Men with fathers edition

Men with fathers edition

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You let a stranger salivate on your private parts.

I like this edition

>buy a game
>There's no one play multiplayer

I usually operate down in Fargo.

I have a good father. Do you?

True, and for people who are very extroverted; I am neither. I would rather disappear for extended periods and have to interact with people minimally.

Where in Ohio? I could help you out with a delivery job if you move to the same city as me.

what game?

>there are people born after 96 posting here

>resubscribe to old MMO
>userbase doesnt talk anymore and is just zeroed in on grinding skills
>even skilling spots are silent

How old are you?

>there are people born after 89 posting here


>there are people not born in 94 posting here

>mfw fapping to girls born in 2000

>there are people born after 1994 posting here

t-thats illegal

t. 96

Probably gonna go back to youngstown but I've got a cousin in Cleveland so I might look there too

>There are people

>'''people''' born 1994

i have some bad news for you if that's the case

Ayo Canadians, got a question for ya.

What's driving in Québec like? I'm thinking about taking a roadtrip up to Montréal sometime soon and I was wondering how different the roads and road signage are. Do French-Canacucks drive like assholes or can I expect a pleasant journey?


how so?

Born in 88. 29th is on Thursday

Into the trash it goes

Columbus > all


Mexicans, how often did you play with these toys as a kid?

Where do I find a QT mentally unstable/dependent GF?


Happy early birthday. Will you be a wizard in 369 days?

is good edition


you can't just pleasure yourself to a minor!!!!

that's slightly depressing

people born in the late 80s are entering their 30s

Czech Republic

>it didn't land in the big glove

really disappointed me desu

I-I'm sorey eh

me in the yellow shirt

>learned what Sup Forums was when I was 13
>tfw I'm 22 now
Where does the time go?

is great edition

A little bit I was more into riding my bicycle and playing ps1 in my friends house.

lol at Gonzalez's face

its rare that that happens, sadly

are you kidding me?! he's fucking a white male!

Haven't touched it since 2011. How is it? My prime was 2005-2007 and I remember the day Jagex committed soduku on 10 Dec 2007.

see ya shitkikes

holy shit he's indeed a fucking white male omg

From my limited understanding of baseball isn't this guy kind of a dick?

its dead

just remember the good times and try not to discover what its become

He can be. He's also a jokester. He has taken a bat to a water cooler on a few occasions.

It's a shit city but it's where I was born and raised, where all my friends are, etc.
What's Columbus like?

How can Jagex be so bad at running Runescape but somehow make a really good card game?

>tfw having flashbacks to being a kid and playing runescape on dial-up
>tfw my brother and I used to switch off
>tfw my brother was about to complete a trade for a bunch of bronze 2 handers with some random dude that smelted a shitload
>tfw our mom picked up the phone
>there are people in /cum/ who never used dial-up before

forgive me for being a memester

I was talking about the spectator who grabbed the ball.

I'm not sure if you know that or if I'm getting memed.


that sin is unforgivable

>cutting trees in lumby woods
>tree spirit appears
>suddenly the phone rings

I had AOL back in the mid-late 90s. So many pedos in the chat rooms.


based lucas

It's full of hipsters and rich yuppies. The amount of good restaurants here is absolutely insane. The North Market alone probably has more good food than Youngstown.

The city is undergoing explosive growth right now, and the suburbs are extremely nice with plenty of affordable places to live

when you don't get chicken in mcdonalds

no, continue!

oh whats that? need more fuel? :/

no problem! :)

*brushes up against you*

*does a poo in your mouth*

that'll do :3

I thought you was talking bout Ortiz

episode 3 was good

Remember that one time we memed so hard we got a reality tv Star elected president.

>fishing lobbies in catherby
>River Troll
>shitty wireless mouse dies
>have to run around room taking batteries out of remotes
>lose obby cape


I'm probably gonna try to come back in March assuming I can save up $2k~3k, I'll have to look into Columbus.

>just finished tutorial island
>figuring out how to play
>stumble into al kharid
>mom decides to call up grandma
>after she gets off the phone she forces us to go outside

hehehe look man i really like you i do but i hate when people shart on mouths...

It's booming right now, and property prices are still low. I'm probably going to be renting a 2 bed/2.5 bath condo with finished basement starting this fall. It's only 1 grand a month too, and in a nice suburb.


>first time playing runescape was at the library
>could only use a computer for an hour
>get online, create my account after thinking up a neato username
>start up tutorial island, fight the rats for as long as I can
>get off the island
>user your time is up

we have someone really special in the thread with a very special talent :)

>Install half-life
>download counter-strike on shitty dial up
>takes all day
>finally installed
>start playing
>having a great time
>mom sees me playing
>tells me it's too violent and I can't play anymore
>complain because she fucking bought me tomb raider and stuff for PlayStation
>stomp upstairs and cry and complain

runescape a shit

What parts of columbus are good and cheap enough to get by on minimum wage?


That wall can't get built fast enough.

>playing CS instead of based Womb Raider

your mom was in the right

t. shitter who got REKT by dark wizards at varrock

nothing personal kid but...............................that's not a meme


just kill me.

I already beat Tomb Raider 1 and 2 and both crash bandicoot games. PS1 had a pretty good library cum to think of it.

oh there are two? you're all so very talented :)

You wanna stick to the west and north sides. South side is all industrial or farmland, east side is ghetto nigland, west side is pretty decent suburbs where more blue collar people live, north is very rich. I grew up on the very northern suburbs in one of the richest towns in the whole state. Even there the cost of living is low.

I recommend moving somewhere around the Dublin or Worthington area. Maybe even Upper Arlington or Powell if you can afford it. You can still find good places in those suburbs for relatively cheap, granted you have people to live with.

I've got you're kind of a dick right here

there are a lot of these...

>tfw all my comfy baseball webms are back home on my other computer

Mfw weed doesn't make my problems go away

weed doesnt cure cancer and all problems in the world? whaaaaaaaaaaaa

Heroin is a popular alternative these days :^)

Best edition in a long time

wish I had more basedball webms

>mfw I haven't hooked up my PC for like two months and I have been iPhone master race posting

Neat, I'll look into it.

enjoy your ads, fag

yes yes good goy, 420 blaze up!!