>you will eventually die
>the nightmare will fucking end for good
You will eventually die
i rly dont see whats wrong with leaving a place full of niggers and jews
>TFW don't have any nightmares
>TFW living a dream
the best part about life is that you only suffer through it once.
What if I enjoy it?
I woke up from a nightmare, spent some time on the internet and now I can't remember what it was about.
I only remember that it was something vaguely medieval and spiritual, but I can't remember details. It's weird how quickly you forget about the content of your dreams.
How horrifying
why are so many people here suicidal
It's just a meme, this thread gets posted every evening
You just convince yourself you do because you are ingrained with the instinct to survive and stay alive at all costs. That's why every living species tries to avoid death. Had we not be ingrained with that instinct, we'd be able to objectively weigh the costs of life and come to the logical conclusion that it is not worth it.
Life is objectively much more pain than pleasure.
>its just a meme
But struggle is pleasure.
>we'd be able to objectively weigh the costs of life and come to the logical conclusion that it is not worth it
What is worth it then? Is the alternative just rotting under a couple pounds of dirt? makes no sense
Fuck, I can't even recall why did I find it disturbing. It's irrational.
And the new nightmare begins
Also that's completely bullshit
There's way more pleasure than pain in life, especially in a first world country.
>Work for 8 hours
>Get to go into a cozy home and do whatever you like and buy things you enjoy
post yfw this life is just the beginning
literally this
everything is handed to you on a silver plate in a 1st world country and you autists still complain
>just 70 more years of anxiety, letdowns, suffering, disappointment and despair
>Only 70 more years of success, fulfillment, joy, happiness and orgasms
try /r9k/ my dude
what if you're looping the same life over and over?
>but struggle is pleasure
No it isn't. Myth of Sisyphus is bullshit. You have to pretend and delude yourself that the suffering is pleasure. It isn't. The ultimate revolt would not be Sisyphus finding meaning in his absurd existence. It would be him committing suicide by crushing himself with the boulder. As a big fuck you to the gods.
Suicide is the ultimate revolt.
No it really isn't. By all objective means there is more suffering than pleasure in life.
>No it really isn't. By all objective means there is more suffering than pleasure in life.
In what way though?
How do you suffer in a first world country? My only suffering is that there isn't enough time in my day to do everything that I want to get done.
>Suicide is the ultimate revolt.
Why don't you revolt then? Watcha waiting for?
I don't like /r9k/, most of them are mentally ill and listening to their rants just makes you more depressed. I'm also not a virgin, so I'm not welcome.
only normies are afraid of pain
Get a job at the lego factory mate.
this is amazing
this joke has already been played on evangelion though
Thw eternal return theory has no basis in science. The big crunch has fallen out of favor since 1997. All scientific evidence points to the universe expanding indefinitely, and that expansion is actually accelerating.
Millions of people have suicidal tendencies, due to the awful state of mental health care and the alienation of capitalism.
>how do you suffer in a first world
>the "dude starving kids in africa" argument
Not even going to bother.
Ah yes it's capitalism's fault that you're such a piece of shit
skepticism is the only thing that stops me from finishing myself
there is only one path in life, user, and that path is seeking knowledge. and the ultimate way of pursuing knowledge is by researching life extension, so you can live the longest to learn the more you possibly can to either find the true meaning of our existence or to confirm it's lack of it.
No I'm just genuinely curious how you suffer.
Describe how you regularly suffer. Maybe you have some serious terminal illness or something?
>Catty Canadian
>calls /others/ a piece of shit
Don't you have some natives to murder?
No now we just let them finish themselves off by drinking hand sanitizer. Our work is done here, and you're one to talk. Don't your Neo-Nazi police officers gun down unarmed black children weekly?
>science could prevent you from dying or aging
>it won't because 99.9% of people are too stupid to ask for it and only care about instant gratification
everything but pussy and feelings of belonging
enjoy your fast internet while I fuck bitches you cunts
Enjoy the bunda bro, it's not too bad here either
Realizing that everything is ultimately meaningless.
Death of loved ones
Financial situations
lel even pussies are handed on a silver plate here
even autists can fuck literal 9/10 slav girls for ~30-50 bucks
if you're depressed in this country, you really really fucked up bad.
>asking for it
go and do it yourself then you fucking faggot
we are on a breakthrough RIGHT NOW and you don't know it. you are not different then the instagram fags. instead of insta, twitter and facebook you use steam and Sup Forums you vermin. you are just like them
oh really
check this out
150 brazilian reais are like, 50 dollars. there are girls at the same tier for like 50 reais too
That's a literal nightmare scenario.
what's wrong with niggers and jews
did they steal from you?
It's pretty good to be quite honest.
>Work a job in comfortable air-conditioned/heated office
>Spend half the day doing random bull shit
>Like an hour on break
>Work maybe 3-4 hours of the day
>Come home to air-conditioned/heated house
>Enjoy high-speed internet
>Enjoy exercise with barbells indoors
>Make enough money to enjoy frequent vacations
Has it ever been better than this?
>Realizing that everything is ultimately meaningless.
babby's first nihilism kek
If life is so bad for you why are you still alive then? Buy a rope from homedepot and make some more room for me.
that's cheap af considering they're escorts, I'm talking about whores in Amsterdam.
escorts are hella expensive here, at least 150 euros minimum
Survival instinct my friend.
Usually outcasts and nerds end up in Sup Forums, and loneliness is one of the main driving forces behind depression and suicide.
Break the conditioning, sudoku my friend
I have to ask though, what job do you have? (Or lack of job), how often do you exercise? How many hours of fresh air and sunlight would you say you get per week?
FYI 150 euros is 500 reais
what's the difference between a escort and a whore chap?
science is a lie
to fuck a whore, you have to go to her and she's more often used
an escort comes to you and considered ""luxury"", often give special services like gf experience or w/e
I can't believe women in Brazil are like 14 euro's, thefuck m8
that's my hourly salary
>tfw I can fuck a 10/10 bunda every hour
I'll try to.
I'll pass on working a meaningless job. I have to suffer a lot to gain that fleeting moment of happiness.
>>science could prevent you from dying or aging
now why would I want to live in a world where all my family and friends and pets have died?
I would never choose eternal life, it would be a curse.
So do you just leech off your parents?
You're a good example of why people shouldn't be NEETs, they start to go mentally ill after extensive exposure to their basement.
>no matter what, human psychology will make sure we always die with regrets
if you are medium class in brazil is not THAT cheap but you get my point
thanks for the education though
guess is why I havent an heroed by now, I like being alone.
Im really good at it.
my dream world would have nobody else by me in it.
I hate every single one of you here, and I'd make you disappear at a snap of a finger of I could.
Too bad you couldn't do anything without mommy's tendies
just rite after waking up, write them down
Wait so
You claim to suffer a lot, but you don't even work. you don't have any responsibilities.
What are you suffering from? Suffering from boredom?
>he thinks death is what will rip his friends from him
t. twenty-something
you will lose them much earlier than their funerals
viz. 'marrying some slag and having all personal time sucked up by kids'
everyone suffers
What if you just don't get married or have children?
What I'm interested in is if he goes on these nihilistic rants to his parents.
Curious to see their face coming home from a long day of work as he lays into them all these "deep truths" about existence lmao
then you are in the minority and will lose them even sooner when they do, because you no longer have the most important element of their life in common with them
if you can find a fellow forever-alone to be best friends with, then you're one of the lucky few
Different user, but the shit you're posting irritates me. I have the newest Galaxy phone, my parents pay my rent/tuition/food bill, I have an $800 bike, and I'm a 6' 2"/above average fit white guy, yet I hate my life. All my expensive electronics are fucking worthless as long as I don't enjoy using them. Same goes for "my future." A 6 figure salary isn't going to do anything for me once I get it. If I didn't care about destroying the lives of my parents/siblings I would have killed myself 2 years ago.
It's not that uncommon. I'm in the minority of everything else in my life too, why would this be different?
Sounds like a mental problem. Have you tried telling a doctor how you feel?
I have been on both ends
there is pain everywhere and you can never escape it
you can get better at reducing it on specific tasks, lifestyles and whatnot, but we are all doomed to feel pain. even those popular kids, successful adults and whatnot.
if you are happy all the time you are trading lack of pain for mental gymnastics and fooling yourself. if you can live with the truth and still keep going, you are a mature and well adjusted but still, you just become more stable and able to deal with the pain, but happy? I'm skeptical. and those people are rare and this is so difficult to maintain.
>there is pain everywhere and you can never escape it
Yeah but pain is pleasure, man is made to suffer. Is there any other way to live? Perhaps in a greenhouse?
doubt it, he lacks motivation and a goal in life. I don't really have a goal either, but I'm also not afraid to get out of my comfort zone.
basically the thumb rule is to stop giving a shit and do whatever you like. you don't have to prove yourself to others.
socializing is the most important aspect desu
What happens If I fear to die?
so Sup Forums is literally sustaining suicidal people by helping them feel less alone?
thank moot for this East Timorese suicide-prevention website
[citation needed]
I don't know. our behavior, thoughts and values are incredibly plastic. Therefore, I strongly believe our genes are not the only ones responsible for our neuroticism, but also our culture. I think it is plausible to live in ways we become less susceptible to pain. I'm not sure how. Buddhism sounds close to it, but it is a lifetime of dedication and I see no guarantee of it working. So I'd rather embrace pain and burn it as fuel to the journey. Have you ever played roguelikes?
I have no hope of having a successful life. I'm not good at anything, neither academic or trades. I'm not attractive, fit, good at sports or sociable. No joke gonna kys in a couple of months.
you get a bio/med degree and research anti ageing.
Life is utterly overrated now that you know that please for your own sake stop playing by other peoples rules
Be mischievous fuck everbody else in the end we are always alone we cannot exprience being anybody else we only occupy those few square centimetres between our eyes and our eyes
I'm a brainlet to begin with and to make things worse, my anxiety problems suppose a hurdle for my ability to concentrate.
>no more retarded people and biological needs
Can't wait 2bh
ya'll need a beer or two desu
life isn't that depressive lads
welp I used to give myself those same excuses 6 years ago
>"just be ur self xD"
>"ur not depressed dude lol just have a brewski"
don't say that to me
alcohol is what I drink to run from depression
what are things you stumble upon in life? why aren't you happy?
I'm confident most people here aren't depressed but simply lack socializing and friends in life desu.
depression is a serious thing; nimh.nih.gov
Dude I'm le too #anxiety to talk to girls, that's why I'm #depressed
broke up with a girl I don't trust that I really really liked. and she was really really pretty, above of my league... I'm having trouble finding someone else. broke the hearts of a bunch of girls trying to forget her, and I feel guilty.
class mates hate me, only one true friend who's living in a different city and is too busy for me.
I'm trying to find a professor advisor who is worth of my time (but not putting nearly as much effort on it as I am trying to get a new girl). my lower back injury doesn't let me practice the sports I love, sending my selfesteem downhill even further.
Not everybody is a richfaggot like you.
I need to pay tuition, pay for rent, pay for groceries, pay taxes, etc, etc.
I do all of this so I can have that moment of happoness which is fleeting and does not outweigh the suffering of life.
>broke up with a girl I don't trust that I really really liked. and she was really really pretty, above of my league... I'm having trouble finding someone else. broke the hearts of a bunch of girls trying to forget her, and I feel guilty.
It's a good thing you broke up; if you're going to spend your life with someone, there has to be mutual trust in a relationship. being suspicious of things every day will kill you inside.
and don't feel guilty from breaking others hearts, you fucked up but can't change the past so focus on the future. we're all humans after all and making mistakes is natural.
>class mates hate me, only one true friend who's living in a different city and is too busy for me.
doubt it, for everyone to hate you there must be a real good reason. why would >>everyoneI'm trying to find a professor advisor who is worth of my time (but not putting nearly as much effort on it as I am trying to get a new girl). my lower back injury doesn't let me practice the sports I love, sending my selfesteem downhill even further.
you sound lonely tbqhfam. dunno how to help you with that sorry, but women shouldn't be your top priority. It's unfortunate you can't practice the sports you love but that's no reason to downhill your self esteem.
Instead work on stuff that you are able to do. nobody's perfect but you have to put your best effort in whatever you can.
sorry I'm not quite the best advice giver but I do truly hope you'll get past whatever you stumble on.
So then you do nothing at all?
>being suspicious of things every day will kill you inside.
exactly. that is the reason I broke up with her, but it still hurts. very few people break up with someone for logical reasons. it makes me think all the time that I wouldn't find someone that makes me as happy as she did, as pretty as she was and that would like me as much as she did, and that it was a loss for me.
ha. I used to think they just thought I was a fucking loser... but after I came back, it seems that a lot of them kind of admired me, I don't know. but I push people away because I'm scared of being hurt or exposed for what I really am, so I act like a nasty person. and I'm afraid to say I despise a lot of them too. i see them backstabbing each other or trying to play down my efforts. but I can't help being hurt by the shit they do. i told two of them to fuck off (in front of everyone) for some philosophical/political discussion.
well I know I should give priorities to other stuff. it's just that the sports were my way to let the steam go. improving on them was really good for my selfsteem...
and I know I shouldn't be putting that much effort on girls but... I have been focusing on studies and work for so long and disregarded relationships.
it's cool bro, thanks for caring in Sup Forums of all places. just talking about stuff here is good for me.
Uh... I'm not sure if this is the right thread but I'm taking a second job so I can move out and pay all my debts and change my life this year... I would have to work in both of them for at least 2 years so I can change my life completely, is this a good idea?