The Star Wars Extended Canon is just as important as the movies

The Star Wars Extended Canon is just as important as the movies


It's a " REAL star wars fan is angry that his fan fiction got discarded from canon because disney actually wanted to make new characters instead of adapting fan fiction " episode

man fucking in her asshole would be really good from that position i bet

>ywn fuck a qt Twi'Lek girl.

holy fuck thats good r34
it looks exactly like her.

>It's a "NON-star wars fan goy poseur is angry that a REAL-star wars fan is angry that Disney rehashes previously established/endorsed extended fiction and replaces it with unestablished/fake disney shit-flavoured shallow retread just like they did with TFA" episode
daily reminder that every star wars related media since disney acquisition is non-canon

star wars rebels is non-canon and just as bad as TFA

yo reddit what's up? got lost?

>it's a "Prequel apologist pretends that TFA was bad" episode