Hey Sup Forums. I just fucked a girl into unconsciousness. Wat do?

Hey Sup Forums. I just fucked a girl into unconsciousness. Wat do?

Show her tits

She was already unconscious to begin with wasn't she user

That's not a chick. That's a dude Sup Forumsro. Also, I tend to get them unconscious BEFORE I fuck them

Is she ded


Not unconscious enough to let me pull the shirt up. Keeps pulling it down. Guess I didn't do my job well enough. OP is always a day. Sorry Sup Forumsros.

Fucking auto correct. Always a fag.

Cool way to say I raped someone OP

Pretty sure that's a vagina.

Dubs command you to punch her. Hard

Sure felt like it. Kinda hot.

What's her name

Kok on lips

Dubs say post pics of her face

Stop fuckin' lying for a start


Naw. Weirdest thing. Never happened to me before.
>autistic works of fiction

Aye, she's a whale; but the hour be late and her blow hole be wet.




Kill her


Bludgeoning seems like the way to go. Stabbing is to messy.


You are to obvious OP try harder


The way to get brains and blood all over your already dirty looking sheets. Just strangle the bitch with a cord


Is that your penis eeew

OP's pictures edited


Totally not thinking straight. Good call user.



>Hey Sup Forums. I just date raped a girl. Wat do?
Fixed that for you

>implying there was a date

True. He just roofied+raped a girl.

Just leave. She fell asleep. I'm sorry. You've bored her—not in a good way. Expect to spend the rest of the year avoiding all discussion of this night.

a date rape is still a date user