Are we heading towards a period of peace or a future conflict?

Are we heading towards a period of peace or a future conflict?

There is always conflict.

The difference is who's gonna be next.

These blacked pics are funny.

I don't know about Italy, but the US is heading for conflict. Possibly on a nuclear scale.

>The working class was a mistake


We're heading towards a time where nations are more focused on their own well being than others

Meaning less immigration, probably leading to less internal conflict
But it will probably loosen the relationship between a lot of nations

It's hard to say exactly what will happen, but there is a chance some conflicts between european nations will get violent
Doubt it'll get really bad for the next 5 years, though



Germany is overdue for instigating another world war

The infinite cycle of power:

->Dominant power declines -> War Between the declining power and the rising powers -> New power rises as dominant -> 'Pax' period -> Multipolar World -> New powers appears -> Repeat

What is the current rising power? America is obviously the dominant power.


America isn't declining, we're in the Pax Americana

I hope your right

Assuming you're right, there will definitely be a major conflict in Eastern Europe. Russia would try to reclaim Soviet borders.

About all of it? Even violence spawning in europe?

Future conflict for sure. Trump will most likely provoke China and start a war or in 5 yrs we'll be in another civil war caused by tribalism. I can't wait to see the end of civilization! yay

what is the original?

blacked porn star Elsa Jean

Why does Trump hate China so much?



Well not all of it, that would be bad. I hope that both my country and other countries can get their shit together and try to fix the problems they have. If conflicts would happen, I think the Nordic countries band together and become Kalmars unionen again.


Check out my OC

make him white and without nothing (template)
t. urk

The Mike Pence one is hilarious. You're alright by me turkbro.

Anzufags on suicide watch.



you've triggered Sup Forums

I'm enraged but turned on at the same time.

Could easily be mistaken as legit, if not post production shopped slightly.

Please post the template

Peace after a short conflict were whites are genocided.

Touched it up a bit.



Template. Please.

Its up the thread.

You fucking gronk


nature's cruelest joke for sure

No, it's not. Cunt.

Yeah yeah simmer down blackie my mistake

You're fine on my book, turkbro

10/fucking 10
Based Turk

How do you do it?

I just exported as jpg and didn't save it.

I don't know about his personal thoughts, but at least his public statements have largely been about how so many blue collar jobs that were once worked by American citizens are now worked by Chinese factories and illegal migrants.

The US is heading towards a shit ton of internal confict
it's what happens when you have a country this big with at least 5 major cultural groups all intertwined in the same goddamn country.

Oh well. I'll look for it somewhere else.

Replace "whites" with "(you)" and that sentence is true.

Pax Americana was the 1950s-1980s, we're in decline rn.
Admit it man, this country is falling apart at the seams.

Oo hoo Hoo! Hoohoohaaahaahaa u Cain tayk me out da jungle white devil *proceeds with voodoo ritual*