
Sony Ericsson edition

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hey lads

Sony, son of Eric

I used to have that exact phone

In fact, I still do somewhere

if you don't remember 9/11 you're a literal child and should fuck off

squad or cities skylines?


did Tim ever get evicted?


any good anime this season lads



good post

your comments don't upset me because they don't pertain to me in any way

also you're barely a middleweight, Not even joking but the way you talk/act I know for certain I could knock you out in under a minute

done way bigger lads in less than that numerous times.


Whatever happened to desklad?

Little witch academia series has started.

my sides

she's fucking caked

>moving into my own place
>packing up all the tripe i own
>found my old phone from when i was in secondary school
>looked through the sd card and it's full of nudes from girls that were all the rage in year 9/10/11

Checking in after a while

So what was the final verdict on the turbo? Yay or nay


baka desu senpai no high-school nichijou 2

don't understand how Tim has not gotten any better at guitar

been watching him for a year now and he seems to have gone backwards if anything

>admitting to possession of literal child pornography


done a fink

>been watching him for a year now


had this phone in white, was peng

im fast your slow
your fat im lean
your head will bounce off any available surface
mine will be held triumphantly
and i bet you have you utter bender

doing some work in the tub la's x

He is mentally ill



are you shaving your bum


who is trent and who was stroking him

not really in the mood for a wank but having one anyway


shitting hell

dont talk shit about stoke la

vast improvement over BDSNHSN 1 tbqh


that's trent

im not fa,t at all
I'm ridiculously fast, faster than most welterweights I know,

now enough of the pissing contest, either name a gym and organise some details if you're so desperate to fight, or stop acting like a little girl and shut up.

reported this post to police

gay as fuck

im not who you're talking to but you make me want to ram a kitchen knife in your throat. you both do in fact

origin of that pic?

>we've only just be gu u u u u u u u u nn nn nn n

of course x

women don't like bodyhair

I'm bored lads



welcome to try

Sorry, mate. I have got no idea

No girl is interested in me socially, personally, romantically or sexually.

Everytime I try and put myself out there, I fuck up somehow, then go on a massive rant about how I'm a fuck up.

How do I stop fucking up?

just be yourself

my dick
parts the seas
yo dick
farts and queefs
my dick
rumble in the jungle
yo dick
got touched by ya uncle

This is an automated message to inform you that this post has been IP logged by GCHQ at 23:28:50 on 09/01/2017.


my speed and tenacity is unmatched, ill give you your fat boy weight advantage and choke you with my gi you utter prat

shut up runt at least this guy can talk shit you are just some physical and mental manlet faggot


The police burst into your house with a warrant to search it, they come upstairs to turn your room upside down.

What's the most embarrassing thing they find?

just came back from my holiday in new york city

>tfw good looking but socially retarded

Girls will literally make excuses for me even when I'm obviously a mong.

Feels good man

hope you don't have any straight male friends because they are going to absolutely rip you

that's not fucking new york city

only gone and lost my nail clippers again lads haha

this. my awkwardness is "cute" but when someone ugly acts the same way they're pathetic and weird

>What's the most embarrassing thing they find?

stop giving a fuck about minor mistakes, nobody is going to wrap their head around it. also stop trying to prove yourself, you'll look desperate.

my dick
pink and big
yo dick
stinks like shit

you can't change the future

the bf

>my speed and tenacity is unmatched, ill give you your fat boy weight advantage and choke you with my gi you utter pra

I don't believe you and im bored now, I've only stated facts, you're just projecting made-up nonsense to make yourself feel better, its pretty clear you're a novice so w/e

Any nerds in here?

I wanna learn from you.

assuming they look on my computer, probably my folder of cute girls

>tfw good looking and great in social situations

feels good man

why are you here?

Getting there man

why does africa have no nukes?


going to be a dad lads

having a baby girl

last time this i went out i posted how it went here and everybody called me gay

because it's fucking africa

Post your phone timeline lads

>Nokia 2630
>Nokia 6230i
>iPhone 3gs
>iPhone 4s

>out of fags

south africa did


Are you all retarded

It means he had nude photos of girls that were popular in those years, not how old they are

people like us shouldn't be breeding

you've stated no facts other than the fact you are a liverpudlian trench rat meet me in manchester outside the trainstation gate at 10am tomorrow and I will fight you somewhere quite


That's not what I meant at all, and it's a new gimmick I'm trialling so it's not real. I got 3x more replies on my first go.


I have a baby neice and she's the best but I don't think I could cope with that full time ya know

(im 23)

touching the 'ly


>he didn't have a 3210

I can school you lad

>Why don't we give chimps nuclear warheads
Hmm I'm not sure

This is an automated message to inform you that this post has been IP logged by GCHQ at 23:35:20 on 09/01/2017.

*enters the thread*


wait why does it say germany, italy and turkey have nukes?

i didn't get my first phone until 2014 and it was an iphone 5

not even underage just an abnormie so never really needed one

*enters the thread*


>vodafone own brand slider thing
>genuinely can't remember this one
>samsung tocco lite
>Nokia Lumia 820
>Moto G
>iPhone 5s

my Moto and iPhone broke and I'm back on my Lumia but I'm gonna get the Galaxy A5 when I get the money