Why was old Sup Forums so full of shut-ins?

Why was old Sup Forums so full of shut-ins?

People who sit inside tend to consume a lot of media, and therefore accumulate in a place devoted to its discussion.

Why do you suppose neo-Sup Forums is different?

how do people live like that

i remember that photo set

the garbage can was the best

Thank g*d we got rid of those freaks
now i can discuss marvel films in peace
and who thought a got general was a good idea everyone should talk about it because everyone watches it

>old Sup Forums

>that trashcan

does he use it as a toilet?


Gotta love how everything looks decently stacked and tidy and there's a fucking garbage can for puking and shitting.

you tell me

she had a weird digestive disease iirc

the garbage can looks more like a cum dumpster

dried-up sperm has this brown colour

old Sup Forums was pretty fucked up i don't know why but there were lots of weird russian spammers and dudes who posted endlessly about feet or posted memes about actress piss sipping.

lot of intense waifu-ism and at one point wall to wall individual show generals. it was actually pretty quick moving around 2010.

but i also found it when i locked myself in my room trying to bullshit a 10 page final and kind of drove myself temporarily insane. at that point all i could do was shit post about community and i kind of miss that.

Sup Forums is some kind of weird stockholm thing for me now. i don't like coming here but at the end of a long lonely night i still check in

>dried-up sperm has this brown colour

so has shit

>ywn have a qt weird digestive problem gf ;_;

>there's no other board that makes for a comfier home
just fuck my life right up senpai, i refuse to suicide but damn i'm unhappy with who i've become right now

It was this chick who was always throwing up

That carpet gets to me the worst though

i hate myself, i hate my life, i wish i was dead most of the time, i like feet, and i have severe autism

Does anyone from Old Sup Forums remember that pretentious girl from the letterbox'd film series club? She posted about Bela Tarr and everyone basically collectively jerked off over her visage/personality until she fled.

So many memes about her criterion 7 disc Satantango edition

she posts on SA still p. frequently. i know who she is, but don't know her on a personal level.

>not whatever was on the wall next to the cat painting
you're just saying that because that profile fits a lot of people and you knew it would trigger someone, thanks for making me feel bad about my degeneracy

That makes sense. Something Awful is a pretty legit safespace. At least compared to Sup Forums

I just remember tons of posts about her constantly derailing any and all letterbox'd threads and tons of images of her torrents screenshots being scrutinized to the point where they found her college.

she was real cute for a bougie little germ

I miss the Drive era

The lady shinning moment of Sup Forums

i'm being sincere, actually.

moot murdered it when he banned waifus or shows and film with anything remotely qt in the OP

I currently like the dark age of Sup Forums ya know with the BLACKED threads and all.

Yeah Drive era was just as fun as it was often horrifying. So many forced memes.

I think that's chronologically when CIA guy blew up so there was just this insane Sup Forums locus of pop-culture with HUMANBEAN/FORYOU and endless Game of Thrones shit

Plus the original Sup Forums vets hadn't fully disappeared for BobPaulson was still making his tv seasons guides.

I have really fond memories of this stupid board that I can't really speak a single word of irl for fear of normie crucifixion

she still talks to some of the old gang on Skype


>I can't really speak a single word of irl for fear of normie crucifixion
I literally force memes down my gf's throat

cape shit and pol cuck paranoia 24/7

this is literally what people talk about when they say they don't want to bring their children into a world worse than they grew up in. feel bad for anyone finding Sup Forums today

How's your parents?

but you're from the meme generation

If you don't appreciate feet, c*nny, or waifuism why do you even come here?

>degenerate as fuck
i like it, those yellow stained pillows hit a lil close to home tho. i admit to having at least one that acts as a cuddler/semen catcher. hopefully i don't continue to live like this into my twenties. at least i wash my sheets every few months now instead of every few years. will post pics of my cum chair i used to use but stopped using two years ago but still sits in my room if anyone's interested.

i'm a waifuist. i was raised in waifuism. i never said i wasn't.

I actually migrated from Sup Forums years ago as I got older. Sup Forums is jsut way too underage now

how old are you now

Aren't we all?

As much as I hate to admit, I've always come here for /celb/ discussion. I hate celebrities so much and Sup Forums just rips into all of them like a bag of chips. Ill agree that cuckspamming and capeshit needs to stop though..

Because REEEEEEEEEE fuck off normalfag

I don't know. I feel like when I was hitting puberty memes still hadn't really hit properly. I remember distinctly being confused when people started migrating over from myspace to facebook.

is it too late or can i change my ways? going to community college in july after 3 years of NEET

i'm gonna post a few fond memories.

>snydercucks STILL perma-salty about those movies being shit
It's uncanny, tbf

i think i basically stopped coming around after mad men finished. my patience for film and tv have seriously dropped off and i don't know why. i just don't really care about seeing anything in theaters lately.

the last film i really even enjoyed was the witch and a recent screening of Blue Velvet.

I wonder what AlyDoLL does these days

I remember image captions before they called them "memes"
Now everything is fucking meme meme meme. The word has lost it's meaning.

I'm a shut-in, but my room is nice and tidy. If you're going to spend all of your time in one place, might as well make it a good one.

oh fuck thats that nostalgia that hits hard

aly michalka basically felll off the face of the earth right?

I actually like the cat paint on the wall,

>aly michalka basically felll off the face of the earth right?
No, she was in the Fappening and is now in iZombie, so she's still around

oh great point. i remember saving so many of those weird proto-memes from Sup Forums. like Good Dad Charizard or the literal first Good Guy Gregs. Back when Sup Forums occasionally had music or flashing colors in the background.

And then meme generators found their way into the hands of the masses and everything went to shit.

Every fucking image macro is a meme now.

It was suppose to be a word for running gag.

God look at that semen demon. How is she not at least as popular as Dadario

You mean she nigga

when Sup Forums found this image set there were so many times i would cry laughing

They were always called image macros you goddamn gaia neophyte.

It's was advice dog, that and boxxy ruined this site

>I can't be fucked lifting the lid so I'll just do a little turd on the floor.

What did he mean by this?


was a weird guy

>tfw you realise you've been on Sup Forums for 6 years now and on Sup Forums for 10
They were right, I am stuck here forever.

0/10 you're just butthurt

Cкaжитe eщё чтo этo нe Paшкa.

all those super weird people kill themselves, get mentally well and change, or find smaller more niche communities. the reason there arent many ppl of that ilk on this site anymore is bc the internet, this site included, has become so exposed to and intertwined with real life and the well adjusted public at large, so the comfort lvl isnt there anymore.

those weird ppl with filthy rooms and weird obsessions and borderline scary personalities who are in their late 20s and early 30s still exist, and actually in bigger quantities than ever before, they just arent here anymore and the few that arent comfortable intimating ne thing about themselves or their lives bc they know they arent in similar company anymore, theyre in the company of 19 y/o college kids with below par social skills who are otherwise very ordinary

i'm not sure boxxy ruined anything. her cult was pretty insular and never brought digg here or anything like that.

it was really the popularity of reddit and the intensely weird rivalry that drove people here out of morbid curiosity. i think it made the pol creeps that much more intense and desperate for a foothold and probably intensified moot's disinterest with the place.


YES! I remember Abatap so clearly. Same with green oval. Ugh.. it's all coming back in little horrible spurts.

Why is she sucking in her gut?


I am absolutely 100% disgusted. There was this one poster in Sup Forums who was way worse than that even. His home was literally a living organism of its own

she has a ugly nose

>dat world famous garbage can

It's burned into my brain. I remember my tits I saw when I was 13 years old and that garbage can.

thats not even bad compared to some of the shit ive seen here

So, where are they now so I can visit? I liked them more than I ever liked Sup Forums crossposters

>His home was literally a living organism of its own
what about that guys whose cumrag spurted mushrooms

That's what she does

>these 19yo college kids will become the same and the cycle will never end
sorry were you trying to make a point?

This thread reminds me of this gem.

It can only be lamented that it isn't anymore, and now is full of the facebook/red.dit crowd and their 'sensibilities'

i miss it

This is from 2012. I don't even remember half these people.

Kek, yeah

pretty good analysis and i would reckon that they really are still around. however, i think the userbase of Sup Forums is always going to be tenuous and shifting because television and film is an entertainment medium that changes depending on demographics and also the users age/demographics as well.

people age out of cape shit or binge watching netflix or have to get a job and have less time/interest in celeb culture etc..

I just remember that's when Sup Forums effectively died, even once advice dog and its clones died and boxxy disappeared it was just roll thread after role thread.

I swear with that advice dog template and lot of original creativity seemed to disappear due that cookie cutter format being prevalent.

I didn't really regular Sup Forums back in the beginning, was always more of a /fit/, /tg/ /new/ person, thankfully I did get to experience Sup Forums before bane, I'd say that was the real turn point of Sup Forums

>that one guy wanting to make a Summer Glau theme park
keks were had

You didn't see dat koming ?

>All those boxes of comfy Clark's shoes

This is seriously the weirdest part of the picture

Most of them barely registered
That chart is retarded though
>serial shitspammer Abatap a "bro" who "contributed to the board"
Whoever made that wasn't actually around at the time

infected mushroom is a mod now

>he thinks Sup Forums isn't a safe space

Laffin friendo, I'm lauffin

No we are still here.
Just deeply embedded.
>pic related I just took it

kek that loo roll



how do people live without question marks?

Me? I'd serve crab legs
2/10 would not bang
who are you quoting
good question, would anyone like to answer?
was it autism?
was it rape?
seriously is there anything this woman can't do?
Was he autistic?
when did this become copypasta?
When did Jesse kill a dog?
Find a flaw, I dare ya!
poor little white guy
Bravo, Joss!
i dont get the hate, i enjoyed it.
what is that a scar?
I'd like to give some evil critique of that movie
god this board is terrible
Guys, I'm crying right now
Why didn't frodo just ride the Eagles to Mount Doom?
Problem Child 2
tfw no gf
not putting your spaghetti in a bag
that's what butthurt haters actually believe
im a girl, btw
americans clap after …
le shiggy donatello
the rest of yall know when i durn to ya
you're just butthurt
do you even lift?
you didn't troll me asshole 0/10 shitty troll
heat legend
le malick face
wait, can some explain the ending? I don't get it
genuinely sympathetic bad guys
buenos noches mein fuhrer
pig disgusting
Why isn't she your princess?
why she so cute, bros?

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

I feel a little better about my piss bottles now.