router

Your service must be different, for most people you can just turn it off and on to get a new IP

I know, it doesn't work.

who's your internet provider

thanks for putting /celt/ in the title Iwerddon


fuck you

>This could mean that we have a reunification referendum
wew lad

any chance of it passing?



can't wait till white sluts get made to follow a proper religion that keeps them in like inshallah

no problem

>poo in the loo

India is like 15% Muslim anyway lad


fuck off with this bitch

not very nice

her, milo, sargon, stefan, PJW are all just money grabbing cunts

don't be fooled by the temptations of a woman

What's the story with the Sacconjoly's and why are they embarassing Ireland?

I hate that whole "sceptic" crowd

fucking unbearable

shoe0nhead is another one

whys the da sound like an American

fucking despise the South Dublin accent, it's the worst tint you could pair with this sassanach tongue


What about SF?

the fucking state of vloggers
a rule of thumb is if someone needs to refer to being Irish in the title of their videos then they're terrible and need a crutch


don't mention them at all

it's just a channel for women and little girls it seems
kids are pretty cute, older daughter(?) and mother are both rides, da is a quare

>When Jonathan Joly married Anna Saccone they both decided that instead of Anna dropping her family name they would both take each other's names and join them together. They choose to use SACCONEJOLY rather than JOLYSACCONE simply because it sounded better.

There is nothing Irish about this family. Imagine your da being a youtuber and shoving a camera in your face.

The only camera was shoved in my face was a 90s VHS camcorder by a father who worked on building sites in the wind rain hail and snow.

Tried some "kefir" drink from the Polish section in Tesco.

Strong stuff. Think Greek yoghurt mixed with actimel mixed with vinegar.

>double-barreled surnames
>L O N D O N

Yeah, not Irish.

Who here has higher than a 94 IQ?

How much is this affected by the amount of people who run from the same families for most of the main parties?


imagine your ma even knowing what a selfie is

they fucking disgrace the tricolour on their channel and intro

never heard of these people before

the children have english accents, that's enough

is this the richard lynn meme?

how did that faggot marry her and creampie her multiple times to produce offspring and I've never had a gf
is he wealthy?

that map you saw is anglo propaganda

pretty sure we have a lot fewer paint sniffers and floor polish drinkers per capita than russia

I'd love to MICKED.com the wifes sister.

They're all Valley Girl/D4/Londonite whores. 2/10 would not bang.

the children are another man's children


Top fucking kek.

I'll need you to substantiate these claims

gonna start commenting on this cunts videos telling him to remove any reference to ireland from his channel

i cannot, i will withdraw my post

who started the to smart meme?

>It is understood that the juveniles are “under the influence” of older gangland criminals who are involved in using websites to sell a variety of stolen goods.

>"These youngsters have been arrested before. They get bail and continue to commit these offences," a source said.


It was probably /fit/ or misc on bodybuilding.com or whatever the name is.

I want to see a brigade of McGregor-avatared commenters spewing "x is less irish than those who do not" memes on their page.

shall we organise a raid?

>When Jonathan Joly married Anna Saccone they both decided that instead of Anna dropping her family name they would both take each other's names and join them together. They choose to use SACCONEJOLY rather than JOLYSACCONE simply because it sounded better.

jesus christ what a cunt.

i watched 3 seconds of one of their videos, can't believe he doesn't swing the same way as that bender Cathal McCarron

Do you though?

I'm going to make a new account to do it
been meaning to do so for youtube memeing for a while because my main youtube is linked to my real gmail

>commenting on videos that all have over a quarter of a million views
it'll get buried, don't waste your time lads
youtube structures the comment section to put the most upboated comments first anyway doesn't it

yeah but I'll sub to him so I can get there early

we should do something in someway to contact him or indeed his moth. I feel the need to terrorise this prick

The amount of crime that could be prevented with the execution of repeat offenders of so-called "petty crimes" is insane.

they can probably be triggered on twitter

I'd love to find an address and do a mad pizzabomb