How can black women compete?

How can black women compete?

Other urls found in this thread:

>humble and docile, very passive
>this is what weebs actually believe

black women shitposters btfo

BMAF is the true redpill


Yeah that dude is very masculine...

I've had sex with several white girls and I'm white and they've always been horn every time I was.

What's the name of that hentai?

Good luck with that


enjoy your domineering emasculating dragonlady, unless you are misogynistic and alpha enough to counter her .......... protip: you're not



the black girl sounds like more fun other than the vagina thing

>Typical romantic evening for a black girl: Playing MvC3, smoking flavored blunts, drinking 40 ounces of Colt 45

Just because I'm drunk on a Monday night...

I'm thinking about either trying to find a fat Asian chick at this bar, or maybe calling up a fat Asian hooker, and putting this theory to the test.

I'm not awful in bed - my enthusiasm's a bit overboard for some, but I'm very giving, and I take cues well... I want to take a shy Asian "girl" and make her an exhausted, sex-soaked Asian "woman", complete with the mouth of a sailor and the snuggling reflex of a neglected Siberian stray.

Want to bet me a shot on this?

>I'm not awful in bed - my enthusiasm's a bit overboard for some, but I'm very giving, and I take cues well

The coat's cashmere, I don't wear hats, the shirt comes complete with tie (business meeting after work, which turned into "I'M A GET FUCKED UP AND HIT ON ANYTHING WITH A PULSE!"), and they don't let swords into bars unless you can cause a scene about it being a religious relic.

Back to the point - two chubby Asians just walked in with their melting pot cadre. Shot time. You pick the liquor; ideally something you have on hand.

Sounds dope as hell

>Angry Asian roastie goes nuclear on twitter because Floyd Mayweather praised Jeremy Lin for being an Asian Basketball player

Asian's were a plague given to us by God to test us of our faith to the lord.

>falling for the yellow fever meme

I've only ever had sex with my gf and she's a chink, so I can't really compare with other grills kek

Me on the right.

>the only girl I've ever met who was into fighting games was a black girl who played MvC3
>lived an hour away, ghosted her by this account

Weeaboos really put effort on this. It's hard to know if is only a bait image of they really believe that bullshit.

She was actually just buttblasted at Floyd. Funny thing is he can't even read this

East Asia isn't filled with third world countries anymore. No more qts to rescue from poverty. You will be laughed at like you are here

As ugly as asians usually are, the pretty ones are infinitely hotter than black girls. Of course black girls are usually much THICCer, while asian girls have literally no ass, so who you prefer usually depends on your taste. White girls and latinas are superior to both anyways.

That actually sounds pretty good

not as a romantic/sexual thing (that's gay) but just like that's a fun weekend

there is nothing wrong with it tbqh

the wall just got 10 feet higher

wtf I love black girls now.

I had an ugly Japanese girlfriend once and she was nice and subservient (because she was ugly of course). I also had a hot Chinese girlfriend and she was a total bitch. You would have had to have been a macho man to put this women in her place, she legit deserved beating that I wouldn't give her.

Asian woman detected

is she Mid East girl?

Is this the most cringe picture the world has ever seen?
>"I'm so nervous...I hope you'll be gentle with me"
Whoever typed this is a zeta male

>wmbf couples are 44% more stable than wmwf
What did they mean by this?

What if the Asian gf knows about your fear of women's sexuality and fakes her nervousness?

t. Zeta

I once went to Barcelona
I saw to faggots making out in public
Also paella's were overpriced
But other than that pretty good

>being too tall is a bad thing

Enjoy your manlet kids

>falling for le submissive chinky meme
get real weeb

yeah. You can choose strong Mongolian woman

this manlet cucks your lanklet almost former president everyday

better indeed

>my dad can beat your dad
t. Giorgio Manletti

Trump is taller than obongo

>muh stereotypes
Black girl is sexier, deal with it.

Miles Davis?

I prefer the one with the best ass

Their hypergamy instinct is absolutely satisfied because any black women that can score a white male sees it as social improvement of her status. Basicly they believe that is the best deal they could get. On the other hand white women aren't statisfied with white men the same way black women aren't satisfied with black men and they end up divorcing.

it needs a column for traditional Nordic girl

>traditional Nordic girl
those are called ''somali'' and the locals don't consider them ''nordic''
>average black woman has 6 children
>average asian has 1
how the fuck is the most fertile women the least feminine?

Girls on right are brits, not Nordic.

shit, *left

^^^See, this is exactly what I was talking about here. and this user, as well

i think its how can white women even compete

Whoever wrote this deserves to be punched in the dick.
Trust me when I say this, if you have yellow fever or any interest in asian women, you have to try even more than you would with any other race.
I've lived in japan for over 3 years and have had plenty experience with japanese women and fuck me, I mean FUCK ME.
Not only are most of them utterly unable to get something done on their own, but they require so much fucking time and care that it's just not worth it.

I've had this one girl who was kinda good looking and the only thing I wanted was to find out what she liked, to then talk about it.
But she kept telling me that I 'have to find out on my own'. I eventually gave up and just talked about what I liked and ignored her.
She then called me out for only talking abou myself, to which I replied that she should tell me right now. She never did.
I ignored her for 2 weeks straight and then she wanted to meet up again. Too bad I was fucking her best friend.

FUCK YOU naoko. FUCK you.

>Hans being gay

As Always.

>How can black women compete?
becasue its not a two man race...

>Dating a woman

Fucking WHY?

>Dolphins are capable of manipulating their vaginal muscles in order to provide maximum pleasure. Most women cannot
>Dolphins secrete a substance that dramatically shortens your refractory period as long as your dick remains in her vagina. Women cannot
>Dolphins cannot cheat on you as they do not form lasting, intimate relationships. Women can, and not only can, but they enjoy doing it
>Dolphins do not mind if you fuck another dolphin. A women will hate you if you fuck another women
>Dolphins don’t mind if you cum inside either. She won’t force you to pay child support for 18 years like a women. She can’t even get pregnant
>Dolphins won’t leave you for another dolphin with more shekels. Dolphins do not have a system of currency and are not consumer whores like women
>If you are the submissive type, dolphins can be aggressive, and far more convincingly aggressive, not like a 140 pound bitch who won’t scare anyone
>Dolphins do not expect you to spend exorbitant amounts of shekels on them
>Dolphins give it up easily
>Dolphins do not demand superior rights to men
>Dolphins do not organize Dolphinwalks
>You can ride a dolphin through the ocean
>Dolphins are more intelligent then women

Dolphins are clearly superior to any human woman of any race.

So why haven't you fucked a dolphin yet, Sup Forums?

Pic related, Dolphin pussy just begging to be fucked by a superior species


>white women aren't statisfied with white men
Bmwf have higher divorce rates than wmwf you moron

>domineering dragonlady

It says black girls suck, but do they also swallow?

That isn't what is being said.

White M | White F
Black M | Black F

They're saying F is content only when they are matched with something higher than their position. So White F want to reach above White M(but the only thing there is a perceived better White M).
Gotta get some reading comprehension my dude.

Asian """""""""""""""""""""""""'women"""""""""""""""""""""

She got put in a mental ward after this and lost her career in songwriting

>traditional Nordic girl
who is getting BLACKED and CULTURALLY ENRICHED right now


>tfw I will never be Roman von Ungern-Sternberg and have a personal harem of Mongolian qts

>current year

When you get to plow my boipussy, you'll never think of woman again

He was a crazy fuck up

Yeah, but a fun crazy fuck up.

> ywn be a psychopath with a private torture chamber
Ah well.

wtf I love Thailand now

tbqh i'd rather a mullata.

What do you prefer hans
who is low maintenance

Of course, you're chimpanzilian filth.

just mullata > asian; deal with that.
t. yellow fever

black wymen have scientifically tight pussais, niggers are really small as well

>except for the muscle that actually counts
what ?? the brain isnt a muscle

It's a backhanded compliment.
>"Hey congratulation group of people not associated with sports having a member being a good player"

Thing is the stereotype of Asians not being good at sports actually hurts their prospects in competitive sports since the stereotype has led to discrimination in the recruitment process for professional American sports teams where Asian American athletes are highly underrepresented.

It also puts a "Getting from negative to zero" burden on the targets affected.

To be fair, I think that's a uniquely Japanese thing. I bet Korean and Chinese are probably much more forward.

While I'm sure there's discrimination, it's not incorrect to say that most Asians aren't cut out for most American sports.

Self restrictions due to beliefs applied and propagated to them has a big effect. Not to mention parents not wanting to take a risk in that kid going for sports (even though for uni applications that would help them go farther and standout among others).

I mean propagated by themselves.


Is it racist to say I prefer white women? I don't hate or have prejudices against any race, but on average I simply like white girls better.

>Sup Forums is full of niggers now.
This board is worse than Sup Forums


it is full of joox, jewer than kysrael

not at all. you're normal and sound white man

Didn't he keep a bunch of fuccbois?

Go shoot up a church if you don't like it.


>that file name

>>Dolphins secrete a substance that dramatically shortens your refractory period as long as your dick remains in her vagina. Women cannot

They belong to the fingolian man.

what does that mean ?
no, better yet, NEJ

That makes you a conspirator since you told him to do it.