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Any new The Normies snapchat photos?

who /badpoci/ here?

Not allowed:

Best character coming through, you can't deny it

Season 1 was shit.

who is allowed then ?

His heir is a faggot and his daughter is a chipmunk. Seems like Mace might not be so based after all.

>a fucking sheep
I challenge you guys to find a lamer house sigil than that.




I want Maceposters to leave

Season one had half of the competent actors we've seen on GoT in it though

I don't




What is some show OC that was done well by D&D?


Not a house.

Me neither trollollololollloololoooloo

Reminder that the best fight scene in the show is Jorah vs. Qotho in season 1, just above Sandor vs. Gregor in season 1.

Iain Glenn has actually had quite a few good fight scenes in the show, and he seems to be one of the better sword actors in the cast.
No one ever notices, I feel.

>the tyrell army and the faith militant killed each other in the civil war
>Tommen, heartbroken after the death of his love margaery, jumps from the top of the red keep and dies.
>The throne room is filled with confused nobles wondering who was going to rule the seven kingdoms from now on.
>Cersei suddenly barges in with Qyburn and ser Gregor, she sits on the iron throne
>"The throne isn't yours, incestuous whore" says one of the noble
>Gregor punches him in the face, killing him on the spot
>"Anyone else dare to challenge my reign ?" says Cersei

How can one man be so based?

Most of the added Robert scenes

House Cuckwell

>Sandor vs. Gregor in season 1


got any rare based mace the ace's you'd like to share my fellow macebro?

So, is show Roose retarded or what? Did they just dumb him down in the show in comparison to the books? No way would book Roose have fallen for that obvious trap.

Name a fight that's better.
Bronn vs. Vardis Egan would be third place, but that's more of trick-fight.


this is a MACE ONLY thread

dumbass and dickhead don't know how to handle any character that isn't a total edgelord or already completely fleshed out by grrm


>[Iain Glenn] seems to be one of the better sword actors in the cast

What the hell was that forward roll in the fighting pit?

>Name a fight that's better.
Literally every single one except maybe sand snakes

The """fight"""" consists of them slowly clashing their swords together a couple of times, no footwork or choreography whatsoever

>b-but muh cleganebowl
I want reddit to leave

Pls post frog or maise i dont care , but stop posting this fat cuck


Top 5

He underestimated Ramsay. Everyone including half of the audience underestimates Ramsay. He's comic book villain tier, yes, but he's also insanely dangerous.

Best house coming through, you cant deny it
>House Banefort
>sigil is a hooded man with surrounded by fire
>they have a lot of loyalty to the Lannisters
>crashing the Riverlands is part of their plan


nice trips
also nice crocs

Nah, you're a faggot.

So no one but casual normie viewers who have to ask, "who's that again?" every fucking episode?

Fuck off. You're the one who's next welcome.

>the brown letter


Roberto estrongo

Rolling isn't exactly sword work, and the man is past 50.

Hey, prestonfags, what do you think about the latest serious Q&A?

>see sea

Cersei will try to burn the city using the Mad King wildfire when she learns that Tommen is dead and Jaime will kill her, it's been confirmed.

This post is better than the whole thread put together.

this one is pretty bad.

>house words: we'll ruin your picnic.

godswork user, please keep posting, I'm out

You cant honestly look at this horseshit and think its one of the best fights in the series

With how fucking slow and clumsy everything looks, I could do that myself

His daughter is a retarded cat.

Based Bronze Yohn


No, the writers are just too stupid to write an intelligent betrayal, so they had Ramsay randomly stab him with several witnesses and no consequences whatsoever.

Apparently Roose's thought process was a remnant of when the writing was passable, and he assumed no one would be stupid enough to do something like that, and that the world he lived in wasn't stupid enough to that Ramsay could just do whatever he wants.


psssttt kid nothing personnel

>hit each others swords
>look at each other for a second
>hit each others swords for another 10 seconds until the fat man stands up

It's actually one of the worst fights in the series, only the character implications make it interesting

>Sup Forums hates Dany
>reddit hates Dany
>westeros.org hates Dany
>tumblr thinks her plot is racist

who the fuck likes her then?

>Name a fight that's better.

Drogo vs Mago
Oberyn vs Mountain
Bronn vs Vardis
Hound vs Chicken Eaters
Jamie vs Ned

Oh, okay, Mr. Expert.
I wasn't aware.

Please show me a better example of how two men over 6 feet fighting with a bastard sword and a greatsword should look.
I'll wait.

who does these fucking artworks?

they're all over the wiki and look fucking awful

normies who are the majority of the audience


he is slowly loosing his mind, but at least he don`t believe that Jon is puppet anymore

I dunno, I kinda like them. They remind me of the Tartakovsky Clone Wars cartoon.

looks like you're in planetos now, what do you want to be?

Who /codd/ here?

You come at the king you best not miss.

>Drogo vs Mago
Not a fight.
>Oberyn vs Mountain
Not good.
>Bronn vs Vardis
Almost not a fight.
>Hound vs Chicken Eaters
Chaotic bar brawl, not a 1 on 1 fight.
>Jamie vs Ned
No, but not because of the choreography, that's fine.

Those goalposts must be heavy user


No, I'm curious.
Do you think there's any other way to use those weapon than big wide swings and chops?
They're not fencing sabers, they're not precision instruments.


who /Kaya4Lyanna/ here?

Normies. Who are the only audience which matters.

House Tyrell's is pretty gay, for want of a better word. Also their words are the lamest of any great house's.

>Movie the goalposts

All of those are fight scenes and all of them are better than the Hound vs the Mountain.


Not what was being discussed, keep trying to shift the goalposts though. Doesn't make you any less BTFO

Stop posting this shit you fucking cancer

I liked the Hound vs Beric, there were even shields involved,

Forgot pic

probably one of the people running the wiki

I agree it looks like shit


cast her 4 Promisemened

they all look the same to me

First 13 minutes of episode 3 were also shit.

>actually doubling down
Jesus christ kid

Start by making the fight last longer than 20 seconds and make it more physical besides them just parrying a couple of times, make them use their bodies for momentum

Then improve the actors mock fighting skills so it actually looks like they're trying to hurt each other instead of just flailing around, and use camera work to empathize this

I know you are probably one of those faggots who got triggered hard by Brienne beating the hound but that fight was a million times more interesting than this

Thought of it almost immediately after posting. It belongs in the top 5. Can't believe I forgot it.


House Piper of Pinkmaiden

I think Daven Lannister even makes fun of the sigil in the books

>that's not what was being discussed
>discussion about sword fight quality
>doesn't understand that sword size dictates style and usage

Don't debate people if you're just gonna be a faggot.

Did Sean Bean know that this show would turn out to be huge when he agreed to play a character who would be cut off immediately?

Impartial observer here, it kind of was what was being discussed.

If you think it was slow and clumsy, what would you change?

BANE version, when?


Lazy noble

Get married and sit in a comfy castle all day without getting stabbed and bitten