Is Russia a real country?

Is Russia a real country?

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More real and better than your future rainnigger

>rain nigger
Isn't the most rainy place in the word in India?

lemme think...

Good post thank you for your contribution and adding to the discussion I am sure it will sway the discussion due to your thought provoking post

The twitter screencap board is over here

Calm down hun I just found it a bit humours and wanted to share it with my friends at www.Sup

you're welcome, dude.
you can visit the magical kingdom of russia anytime you want.

>posting the white supremacy amphibian

Russia wants BLOOD Im literally in tears rn

But you can never leaveeeeeeee


shush you

i hope you're just expressing your joy through tears.

TOP KEK it's legit
russia is a shitty meme gone too far

I had to search myself, I though it had to shooped

It isn't
>The Russian Embassy in London has been accused of adopting a “white supremacist symbol”
ahahahaha oh wow
the memes are hitting the 3D world too hard lately


Their entire history is a meme

Political discussions in 2017

best year so far.

Embassy probably browses 2ch, I'd say they have presence here as well but Russians are such self haters(in a humorous way) that probably not

I'm LITERALLY shAKING right now

well isnt this the case of "degenerate" which Sup Forumsacks/ and alt-rights have criticized everyday.

you must be soooooooo happy


We are living in the age of memes, Hideo. You adapt or go extinct

Nobody asked for an opinion of some tornadonigger

I can't fucking wait for the world's first memetic war

then you're the lucky one, because 2017 is the year when a magical kingdom of russia will make your dreams come true!

strayas never lose the opportunity to join the shitposting


good bants apu