How to dip and not get a buzz...

how to dip and not get a buzz? i can smoke 5 cigarettes and not feel a thing but one dip for 20 minutes makes me feel like if i move around much ill throwup

That's the degeneracy kicking in

Take a smaller pinch, ya donkey.

Just deal with it. Dip has 20x the nicotine in it ;)

i chewed 2 cans of cope a day for almost 20 years. Quit now while you're ahead. Thank God I was able to quit last year.

Don't smoke then dip. Sounds like you're getting too much nicotine. If you aren't smoking and dipping then just take a smaller pinch out.

This. Just use less

how long shouldvyou leave a dip in for? i always like theblight buzz cigarettes give but witg dip i found it hits you much stronger than cigarettes and i dont like that abwhole lot
is it normal to not want to dip just for a buzz? i thought it tasted pretty good (cope long cut)

>how to dip and not get a buzz?

That's defeating the purpose of chewing tobacco. I guess you're one of those inbred rednecks that wears tight blue jeans, a camouflage hat with a fish hook on it, and boots.

Kill yourself.

Shut up faggot. No one asked you for tips on quitting, or why you should. It's 2016; everyone in developed countries knows the risks.


Get your old ass off Sup Forums. LOL. You're like one of those old ass men trying doing young male shit. Sorry, you're fitting in.

Go read a newspaper or something, ya old bitch.

It's called tolerance.

you don't chew dip. you chew chew, you dip dip. crazy right?

Somebody's Got grumpy gills

Look out, we got a smart ass over here. First off, you can control your buss by chewing less. Secondly, you will build up tolerance if you perpetually use it.

It's called hurr durr

It's called stfu faggot

dip is retarded, fast track to cancer, killed my old man.

Just stick to cigs

>makes me feel like vomiting
>hurr let's keep doing it
silly inbred

Dip more often. I quit smoking and started dipping because my job is physically demanding (residential tree work&land clearing) and smoking just got in the way (also don't want to start a wildfire). I dip a tin of Copenhagen extra long cut a day and I never feel how you're describing.

shitty b8 is retarded, because you aren't going to catch any fish.

fuck outta here nigga

The buzz will go away eventually just like with cigarettes.

Get out Eurofat.

Spit a lot is the key. Go for lower teir dips, they have less nicotine

Mix with this for a more mellow buzz

>i chewed 2 cans of cope a day for almost 20 years.

Aren't you a little too old to be browsing Sup Forums? KEK

Copenhagen master race



Cancerhagen master race.

Where's muh wintergreen

this looks shopped


Wintergreen and straight are a great way to induce vomiting on me.

I got a buddy that no shit with fifteen seconds of taking my dip yaks and he smokes a pack of reds a day. How bizarre

I'm from Alabama. Just not an inbred redneck.

He's a 22 year old from Mississippi

>I'm from Alabama. Just not an inbred redneck.

Sorry, you can't have one without the other.

ironic given that you're literally killing yourself. enjoy losing your jaw.

He's been chewing since 2 years of age?

I don't think you know what yak means

Your upcoming senior year of highschool must be really stressing you out huh?

Lashing out like this on the internet to total strangers about chewing tobacco.

>dip more frequently for shorter lengths
>don't be a pussy
>put it in teabags/get pouches


Mother is from Michigan. Pretty tough to be inbred when one lineage came from the Carolinas and the other came from Canada.

you get it

Tell us all about it.

Don't get pouches, I've had to get them before when the store was out of longcut. They give you half the tobacco for the same price.

>Mother is from Michigan.

Okay, tough guy. Don't go all gangster Eminem on me by saying how dangerous the state is.


A lot of inbreds and rednecks reside there.


Okay, that warrants killing yourself.

Way more nicotine introduced into the body, way faster. What's the mystery?

Some people leave them in for shorter, but I usually keep mine in for an hour or more

yeah but if he's being a pussy about it then he has to dip pouches, or just make your own from teabags its easy. That's how I get my non-dipper friends to try it

You know how I know you're lying? You don't chew cope.

>Okay, tough guy. Don't go all gangster Eminem on me by saying how dangerous the state is.
>A lot of inbreds and rednecks reside there.
it's where my ancestors got off the boat, you're missing the point
extremely common for people in northern states to trace their lineage through canada, just like southerners often trace their back to the carolinas or other east coast states.

is this beginning to come together for you?

Do teabags get the same cut that pouches would?

>Having a negative opinion on God's own Earth

>Highest standard of living in the western hemisphere, Free healthcare, Responsible gun ownership leading to low crime levels, low levels of criminal nignogs

Yeah, Canada must be a real dump compared to the corrupt, decaying, violent minority filled toxic waste dump bristling with guns that comprises the husk of the what is left of America.

meh, it's super mild but any sort of pouch is a waste of time. Just have smaller dips frequently for shorter periods of time to build a tolerance

Usually happens to newbie dippers OP, first few times I dipped I felt like I was wasted the buzz was so intense (then again always had to have a fat dip in)

As some anons said, use less or well dip more often, just like with cigs or well any substance that you can build a tolerance for

Possibly loosing your lower jaw is awesome! Same for black teeth

>how do I acclimate myself to poison : the thread

>tfw my state has one of the highest guns per capita yet lowest crime rate

>virtually 0 gun laws besides Federal laws

>nearly impossible to make gun laws due to ironclad State Constitution

>How To Reveal To The World That I Am A Tremendous Pussy: The Post.

Hey, OP. I don't dip, but I do use this often. The method of nicotine administration is about the same, and I have run into the same problem as you have and found a solution.

First of all, I'd encourage you to drop the Copenhagen and get yourself a Swedish snus. It only has a handful of ingredients, none of which are known to be carcinogenic, and scientific trials have been unable to prove that Swedish snuses cause any cancers or tooth loss. Dips, chewing tobaccos, and American snuses on the other hand, are packed with nasty chemicals that will give you serious health problems and belong nowhere near your mouth in the first place.

Now for the fix to your problem: I noticed that when snusing out in the woods while shooting rifles, or walking down to the brook to do some fishing, I could snus for long periods of time without encountering nausea or much dizziness, even before I had built up any tolerance. On the other hand, snusing indoors would lead to nausea and dizziness in just a few minutes like you described. I found that the solution is fresh air. Open a window, turn on the a/c, or better yet just take a walk and dip/snus. You will be able to go much longer without feeling like garbage this way.

Seriously though, if you're in a country where you can buy or order Swedish snus you should make the switch. Using tobacco isn't worth the cancers and tooth loss the low-tier stuff causes.

So you dip to prove to the world that you're not a pussy? That reeks of insecurity. Enjoy your cancer.

What's your source?

thanks if i can this sometime ill try it. i do like a light buzz but not the kind of buzznlike i described (lifgtheaded, dizzy, feeling like garbage) so thanks for the help

with snus do i need to spit? ive heard you dont need to but with dip if i didnt spit i would feel like hell. so whats the difference any idea?