I fucking hate Euro liberal cucks who think we evolved from apes. FUCKING APES?! Seriously this needs to die now...

I fucking hate Euro liberal cucks who think we evolved from apes. FUCKING APES?! Seriously this needs to die now. Monkeys can't think, we can... (well, liberal euro anti gun cucks can't I guess)


Try harder son.

B8 M8

Everything is perfect
there are still apes
so we don't come from apes and god made the human.
Don't believe anyone else


observe the classic cuck, u probably believe the universe 'just happened' fggt kys. I hate liberals

Same fag

we didnt evolve from apes, apes and humans evolved from the same species.

Still trying so hard.

We still are apes.

>inb4 prove it

I'm an undergrad biology student. I could prove common descent to YOUR satisfaction if you gave me 10 minutes and a smartphone.

Shit tier b8.

no lurk more


TYPICAL! Liberals only like democracy THEIR WAY. If anyone disagreese with their sanders agenda they cry troll. fggts


try harder fag


Im sorry but he isnt even a serious minority in the USA, so its very well possible he is actually serious about that shit.


The idea that we 'evolved from apes' only seems absurd, because today's creationists use a logical fallacy (straw-man), saying that evolution says we came from modern apes, whereas actually humans and other apes today share a common ancestor.

If you don't accept natural selection, that's fine, you can believe whatever absolute nonsense you want about the universe. Don't pretend your beliefs are facts.

If we don't come from apes
how come bacteria is immun to penelicin
gotcha theist :}

why dont you use a blosum62 matrix to determine when you evolved from niggers?





THANK YOU! Someone finally who understands - many people feel as I do, fucking bernfags all trying to have evertyhting their way


how ?
like freddy mercury ?

its to fucking early for this im going back to bed


We only share a common ancestry. NEXT

>where are the million of these
OP and his family

fuvck is penicilin? sounds like some fucking liberal propaganda bernfag shite. WE ARE NOT APES MORON



No he is over the top. 0/10 troll

Pic related

Yeah, fuck this bad b8

This is now a dank souls thread.

they are onto us

Wrong. Apes and us have the same ancestor

Oh my gosh the bait is SO BAD

The planet is flat

i thank thy sunbro for adding to my dank souls folder

wtf OP?
I see plenty of those between people around. Have you been to Atlanta?

If Americans evolved from Europeans then why are there still Europeans? Checkmate Atheists.


more over the top than u trying to shut me up to inforce ur liberal agender?! my cousin/father is in the navy seels u fggt he will fuck u up

-8/8 b8 fag8


Yo we evolved from homonids, we just have a common ancestor to apes. We're more like really far off removed cousins technically

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>Present: Chimpanzee, Homo sapiens, Homo neanderthalensis
>homo neanderthalensis

And I to you, friend!

>I fucking hate Euro liberal cucks who think we evolved from apes

Common ancestor does not mean 'evolved from apes', For example a Nobel physicist and a trailer trash preacher might have had a more primitive common ancestor.

Look at the arrow, retard, it is slightly lower than the rest




>slightly lower
yeah defend you failing construct
if i point out a mistake in your fake theory you start screaming
funny, shows that i won evolution can't be true

Damn spidey dubs

>I fucking hate Euro liberal cucks who think we evolved from apes

Actually that's pretty much the Big Bang Theory

i hate this show

top kek, this is the worst bait I've ever seen, you should be ashamed of yourself

Ah words of the week, feels good jump on bandwagons, hey? you feel edgy when their impotent insults too.


>to acutally be this retarded

9/11 made me reply

>fuvck is penicilin? sounds like some fucking liberal propaganda bernfag shite. WE ARE NOT APES MORON
You certainly have the intelligence of an ape, so that alone should prove the theory of evolution to you if you

>to acutally be this retarded
not nowing how to defend theories with arguments.
so you shout stupid nonsense with a terrible grammar out.
go be ashamed.
i got him i won deal with it.
Everyone who defend evolution is mentally retarded

Newfag of house Reddit, 10 millionth of the name, King of the Newfags and the First Newfags. Lord of the 7 Newfags and protector of Tumblr

try harder

well then proof it.
evolution doesn't make any sense.
if everything changed, why don't we see it today ?

The great thing about science is that it's true regardless of whether subhuman, drooling retards like you believe it or not.

This isn't a debate. It's settled. If you go against science you aren't "of a different opinion", you are just WRONG.

Did you see this '?
This is what i mean, to scared to actually defend your points with arguments.
go ahead try it. i will disprove everything you'll say

According to the gastonian institute africans are the missing link, which makes sense if you look at the genetic profiles.

They had a exposition on it that got removed because people were (blacks) were causing riots


I wasted ten seconds on you, and now I'm wasting another ten second on you, no big deal to me.

This just proofes racism.
This is awful, we shouldn't teach this!

Cuz jet fueul dont melt dat der steal beems

Homo erectus still walks among us

ok, so where's the facts that ur magic friend exist
-real facts, doesn't count that scify kike book or say 'i feel it in my hart'-
protip, u can't

you need to do a little better then that

dumb ass

Yeah believe in you theorie of buttsex with a retard fish squirrel

Idiot doesn't understand evolution so he calls it a lie

Vape Nation

every time you watch gay porn then go to the fridge


That fucking image triggers me so much, how are people still being this retarded. We didn't evolve from modern apes you cuck, humans and modern apes evolved from a long extinct ancestor. In fact, I do see many of those half ape half humans walking the streets, you happen to be one of them,

You can't think. You lose.

Idiot who calls other just idiot without showing how

rip OP
destroyed again

A.. A BITE!!!!!



Good job falling for the bait newfag

You actually believe in the theory of evolution ?

Wrong again.

I know OPs post is bait, if you bothered to read my post I was talking about the image, not OP. Are you a nonce?