Post annoying shit in your country that you wish would just disappear

Post annoying shit in your country that you wish would just disappear


People who post in r/australia





Let me guess. You're an edgy Sup Forumstard who voted for Abbott and One Nation?

>he unironically hates the best national broadcaster in the world

They are the most Autistic cunts I've ever seen


Evidently he and Trump are bffs.

nice try Rupe

this, all of them are whiny 1st / 2nd year uni faggots


Name 1 thing wrong with the ABC besides being underfunded.

Yeah, we should totally get rid of the ABC so Rupert Murdoch can finally complete his total control of all news media in our country.
[spoiler] kys [spoiler]

I fucked up my spoiler tags

>Sup Forums
>spoiler tags

newfag pls go

I usually stick to /r9k/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums gimme a break fampai

>admitting you go on the most cancerous boards

cancer pls go

>most cancerous
>not Sup Forums

The guy is 85. How much longer do you expect him to last?

Waht is abc?


>Sup Forums
It's not 2010 anymore m8.

It's our publicly funded, independent national broadcaster. They have a series of TV channels, radio stations and news outlets.

They produce local and regional content, often in marginal markets that normally wouldn't be able to produce any content or generate news.

Since it really belongs to the Australian people, everyone has a different idea about how it should run. Politicians have recently slashed their funding because the ABC reporters were being mean to them, exposing all their lies. By law they have to remain impartial and not pick sides on politics, so being a raesonably centrist, moderate outlet, far right and left children will complain (as they always do).

>not left leaning
pick one mate.

I love abc grandstand for sport though

>voting center-right
