It's time to stop


Other urls found in this thread:

filter and forget, you'll never win


just go there and shitpost in protest
it isn't that hard

there's also 4 scaruffi threads shitting up the catalog at the moment but they're not kind enough to put it in the subject to be filtered

It doesn't need to be in the subject field to be filtered.


imagine trying to do this lmao

> he doesn't know how to use filters

kys newfag

Got rid of my Kpop addiction for good.


>not liking this
What are you, a homo?

Fuck kpop. It's the cancer of Sup Forums.


That ass is a straight line, my dude.


Nah that's Montie

>Praise kpop. It's the only good thing on Sup Forums.

>complaining about the best workimg containment thread on this website

And Avant Math God of Sup Forums. God what a pretentious fuck.

I now sympathise with Sup Forums. We have a problem with people coming in and posting gaypop boybands and they have a similar "i dont care, im posting here anyway" attitude that you get from us. And if you try to just hide and ignore it the problem only gets worse. Honestly I'd be fine if you banned kpop from Sup Forums, kpg isn't what it used to be anyway.

Actually kill yourself.

>tripfag complaining about other tripfags

gonna make a kp0p general next thread

tfw I browse Sup Forums and /kpg/ and don't want to see them fight.

But he is
Can you explain the filename?

Based on the number of threads i see like this, seems to me like a part of Sup Forums could be compared to SJWs needing a safe space


kpg is like san marino, a country within a country
it has nothing to do with the rest of mu so leave them be

Last time i checked, KPG people dont really care about or bother the rest of Sup Forums . and its usually the same way around, except for a few virgin nerds that come here occasionally, and make posts like these.

gb2 reddit

kpops anthony fantano was asking a girl online for nudes and sent her a dickpick being fully aware that she was underage
the chatlogs were posted on tumblr and he went completely silent since then

>kpops anthony fantano
that sounds fantastic

Now I finally understand what all that was about lols
also anthony fantano sucks dick

rude desu

>muh waifu general

>m-m-muh safespace
go back to tumblr
