Danish Colonial Empire

Why is Denmark still allowed to have a colonial empire?

Obama should tell them to cut it out already and China should fund their Inuit brothers in Greenland and help overthrow the Danes.

Makes me soo angry to see my Inuit brothers oppressed >__

So does France, Spain, Portugal and UK

>having territory in frozen lands
For what purpose?

The Faroe Islands are rightful British clay.

No one is forcing them to stay

To have somebody else than an immigrant leeching of tax payers money

And Norway. WTF?!

should have given us the Faroes after the war 2bh

and australia

and new zealand

>Wanting to be inderpendent

Yes, we are brutally opressing the native people of Antarctica.

How many empires do Beth have on earth?

I don't see the problem myself.

They're in it for the money, welfare and beer, and we're in it for the resources.
It's a symbiotic relationship.

They actually do want to be independent, but that's unrealistic as there only exists 36,000 Greenlanders, not counting the Danes who live up there

It's a bit unfortunate that Denmark was the one who ended up with Greenland, at least Norway would have taught them about a state monopoly and taxing alcoholic beverages.

Cut it out!

wtf how come we have nothing

Because your mongrel new worlders, who gives a shit about you! But ahh, to be the only country in such a fine region that is contained within a single landmass, on a single continent! The cruel, cruel, and oh so tragic irony!

Justin Castro is too effeminate to assert claims.

said the country that lost all their clay to russia and got cucked out of aland to boot

You could always just give it back.

Along with the Faroe Islands, of course.

The Faroe Islands have been Danish since the 14th century

Didn't you guys almost get the Turks and Caicos islands?

Don't forget, Denmark is still illegally occupying Canadian territory.

you guys don't really have random islands around you
Canada is like the 2nd largest country in the world anyway

Maybe because we are a nice colonial power unlike countries like Russia or Germany, or Sweden for that matter.