
Black weebs edition

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I wonder if they let him keep a dakimakura in prison.

>invasive species
>nobody wants them to exist
>odd cultural norms
>inferiority complexes abound
>can't speak proper english

#non neanderthal DNA having sub-Saharan apes

You people need to stop!

/cum/ doesn't allow racist here!

fuck wypipo

I noticed that many anime reactions on youtube are made by nigs
Why nigs are such weebs?

Ummmm Anime will save the black race

Don't tell me what to do weeb

Why is anyone a weeb?

Going back to Uni today


Who you calling a weeb???

The average IQ of black males is 85.

Ummmm my IQ is higher than yours buddy!


>Who you calling a weeb???

I really want a black American girlfriend

>>invasive species
>>nobody wants them to exist
>>odd cultural norms
>>inferiority complexes abound
>>can't speak proper english

Kind of like NEETs, right?

Hey guys I'm gonna go get a Jamba Juice, anybody wants one?

Because it was made by the Japs, not the whiteys.

Ew why?

Bet you won't say that to my face nerds!

A large segment of the black and Canadian populations are NEETS


You get no (you)s, nigger.

works starts in 2 hours
I'm getting even more scared now

>thinking maybe I want to pursue graduate studies
>start looking at websites for various master's programs from various unis
>immediatly lose interest and start getting a headache just thinking of the admission process
I swear it's like they design these sites (especially the admission sites) to deter as many people as possible.

here's to hoping I can find a job with my undergrad degree

Nein danke. Moment! Haben sie wie eine winterliche Art?

Are you the wendys user?

>Ew why?

Just don't think about it till it's time for you to leave user, go watch tv or something

black American girls are hot and not as stupid as real niggers from Africa
I will get a black American gf and make children with her
The jealous niggers can't stop me. I will take their women. Ahaha

Maybe. I'm only 119.

the rap remember the rap

Go ahead, but it won't change the fact that Germany is quite literally blacked.


but then it will all hit at once and give me a panic attack

D-delete this!

Maki is pure!

That's rude (*´>д

anime tiddies

>Black weebs edition
I have been summoned
What is thy bidding?

I know the feeling man but you're only gonna work yourself up thinking of more scenarios

Chicken tendies


Maki literally made for BBC

Guys when I'm a world famous goat farmer I'll make sure to take care of all of you.

Mugi and Maki love my bbc!!

>panic attack
You'll be fine. It's Wendy's.

are you a nigger? I don't want the fat KFC girls
I want educated college girls that look like the bitches on 80s hip hop albums

>black American girls are hot and not as stupid as real niggers from Africa


Wendys is nothing to get scared over

It's not rocket science lad

Chill out, jobs dealing with the public suck but some suck way more than others.

Retail and fast food are pretty tame, I worked as an umpire one summer when I was 13 for girls softball and holy fucking shit you would not believe how many times some roid raging 47 year old going through a midlife crisis will get in your face over a call.

As long as you are in a decent neighborhood the worst you are going to deal with is old ladies that didn't get their special order right, just divert these problem people to the manager and you will be fine.

Why won't that Indianapolis user just buy a tapedeck on ebay?



If the seller fucks up and it doesn't actually work you can just get the money back with PayPal, they almost never side with the seller.
They're both overpriced I guess, but it's ebay and it's for the memes.

>are you a nigger

You're gonna have a hard time finding those types of black American girls, they're very rare!

>Only one spot left for a class
>Cant confirm that spot till 3:00PM when it opens
>If i dont get that spot it will fuck up literally all my schedule for 5 months and i will have to drop a class
>I been having stomachache nonstop of how many times this spot has opened and closed and worried that someone else will take it exactly when you can select classes in 2 hours

Okay, I HATE Germans now

5 > 4 > 6 > R1 > 3 > 7 > 1 > 2

Can I date your sister?


You can date my wife.


I don't have any sisters or brothers!

Good luck buddy.

Star Wars

you're not gonna get it lol

swap 7 and R1

No. I only date virgins

Do you hate white men with black gfs?

Have you tried contacting the instructor of that class?

Good luck, I signed up for all my classes and exams today

>7 behind a new hope
They were the same movie

>signing up for exams

I wish I could do that ;_;

except shittier in every way

4 did it better. 1 is also very similar.

Yes, but she literally told me to fuck myself without words.
I have to speak with my career coordinator to make a spot for me, but there are 2, one which would put you in any class and other that wont(But her assistant does when she isn't present).

You cant?

No? I don't care who someone else dates

Also I don't like black women

Explain pls.
In Germany we have to sign up for exams and classes to get credits.
Our schedule is set tho, we cant choose between classes yet.

*advocates friendship and no racism*

Fuck minorities


Hey man that's cool!

Hello friend!

does anyone know the source of the video

>Africans posing as Microsoft has called me at least five times since December started
Why is it specifically Africans that do this?

know the signs

Probably some chucklefuck scored a lucky hit off of some old broad with dementia in Canada and USA, so now the whole village bought phones to scam the Western Hemisphere from Nigeria.

Sissy !

I like watching amateur videos of black couples
the women are always hairy and they only show the pussy and ass and they are very wet
I saw a good professional movie with 2 black girls, it was anal for 2 hours
But they are not good because the lighting makes them look white
After I cum and we made a child it will look funny and be discriminated in school
If I play with her feces it's not as disgusting because you can't see it on her skin
I really want a black gf soon

obviously that guy is just making fun of anime-loving white nerds

I'm not a sissy!!

I just want a cute Asian man to Fuck me!!

I always get Indians. cheeky fucker asked for my mom and when I said she was unavailable he got pissed and asked if I was fucking her. Whenever they call now I immideatly insult them

He did it so much he ended in jail for child porn and got caught in a retarded way.

and gay also

ignore this low quality german poster pls, thank you.

me and the lads about to drop our new album

There's nothing wrong with liking cute Asian boys!!

All Asian boys are fat and ugly


Culture is dropping on January 27.
I guess it will sell pretty good

I play team fortress 2

Not true! Japanese boys are small and cute!

*advocates bullying to canadians*

Post one (1) image of a cute Japanese boy who ISN'T a model or famous in any way


Do you hate the word nigger?

why even bother?