It's under 50% with only a 5.6 average rating! I know the trailer was bad, but I thought it would rise to 60%.
It's under 50% with only a 5.6 average rating! I know the trailer was bad, but I thought it would rise to 60%
>Meanwhile, at Marvel Studios
That percentage would be at least 51% higher if the characters had the black and yellow suits
paid disney shill critics
Civil War is lucky to be the third best comic film this year.
While BvS might not be your thing for trying to be more serious, X-men is by far the ideal popcorn superhero film.
Fuck the critics I liked this movie.
>Great performances
>Great Wolverine cameo
>Awesome openeing + Quicksilver scenes
>Apocalypse was actually a decent villain if you forget about comics/cartoon Xmen
Takes a while to get invested but as soon as shit goes down with Magneto the film is very enjoyable
>Iron Man 3 as high as some Kurosawa movies
>Winter Soldier higher than Dersu Uzala
RT is useless
GOTG was the best.
>Add Olivia Munn to the cast
>make JLaw the primary star and hardly have her in blue because she doesn't feel like spending time in wardrobe all day
>shit ratings
No surprises there.