When you first read A Song of Ice Fire, but before you saw HBO's Game of Thrones...

When you first read A Song of Ice Fire, but before you saw HBO's Game of Thrones, how did you imagine the characters looked in your head? To clarify, I think one of the best things about Game of Thrones is the casting, which was brilliant. I'll start with my Ned Stark. Obviously Sean Bean is a better choice, but part of me will always see Desmond when I read the books.

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Henry Rollins was my Alliser Thorne. But the guy who played him in the show was so great in the role that I'll see his face every time I read the book.

This is good. She looks innocent and beatiful, just like I imagined Cersei.

David Rappaport (even though he's dead, and not truly a dwarf) would have made a great Tyrion. He had a sense of comedic timing that Peter Dinkladge doesn't have.

Mance Rayder was 70's Anthony Hopkins, but with a full head of dark hair. Incidentally, I thought of Cirian Hinds as Prince Doran, imprisoned in a wheelchair with his gout, so it was a surprise to see him cast in the show as Mance.


For lack of imagination, I thought of the six-fingered man from A Princess Bride being Davos. A kinder, gentler Six-Fingered Man, who surprisingly has way less finger.


>implying 90% of bookfags didn't start reading the books until the series came out

Yes, I'm trying to start a thread, but nobody is posting. I was lead to believe that if you want to start a thread you have to provide some actual content to start a thread. Is there nobody that cares? I'll stop then.

Dday lewis as tywin

He would have been an awesome Oberyn, he has the Chutzpah to make it work.



Interesting, in light of the last post. Stannis was played by Daniel Day Lewis when I read A Clash of KIngs. DDL IS Stannis, but Robert Strong would have been a great follow-up for the role.


>you know nothing, Jon Snow...

For some reason kg has always been what varys looked like when i picture him

Mance is David Thewlis to me.

>I thought of Cirian Hinds as Prince Doran

Glad I'm not the only one.


This one is weird, but I always imagined a buffed up Gary Oldman, with half his face burned off, as the hound, but bigger. Again, the people in charge of casting did it better. They hired this guy based on this audition: twitter.com/DaneCook/status/733010080476635136.

Bill Nighy will always be bloodraven to me


He would have been great as the Blackfish, but I love the guy that's playing his role on the tv show as well. Also, I always imagined Edmure looking like Nathan Fillion.


David Thewlis is a great actor, but I probably would have imagined him as Rattleshirt or Varamyr. He looks like a weasel.

Bill Nighy, with a tree root protruding through his eye, with branches containing his body while tree roots slowly eat away at him and turn him into a tree-zombie? Yes, I think he would probably pull it off better than an "already tree-man zombie-in-real-life Max Von Sydow".
