>Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #11
New Episode! Lets all watch and enjoy it and then pretend to hate them again
>Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #11
New Episode! Lets all watch and enjoy it and then pretend to hate them again
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Everyone is too depressed about the Rolfe Affair to enjoy E-Celeb threads.
>Wheel Of The Worst
I'm not sure I want to watch after they cheated last time and just picked the video they wanted to watch.
This upsets my autisms.
Sane people only won by having SJW go full retard on all ends trying to make James look like a "MRA womanhating white supremacist manbaby" for not wanting to watch one of the most disliked movies of the year
ive masturbated to Linda Blair so many times her prime years are soooo fucking good
my review of redditlettermedia
>How to hypnotize women with hypnosis
Finally, I won't be a virgin anymore!
Yeah why don't they follow concrete rules on a show where they watch shitty movies and make jokes?
>Anyone but Mike, Jay and Rich (used exclusively for a punchline)
Dead on arrival
There are now 40 episodes of Best of the Worst. Literally every single episode features more than just Mike, Jay and Rich.
Look, it might not be important to you, but there have to be boundaries and regulations.
This is why ships sink. Because everyone is busy having fun, dancing with stowaways and frolicking with cocktail waitresses.
If you want blood on your hands, so be it.
I think when you're older you'll regret these careless decisions.
arent there a few with no Jay OR Mike? Those ones are nearly unwatchable
Wait, at least Mike and Rich are in it right? I don't want to stop masturbating if those two aren't in it.
(personally I can forgo Jay - I think Antagonistic Wizard is adding a more interesting dynamic to the show now)
I know you're trying to be funny, but you're not. Kill yourself.
>at least Mike and Rich are in it right?
They're very clearly in the thumbnail.
And they're all dead on arrival
and D R O P P E D
>Trying to be funny
I don't have to try.
How am I meant to know that you fucking idiot?
Then what are you even doing here?
It's a free country.
That last BOTW I really loved was the one with the Jar. Everything else has been kinda dull.
who watches these fags do you people have no actual friends?
not in my town it isnt son.
So far, this new one is gold.
>dat old man telling you to send minorities to immigration for revenge
pretty much this. I'll save it for a rainy day
That's a funny way to describe being overly excited that the left is finally crumbling.
Now all we need is Trump in power and the EU to curb the refugees, and things will return to normal.
>Tfw 1000 more years of well deserve white cis male privilege
>I can tell you, it's not picnic.
Poor Rich.
Rich: Where do you put that gun?
How much shit will rich endure, before he kill mike and the rest of RLM?
Nice to see Mike lost a bit of weight.
>I think jokes are reality
I loved the last BOTW because they had some really good films to choose from (even though I'd already seen them) and they had the whole crew together plus they seemed really drunk and angry and Mike was a complete cunt.
Could have been 10/10 if they did spend a little more time on the films though.
This hypnosis video is gold
Why is RLM so based?
Well, I know he is joking, duh, but is really obvious that he is tired of all the shit Mike throws at him
I would pay them to exclusively do BOTW and WOTW.
You probably also think Mike is blackout drunk every episode too, even though it's very clear he plays it up for the camera.
Do you also think reality television shows aren't staged?
The sequence after Rich bumped into the camera was pure laughkino.
rethink your life
I would like them to not do Half In The Bag anymore. Just more WOTW, BOTW and maybe mini-Plinkett's once in awhile.
I would pay for more shitty movies. I already did.
I would also pay to see a Monster Madness - Best Of The Worst crossover.
But now that James is a rapist AIDS Moby probably doesn't want him around.
Name one staged reality shows dickhead.
its not hard with Jesse eating him out of house and home, and rich eating all that deliciously JUICY SHAQMEAT.
>A Mwaaaah the French reference
Perfect episode,11/10
I'm talking to a genuine retard.
Nevermind. I'll see myself out...
Jay Bauman? Is that you?
Jay, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.
You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.
Nobody will remember Jay Bauman. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
In short, you are an enormous failure.
Jay, being that you're about 30 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.
The abhorrent failure that is Red Letter Media, Jay Bauman, that is your legacy.
Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Jay, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.
Maybe in a couple of years, Jay, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.
I genuinely doubt it.
>Look, mom, I posted it again!
Nice refutation cock mongler.
[] Not Told
[Tick] Told
I miss Jesse. Pretty sure she stopped because of creeps made a subreddit about her.
I suppose that's probably the reason if you ignore literally endless other possibilities.
>tfw Jay does lift weights
Otherwise, spot on and incisive analysis.
jessi left because pepe posters impugned her femininity in youtube comments
Oh Sup Forums, never stop being hilarious.
the evansposter!
Are you actually autistic? Did you not understand that simple post?
t. steroid abuser
>thinking Jay lifts
that she hasnt recovered from being rolled into the juicing room when she had swollen up and turned blue?
The hardest I've ever laughed at outright hatred was when watching one of the very first PREREC streams they just started getting people to pay five dollars to "subscribe" to free content, getting Rich and Jack to do name call outs. They did a Halloween one where the whole gang was there. Jesse was talking about how she couldn't play games worth a damn. In the middle of calling out the name Rich realizes what he's saying but still blurts out "JESSIEWANTSACREAMPIE" Thank you for subscribing!
The audio went quiet for about 30 seconds, dude got instabanned from the chat and then Jack had to explain to us why its not nice to say creepy sexual shit to strangers.
Somebody paid 5 bucks just to troll, and it was worth more than all the gold in Milwaukee
join OG thread
boards.Sup Forums.org/tv/thread/69728450/new-wheel-of-the-worst#bottom
Literally never happened
i love when you play the oldies
The wheel is so rigged now, it's ridiculous.
Might as well just pick them and make a regular BOTW
>AIDS Moby
>Literally the creepiest creep in a room full of creeps explaining how not to creep to creeps
I'd buy that for 5 patreon bucks.
Yeah it did LMAO
This was the episode where they played Nightmare on Elm street with the NES multitap so 4 could play at once.
> That rape video.
A classic.
You never disappoint Gilchrist.
High Five Autism Bro.
This is the hill we die on.
Hypnotic Consent =/= Rape.
First off, who cares?
Secondly, how do you know it's rigged?
I have a GF and work mates but no i dont. Partly no time and its a lot of effort got one friend but i dont even like him that much/agree with him on anything to be honest.
I know its weird and there not real friends but this kind of stuff works for me dammit.
What did Mike say about Rich at 40:50?
I want to die every time I see a previously recorded update on the front page.
I guess it would be too much of a hassle to simply ignore it and move on with your day.
is this a photo from the rlm fan convention?
Where is Jessi?! I was hoping she'd be back this time. I need new fap material.
how can you call Jack "likes to put his junk in little kids trunk" Packard, a creep?
Looks like Mystery got himself a blonde midget bf
I'd guess
"Rich put a lot of child porn on your hard drive"
That could apply to your post.
thumbs up on your kids
I said he looks like a creep.
Be quiet m8 or he'll prune this thread too.
so how the fuck is this not shilling?
The lack of pay?
>Mike flipping over the sofa because he was excited something he predicted would happen in the video happened
10/10 alcoholism
r/hapamasculinity meet up.
Shut up newfag
RLM are Sup Forumscore
Don't you know? Our life is all about shilling.
kek, at least you admitting it
Doesn't count when Mods do it. Eat shit lol.
>RLM are Sup Forumscore
film fucking when!!??
Mike didn't predict it, jack did.
Dumb frogposter
the fuck
I want that juicy Shaq meat
Wow! I can't wait to legally purchase my copy of Space Cop™, produced by Redlettermedia Inc.
We need;
Sup Forums
And we need /q/ back to make this happen.
I have nothing but a complete lack of surprise that Space Cop was a pathetic, abysmal failure of a film, and I have nothing but scorn and contemptuous laughter for the morons who have been supporting Red Letter Media for years with patronage. Laziness and lack of organisation will ALWAYS shine through, in the end.
Red Letter Media have based their entire schtick around "humorous irony" but this time, when they themselves were put to the test ("can YOU make a good film, with all your supposed knowledge about it?") their true colors shone through for all to see. I knew it would happen, of course. I knew it from the first time I decided to bite the proverbial bullet and attempt to view one of their videos on Youtube.
Hopefully as a direct result of this, one or more of the members of Red Letter Media will realise that they are, and have been, nothing but an abhorrent failure "half-assing it" through life, and put an end to it. Their life, that is. Now THAT I would give patronage to.
Make your suicides happen, Red Letter Media. It's the only chance at redemption you all have.
no, we just need film, all other crap falls into the other bag.
its just a matter of time