Why are Indian men so fucking creepy?

Can any pooinloos explain to my why indian men are utterly autistic?

There's a whole subreddit devoted to horny indian men saying the most retarded shit to and regarding women. And it's not just an online phenomenon/confirmation bias, when I went to India, Indian women joked about how creepy Indian men can be. Why is this? Why are male pooinloos so fucking autistic?

They are designed to do so.

send pics of ass

link to subr*ddit


They are just alpha

Short brown guys in general are doomed to eternal loneliness unless they're rich so they'll pretty much do anything to even make contact with females.

I should know.

I'm assuming it might be from transitioning from a culture of arranged marriages for numerous generations they didn't need to talk to women for romantic reasons unless they were already married.

t. köksal baba

they smell too

like poo and curry

I doubt you'd ever use the lines. I've met Turks and you guys don't really seem as autistic as some Indians are.

How many girls have you harassed on Facebook with a very poor English so far?

at least you don't smell like curry

just shit

im a short brown guy and ive have never done any of that stuff
not even orbited like a beta around bitches, just ignored them
it works btw, ignoring them and not giving a crap about females actually get some bitches interested in you, not hot 10/10 but i scored with 7/10s

elaborate. it's such a vague term

>ignoring girls attracts girls
this only can work in anime. doesn't work in real world.

It sort of works but you have to also.kind if tease them and initially pay more attention to their idiot friends since a lot of girls are a little crazy.

Only social media I use is a fake chad instagram account to stalk my former classmates. Never talked to them but I stare at their pictures and daydream all the time.

imagine if you were a girl for example.
Who wants to date with a manlet who ignores you?

terrifying. rape-y. crazy. needy. superhorny.

>is japanese
>calls american a manlet
oh the irony

>supposed to believe this unironicaly

it seems like their society lacks womens rights and basic etiquette about sexuality, and it causes this

inb4 alt-right garbage

its like how a society based on religious/ancient dogmas looks like

>i can sex with u

Japanese people unironically think black people are cool mate

Desire to Rape

Turks can be pretty autistic though. They tend to be very quick, straightforward and inappropriate with their advances and are known to propose to a girl they have not even fucked after 2 weeks of being "nice" and buying expensive shit.

Charisma man is a satire of the charisma man stereotype. It really means that the white guys getting laid easily in japan are actually attractive partners.

That's because we're too alpha 4 foreigners