I would say the same thing, just to be polite. Let me tell you something that might be a bit dangerous...

>I would say the same thing, just to be polite. Let me tell you something that might be a bit dangerous. I was raised in Japan. I was schooled in martial arts. I was given the title of master. They take a movie “The Last Samurai.” They have a 5-foot-2-inch little guy, whether he was straight or gay, I don’t know. I don’t care. He had never been to Japan. He doesn’t speak Japanese. He has never held a sword. They make him the Last Samurai. We got 450,000 phone calls [laughs] from everybody in the world saying, “That role was perfect for you. How did that happen?” Most of the people I know didn’t like the film and didn’t go see it. It’s just a classic example of Hollywood and the politics.

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Does >[laughs] imply that he laughed at that point or that people laughed at him as he said it?

Well I'm sorry to hear that.

i thought it was just a mean that people think tom cruise was mean to be the actual last samurai instead of just the guy who watched the last of the samurai die

Every time I read this now all I can imagine is him saying it in the movie. Its been burned into my mind.

The Last Samurai was absolutely amazing and even the most ardent Seagalfan has to realise that even prime Seagal couldn't play that role.

Running form says everything about a man. You be the judge.


That's an oddly precise number. Is he true?



Estimates how many punani Seagal has snatched in Japan?

I would say maybe 10% of children born there since the 70s are actually his bastards