Hey brazilians i'm fucking around on google street view in your country and am noticing something strange

hey brazilians i'm fucking around on google street view in your country and am noticing something strange.

Why are there walls literally everywhere? that looks like a school in the left of the picture, and almost every single house has solid walls built around them. What gives?

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We are the USA after trump is done with it

What do you think? It's to protect from criminals. Houses don't have walls inside gated communities.

>São Paulo
LMAO. Truly first world, give them the independence already.

i don't think we would ever go this crazy with walls.

are there really that many criminals? even in a pretty remote area like the op?

not even just sao paulo these walls are literally everywhere.

when did this wall building start? been around forever?

aways been like this in the big cities

it's true for all latin am countries including mexico but not the carribeans

(Poorer) people are amazed when I tell them that American houses really have no walls or fences around them, they think that that's an idealized image invented by Hollywood and not what it's really like.

>Avenida da Penetração

Are brazilian criminals such manlets that they can't climb those walls?

I wonder how it caught on with almost all of latin america but nowhere else. Were the imperial portugese and spanish really big on building walls everywhere?

this is somewhat sad. I've only seen a handful of houses with walls in my entire life, and even then the wall is just surrounding a small courtyard for wealthy houses.

Even with criminal problems these walls don't seem particularly effective. Wouldn't criminals just be able to drop a rope over one to get in?

I'm guessing because hedges don't catch bullets.

To be honest the walls are comfy as fuck. I get to sit near my garden and just kick back. Nobody gets to look inside or outside.

Electric wires at the top.

it's an obstacle for thieves
the lack of walls everywhere was kind of unsettling for me when I was in the US though. felt like I had no privacy.

Superior south incoming.

you can go through almost any obstacle with enough dedication. but the more obstacles there are, the less likely it is that someone will be willing to invade.

>No walls

most houses in the suburban areas here just use wooden fences for privacy. This is a street in my old neighborhood.

i wish more of latin america had street view. I learn something new every time I look around somewhere.

actually yes. manlet native genes.

Poorer suburbans make work with what they have, so many glue glass shards on top of walls, also having a big dog is a plus. Slightly richer people will have electric wire or a barbed one. Rich people just don't care as they live in gated communities with top security anyway.

The walls usually have glass shards at the top. Electric wires or purpose-made spikes if you're better off. In fact, we say glass is the best protection as nobody will invade a house with glass on the walls, as somebody who uses glass is probably poor and won't have anything of value.

woops forgot picture

is that an ominous name?

living in a place like that, i would be more scared about crazy dogs or something like that than about people
but i'm pretty sure that this isn't a issue in usa.

it just means "penetration avenue"

Penetration Avenue

Those fences are short. The walls tend to be bigger than that.

Nope, many Brazilians notice the absence of walls when visiting Colombia. We have other things tho', wires, security guards, etc.

Penetration avenue. Come on, the spelling is not that different from the English one.

looks awful tb.h

It's literally Penetration Avenue.

South Brazil does not have walls in some houses

>glue glass shards on top of walls
this sounds a bit too much. Does half the population break into each others houses 24/7 or something?

that doesn't give a lot of privacy though
you can still see above it

but that's one interesting thing about your houses. at least they are all built with very cheap materials and can be built very fast.

It literally means penetration avenue.

Walls are also a way to delimit your property.

More people died in Brazil from 2012-2015 than in Syria during the same time peroid. Kind of, yeah.

It's the same in here but it's mostly big fences with spikes

the fences are higher than they look and that road in particular is raised. Our fences are usually about 7-8 feet tall

i understand what it means. and it is funny. so my joke was it is an omen. do you know what ominous is? look it up. you go there and get penetrated. that's the joke

Violence is a problem here, son. Of course you don't get mugged every day you go to work, but chances are if you live in a big city that you've been a victim of an armed robbery or similar at least once in your life.

Here in Chile even gated communities with armed guards and such still have walls

We are a bit obsessed about security, better safe than sorry. Most houses here have bars on the windows too, I move often to another houses, and it really bothers me that this one have bars in the window of my room because the last house that I lived in didn't had those, and I got used to not having them. What if I need to jump the window in some emergency or something, like a fire? I'd be dead.
there are many styles but they all have the same purpose.

i think it was just so unfunny nobody thought it could be a joke

I have never seen one like that, I almost never see gated communities anyways.

When I see how fucking shit the environments 3rd worlders here live in I imagine that their jaw would drop over my neighborhood.

not a big deal considering that brazil have 10x more population and there's wars between drug sellers.

Ominous usually has a negative connotation though

>Why are there walls literally everywhere?

Well, Brazil can be very violent and unsafe. Crime rate here is something you never felt, and I pray to God you'll never feel. Walls are everywhere because the fucking criminals are fucking everywhere, and they don't give a fuck.

you are third world, saddam.

you're so unfunny it hurts

The walls in Brazil do not exist because of the crime, but because of the Iberian or Latin culture of Europe

All Latin America is like this.

The difference is that the wall has been increasing over time

show us

You really should know the difference between memes and reality friend.

We lock our doors or might have a small fence, but rarely if ever do we have whole walls around our houses.

to me if you get penetrated thats pretty bad
i guess depends on your perspective

thank god i am not the only bothered by this
tem algum lugar no brasil q as casa nao tenham muros e q a fiação eletrica seja subterrania?

>every third world country

it's the same here

I mean "condominios" like this one.


They not only have guards that take all your data (RUT, licence plate, etc) when getting in, each individual street has a gate and inside each house is walled.

But it's more about privacy and delimiting property than just security at that point.

I doubt anyone here would choose to live in your frozen wasteland no matter how nice the neighbourhood is

i dunno if you go there and get penetrated that would be pretty funny

Shit, I want that.

I remember that I once talked with a woman that was moving to a new home, it was a very new, nice looking house with eletric fences
On the first day that she moved to this house, when she was still settling things, a bandit appeared with a gun inside her house(idk how he jumped over the eletric wall) to steal her. Then he started to get the most valuable things, and when he was going to the second floor she said that her son was sleeping, then the robber said something ''ah that's okay then go there and bring something to me'', she went there and got a computer/tv or something like that to him and he ran way. Lol.
She was robbed like 2 times after that, I don't remember if it was the same guy
She also said that she used to live on a old house with a very short wall and that nothing like that ever happened, the criminals prefer to go on fancy houses that are hard to get into.

To keep the zombies out.

Only time I ever saw houses without walls was in a condominium in the middle of nowhere, and even though it was a ''gated'' community there were no guards anywhere and the main gate was kept open at all times. The houses there were all large, and you could tell it was a place only for wealthy people. Just without any of the security measures you'd usually see in such places. I guess it was just so far away from the urban part of the city that criminals never went there.

me if not by the feminism and leftism

24/7 sun during the summer and the weather is between 20 - 25C. It's perfect.

how much does living in one of these cost?

>24/7 sun during the summer
too much

jesus how did it get so bad

Security through obscurity. Just make your home look like a shithole that has nothing worth stealing.

kek thats too much funk

It's nice but it's not "jaw-dropping".

Nice, but can you post a pic with actual houses? kek

>24/7 sun during the summer and the weather is between 20 - 25C. It's perfect.

>sweden has the same weather as sri lanka


Depends. Those houses probably cost around a million dollars, but there are other far cheaper gated communities that offer similar levels of security.

A lot of complicated events, one of them involving government making deals with cartels. ''''''''Human Rights'''''''' laws, gun bans, etc.

just fuck my shit up

>on summer,
Should I kill myself once autumn arrives?

How is life in Sri Lanka?

shitty education and police

>24/7 sun

How horrifying

there's no space in jails, they are all overpopulated and some even have like 10x more prisoners than they should. The result of that, is that they just release many criminals, because there is just no space to them in any jail.
Some days ago a lot of people died and are still dying in a prison near amazoas, a private company was being paid 5k reais to each prisoner(about 1200$) every month, so they just overpopulated a prison that should be for 400 prisoners to 1400 and something so that they could get a lot of money, this country is ridiculous.

>Why are there walls literally everywhere?
Welcome to the thirdworld muthafacka.

hm I've never seen people building walls between their property and the street here.
some houses have fences though because most people have dogs and this way they won't escape or bite a passerby.

then again i live in patagonia, maybe in other parts of argentina they do build those ugly walls

>24/7 sun during the summer
that's not a good thing though

Erratic solar cycles (especially near the solstices) are one of the main suspected reasons for the abnormally high suicide rate in all arctic communities.

how is that possible so close to the equator?

its alri i guess


The pic doesn't really get the feel but the jaw dropping was more towards garbage like in the OP

The houses are to spread apart and I'm paranoid. But here's another pic just down the road.

Yes, no more sun.

Buy good curtains.

>america could have been this soon except without the walls
>now we will just have walls
feels ok i guess

to be quite frank that happens everywhere in latin america and US chicano states. We arent stupid to believe in strangers when you want to relax in your house

desu the only thing that makes me jealous is all the trees and green I can see there

>Buy good curtains.
It still has an effect though. Even if you manage to completely avoid looking outside all evening long and lock yourself in a place where there's no external light whatsoever which penetrates, it still fucks your circadian rhythm and has a very negative psychological impact.

Again, the suicide rates don't lie.

Very nice

where is the beach?

That's not a thing most of the time so you don't really have anything to be jelly about then.

how can grass survive if there's a lot of months without sun, lol.

I mean it's nice, but not that special. You seem to think we don't know what are trees and gardens because our houses have walls.

Still not jawdropping at all, european suburbs are quite plain and boring to be honest. Something really jawdropping are those rich-ass murrikan suburbs around DC/Bay area.

I have probably been feed the most extreme cases desu.