If this isn't the single most aesthetic and inspiring flag I dont know what is

if this isn't the single most aesthetic and inspiring flag I dont know what is

I honestly think it is actually quite nice.

we need a modern version of this.

that isn't the union jack


this isnt our flag

Inspiring 4 u


My dad said to me that if I would ever work for an EU institution he'll never want to see me again.

Is he a jihadist?

>if this isn't the single most aesthetic and inspiring flag I don't know what is
It is a nice flag for a nice idea.

And the best part is there won't be any need to change it when the space federation comes.
Every star will represent an actual star :^)

Jihadi's love the EU though

this is

They enjoy migration policies but dislike the government because islam still is not their official religion

>the stars don't even represent anything

Fucking shit-tier flag and design.


wtf i hate poland now

And poland hates the eu with a passion, for some reason.
I mean i hate the eu too but we have a good reason, poland gets money thrown at them and takes no immigrants

That flag means betacuckoldry

Aesthetic? More like pathetic


This, I look at it and I feel nothing but disgust for this poor excuse of an union.

Immigrants wouldn't want to live in Poland. They'd experience no improvement in quality of life.

What does it even represent?


Ive heard conflicting storys, from "wholesomeoness" to "unity represented by the 12 tribes of Israel stars" albeit the last one I dont believe.

Not even Sup Forums, but Nazis had the most aesthetic banners, flags, emblems, uniforms, etc.

they represent the crown of europa you stupid fucking faggot

>Raped by Zeus

>Cucked from the start

>posts virgin mary
Cool bait reddito

I suppose compared to your crayon flag anything is nice.

No one moves to Poland because Syria would offer a better standard of living.


The British flag stands for a union of four kingdoms.
The French flag stands for liberty, equality and brotherhood.
What the FUCK are those twelve stars supposed to symbolize? You idiots can't even fucking agree on the symbolism considering you're trying to wash out its Catholic origins because it'd offend proddies, muzzies and fedora tippers.

It's the perfect flag to represent the EU though: empty symbolism without substance. Where in most cases matter precedes form, in the EU form precedes (the absence of) matter.


whats that ugly thing