Does Zootopia promote race mixing?

Does Zootopia promote race mixing?

Did you see any hybrid animals in the movie? Just one even.

Where do you think the varieties of animals come from? A giraffe fucks a chicken and you get an emu. A wolf fucks a pigeon and you get an eagle. A dog fucks a carrot and you get a fox.

Read a book, nigger.

Go kiss a book, you book loving homo.

Was it actually anti-thesis on rape culture?

Elaborate please

That the fear mongering about males and rape (predators going wild) and shit is all manufactured horseshit

He right tho

Is it a Hollywood movie? Then yes, of course it does

No but it promoted my cock.

I wonder what kind of animals fucked each other to create offspring as retarded as yours

Is that some hot glue?

So the film promotes the idea of a feminist conspiracy where they give men drugs that turn them into rapists?


It's redpilled as fuck


it promotes treating people as individuals.

it's actually really good.

If it's my offspring, it'd be me? And if it was retarded, it'd have to be me and your mother? Pretty stupid question, to be honest.

No, it's sperm


My only problem with it was that it's solution was way too neat and convenient
The struggles of a subsect of the population acting 'savage' and dealing with discrimination was written off as 'lol no worries, they're being drugged' despite having a clear correlation to issues today that can't be written off in the same way

If I had written the film, my actual solution would have been to have a conspiracy where non-predators were turning savage as well but it was easily covered up since when non-predators turned, they were hardly lethal and just written off as going through a rough patch. I probably would've blamed it on something in the water to create ties to the whole lead thing and violent crime rates in America

Didn't they show that non-predators can go wild too, the reason why they didn't was literally that the lambs/rams/whatever were targeting predators

They did
But I would have had it as an accidental side effect of something else - the effects of which were being covered up rather than just a plot to frame all predators

This movie can be interpreted in so many ways