White Poles and Romanians? They can fuck right off

>white Poles and Romanians? They can fuck right off.
>Africans and Indians? Yes yes, we need as many of those as possible.
Britbong """logic"""

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why would he do this?


>white poles and romanians

Commonwealth stronk

>more black black people

the editor woudve been so upset

its so fucking pathetic bong alt-right still worship him

Britain btfo

Nothing wrong with black people

Romanians aren't white. I don't understand the hatred for Poles though.

And people will still him racist.

Farage is a pretty pathetic figure overall, and this is coming from someone who supported Leave.

He basically sat in parliament with his one(1) seat, whining about nothing, drawing attention simply because he called Belgium a non-country. Then the British people demand a referendum, they happen to vote for the side Nigel supported and Nigey claims it was all his doing, that he was the great leader who liberated Britain and that it wasn't just the British people (including millions who didn't vote for him) declaring they were sick of the EU.

And then he talks about the UK's future as if he has a say in it, after abandoning his political career (he knows to quit when he's ahead, I'll at least give him that), and Sup Forums discusses his inane drivel like it came from the PM herself.

ITT: people have zero idea how to navigate politics

Sometimes, you need to be pragmatic and provide a crop of your voters with a mental excuse towards others' claims of racism or intolerance

Sup Forums goes through mental gymnastics to justify their vote for Brexit

>white Poles and Romanians

That isn't a thing

>implying there's anything wrong with this

black and indian people with english ties are better than terrorist arabs that are flooding europe

Yet i'm probably whiter then you, Sven.

Doubt it, I'm literally the most blonde blue eyed stereotype white there is.

>another alt-right idiot conning his retard supporters

literally cannot possibly fabricate anything whatsoever about this shenanigans

No such thing as alt right.

Shut the fuck up Pablo.

oyeeeeeeeeee..........!cayete cabron!........ >:(

>Never wanted to be associated the FN
>Fled when Brexit did happen
>Not even nationalist

It was obvious that he is a controled opposition

Suck my cock idiot

>whites immigrating into the u.k.
top kek. it's gippos and peasants that immigrated, when west europeans complain they got invaded by romanians and that they're all gippos they are right.
Those subhumans are your problem now, please don't send them back we are happy now that they all left.


>gypsies can afford to leave romania
>but romanians cant


>implying it's a matter of affording.
Gypsies are a migratory people. Now that there are no more restrictions on traveling, they can all move into the west to live better lives. And so will we after they all leave, why the fuck would we want to move out into countries full of gippos niggers and kebabs?

>Intelligent, educated, highly skilled dark skinned people vs unskilled subhuman white polish niggers


I've read an article recently that he's officially turned away from the working class supporting him, looking down on them as literal poor scum.

It's hard to believe that yet the alt-right faggots, who are that working class or socially inept, pretend to not know about it and keep supporting him/his policies. They're totally in denial and in point of no return. It's not even a farce anymore, it's just turned out something a cult does in the name of Brexit, without any critical thinking.

This one is hilarious though. Wtf is this acrobatic consequence. And as someone said, I never understand why they hate Poles so much. I'm not against blacks but how can the alt-rights/leavers be OK with blacks from Africa but not Poles. Maybe as long as the immigrants are from that commonwealth and not from/via the EU, all are no problem for them. Also it can infinitely produce excuses for their nationalism even though it's an incoherent act in regard to the strict immigration policy they (are supposed to) believe.

Cuckolds ARE racist. They only want blacks because crime and the penis.

>White countries for everyone.

DESU Farage might be trying to get SJW off his back.

The only way to get SJW off is to pretend to like black people. NOBODY ELSE. Just black people, Black people is the core of diversity because they are so selfish.

It would be better to take in 2,000 blacks, pretend to not look racist than 40,000 exploding mudslimes and blacks.

GB can play the good guy while getting to set their own migration policies.

In the case China became the superpower and Chinese became the lingua franca, I bet your arse more people will move there than the US.

I fucking hope so. I feel bad for Chinese though. Soon you will see Asian girls in BLACKED

Consider Latin America and North Africa. Bet you'd be pretty toasty if the white peoples living there got removed.

And the gold for mental gymnastics goes to. By the way Theresa May has also declared immigration policies torwards commonwealth nations will be easier as well.

>A week after the Brexit results, waiting for my visa interview at the Malaysian Embassy, I joined a conversation between a Tamil businessman and a Malaysian woman. In the background, Sky News was airing Gove vs Johnson. The Tamil man, with his smartly trimmed moustache and sharp blue suit, explained to us why he voted Leave. “They don’t integrate in our society.” What? Who doesn’t? “These Eastern Europeans.” Really?

top tier tbqhfam

Look at the numbers she proposed vs the numbers the EU did.

Educated Blacks and Indians are some of the best immigrants though

>Brexit was racist they said
>Migrants would be kicked out by the boat load they said.

I would take 1000 Nigerian and Kenyan immigrants over 1000 Polish immigrants any day

It's like Sup Forums posts made flesh.

they will
this is from the ones from the commonwealth

what are you taking about

>Chinese became the lingua franca

>Chinese became the lingua franca
Anyone who's ever studied Chinese will tell you how unlikely this is

>this man is the saviour of the "british" people

>Chinese became the lingua franca
What did zhang mean by this?

>white poles and romanians

Point still stands, people will follow the money.

"Skilled" Africans. Does he mean Süd Afrikaans? If not, he is definitely bending over backwards all because he can't stand Europe.

>the eternal anglo strikes again

Sure but they will be speaking english when they talk with people from other countries. All over the world, especially east asia, speaking english is a sign of being cultured. That is why they have so many english teachers there.


You cannot artificially create false claims of this nature.

Do you unironically mean this? Are poles that bad?

No, he just dreams of black cocks. Eastern europeans are generally fine.

Shhhh let the autism flow

I normally love Nige but I disagree with him here

I would MUCH rather have the white Europeans

We're not in charge of Nigerians or Pakistanis anymore so why the fuck would we want them?

>China became the superpower
>and Chinese became the lingua franca
not even slightly

Oregon and Washington are part of the commonwealth?

maybe because they at least have some british culture in their own way of life thanks to having been in the commonwealth (british education system, some british food, british style institutions, etc), so it will be much easier for them to integrate than it would for an eastern European. Also, Easter European countries have had a lot more time and a lot better resources to make sure that they aren't shitholes, yet look at Poland. Look at Ukraine. Look at half of the Balkans.

I mean I can't blame them. Look at the statistic's OP instead of generalizing.

Romanians and Poles are literally the same in America

Holy shit. Why are Lithuanians/Romanians such scum?

>it will be much easier for them to integrate than it would for an eastern European.
this is a bit lel 2bh

the difficulty of integration is the bottom line of brexit? the fuck? where're """"""""""""""""""""""""european"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""values"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" or """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""culture""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""aside from the meme slavs are subhumans. i'd be a remainer if i were bong but anyway, if i'd a leaver i wouldnt admit the commonwealth logic because id absolutely take the cultural values.

A long time ago.

>t. bielak the loo repair dude

he's saying immigration would be a non-issue because entry to the country will be based on whether or not the applicant has skills that the country needs, race and country of origin does not become a factor
the reason he's wrong is because refugees will always be trying to get in and lefties will always blubber on about them

Pretty sure the argument was to severely reduce Immigration, and only allow skilled workers in easily.
You know, like every other successful country has done for the longest time.

>Eastern europeans are generally fine

They literally are twice as likely to commit crime in Finland compared to Africans.


Maybe the police has a bias against them because it's 'racist' to go after African-Americans?


Link to actual article? Oh wait it doesn't exist
I'll let you JFs continue your jealous butthurt now :^)

We don't have African Americans

>Lithuania was top of the criminal league table, with 50 criminal convictions among its 1,055 nationals in the country.


Why do they cause so much crime?

I think OP is probably a butthurt slav himself

>let's piss around with third world shitholes that hold eternal grudges against us over muh colonialism instead of building on our already firm diplomatic ties with continental Europe

>let's piss around with third world shitholes
Which countries still do?

Cause there are more of them than the other nationalities.

These dumb stats not being per capita are useless.

>tfw still have Bermuda
>tfw Australia and New Zealand still have the queen and banter stamp
>tfw Canada still has the queen

Shame about south africa though
Other than that they were pretty shit

He wears a blue suit and moustache and speaks english
Polski in tracksuit shouting in byldo

> No Hong Kong in the commonwealth anymore

A-at least we had the 90s :(

Good lads, they've properly assimilated.

per capita for Somalians was 28 times more crime than Finns in 2014.

99% of white weatern europeans prefer eastern euros to niggers and muslims.

makes sense.

>believing populists

French is fucking complicated, too. Yet at some point it was more of a lingua franca than english. And, yes, the fact that despite that it ceased to be that means at some point english will cease to be, too.

How about just closing the borders? Don't let anyone in.

leaving his actual motives aside, what he's saying makes perfect sense from a certain standpoint

why prefer low class Poles and Romanians to elite Nigerians and Indians who do even better than native Brits on average?

taking that even further, you could argue that you should ditch native Brits in favor of elite immigration overall (many libertartians do argue that) but Farage isn't taking it so far

there are regional inequalities within the UK itself, but the UK is a nation with a strong identity so those differences don't matter as much to Brits (though they are still discussed a lot).

Funny how you single out Somalis to make them look like they're the worst when the Eastern Euros and even Estonians are worse than them.

immigrants from former communist countries cause disproportionate crime in every old EU country they reside in. even the great white hope, the Poles cause more crime per capita than e.g. Albanians in Greece or Syrians in Germany but this isn't about reality, it's about ideology


Poo in loo's are neither.

Why are poles so evil?

We should have left them to Hitler.

normal person conclusion: some demonized immigrants aren't that bad
Sup Forums conclusion: we should kill the Poles too

>firm ties
>english bydlos knifing honest polish lads every week or so

>immigration less than 50,000
>nobody is capable of reading and comprehending this

""""Sup Forumsellectuals""""

M8 I was just having a bit of a laugh

How can you defend this man when he has repeatedly denigrated the great nation of Belgium

Can someone post the video about the niggers who said he will vote "leave" because too many Eastern Europeans znter in UK ?

I like poles, they are nordic.

But I understand that british would prefer people who are more or less their own, at the very least culturally, than someone who is both culturally and racially different.