
Ex-Yu izdanje


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Dobro jutro!


Are Russians not awake?

Do you guys know what region or area the surname "Tiourina" is from?

Ucio cijelu noc, ispit za 2 sata :(

Can we analyze the word for "color" in slavic languages?

In Serbian (and most S. Slavic languages) it's
>бoјa / boja
Turkish origin, so that is pretty sad that we don't use our word for it...


we do ;-)

Have no idea what to write, but I will help by bumping this thread
Maybe aid a foreigner with questions regarding our languages...so, ask away all you like, no matter how trivial the question


Ili barva/varijacija na tu temu. Mislim da većina zapadnoslavenskih+ slovenski tako govore

Fun fact: the words for "colors" and "flowers" only differ from each other in the nominative and accusative cases

Cvetá, cvetóv, cvetám, cvetá, cvetámi, cvetáh
Cvetý, cvetóv, cvetám, cvetý, cvetámi, cvetáh

ueu tip

Barva in standard Slovene
Farba in my dialect

Used to be "mast" here, before the language reform. Now "mast" means "grease" or "ointment"

Now "mast" means "grease"
Means the same here desu

My dialect (Chakavian), had "maščuba/maščoba"
Sounds hillbilly-ish

>Sounds hillbilly-ish
lol thanks
Maščoba is the more standard while mast is the more colloquial way of saying fat in Slovene


tjedni podsjetnik

We also use a lot of words that are believed to be Italian loanwords, but are native, Dalmatian

>Dalmatian - Chakavian Slavic - Meaning
Cale - Kala - road/street
Marianda - Marenda - breakfast
Campuona - Kampana/Kampanel - (Church) bell
Buarba - Barba - Mister
Capula - Kapula - Onion
Cicoluota - Čikolata - Chocolate
Ju - instead of "Ja" - I (pronoun)
Piantro - Pitura - Paint
Piaza - Pjaca - Square
Puant - Punta - Bridge
and more...

Puarta - Porta - Door
Sapaun - Sapun - Soap

kolor or barwa

Can only recognise chocolate and square desu

Understandable. You're not Roman master race enough


Does the Russian government still offer incentives for people to move eastside?
What do you think of it?

Holy Roman master race >>>>>> mediterroni čsi

this thread is better than regular /ex-yu/

povuci riječ


You're a peculiar one...

Pa kad je ex-yu sad govno

What are the popular names among males in your cuntry?

Here its


Nikola is by far the most popular one

Ivan, Luka, Marko

Antoni, Szymon, Jakub

My name is Sławek, semi popular

samo helanke

>Ratatata jazavac mafija



Most popular (although most of them aren't used among younger generations as much):
Franc, Janez, Ivan, Anton, Marko, Andrej, Jožef, Jože, Marjan, Peter

Bump chuje


hey thats me

Hello Marian, I'm Sławomir

Nikola, Lazar, Marko, Petar

We have that name here except we dont say it with dark L, it's woth normal L

Isn't every Serbo-Croatian L a "dark" L?

I think only we have Ł, or maybe I'm wrong?

Kashubian and Sorbain have it too, but ither slavs don't

those are Poles anyways

Oh yeah, that's my mistake,I was thinking of en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki

Yeah they do. I think it's worth it only if you're ready to work hard like hell for a near 5 years with no day-off. Because if there will be no good commercial or even just agricultural result on the land they gave you, they will just take off it from you.

>not Ivan

>tfw no speed
I want sum now eh

Well origins of this name is, on the one side, Buryat's word Tyur which means 'rich'. But in the same time it could be from the old russian slang word "тюpя" which was used to describe poor and pathetic person. So it's debatable.
But now it's just a usual surname and any Russian could be Tyurin. One of my professors was Tyurin and I live in a European part and he looked pretty slav.

Who is this kepec?

Peter Dinklage sipping on Polish brew :D

ti si kepec, eto kdo


co to kurwa jest kepec

183cm, nisam
Zar nije "Kto"?

Guy that is small, his height is less that 130cm probably

ah, it's 'karzeł' here
I'm learning something erryday thanks to /slav/

Vkotil se

to je karlik

2/10 J je naopako
fail slika

>kolěr / kolor – lat. color
>barva / farba – germ. farbe
>boja – turk. boya
>цвят / цвeт – proto-slavic *květъ
izgleda, jedino v russkom i bulgarskom ostalo svoje slovo dlja togo.

GRUBO, kurva



>from the old russian slang word "тюpя"
more like this

Thanks man, do you know what region in Russia it's mostly from?

there is no thing like this in Russia
all surnames, nations spreaded chaotic

t. other guy


weather guy on tv said that it will be snowing for 4 days straight in zagreb wuhuuu


good I like snow

Nije ti ovo ex-yu šta god da je reko OP
A i zašto da ne bude od Vardara pa do Baltika...


>"""""male""""""" names

B бeлopyccкoй apмии пpoвoдитcя кoмaнднo-штaбнaя игpa пo yпpaвлeнию вoйcкaми в хoдe вeдaния oбopoнитeльнoй oпepaции

Poccийcкиe CMИ cнoвa oбвиняют Bлaдимиpa Maкeя в пoдгoтoвкe пepeвopoтa

Бeлopyc зacтpeлилcя в Poccии: пpoигpaл в «pyccкyю pyлeткy»
c пoдливoй пpoигpaл

Tpaмп нaзнaчил cтapшим coвeтникoм зятя Джapeдa Кyшнepa — внyкa эмигpaнтoв из Бeлapycи

Teпepь тoчнo вceм ПAПИЦЦOT бyдeт!!!!!!1!

Pravda. U nás farba, u Čechov barva.

Is your dialect Slovak?

Pretty sure it's a romanized version of Tyurin

Tiourin and Tyurin readed same in russian

Croats are stealing our words to differentiate themselves from Serbs, hahahaha.

пo C500

Kvet = flower in Slovak.

a u nas i farba i barwa

It's the same in the US, you know of the surname right?

i kurwa

i co i chujów sto pedale jebany, o

этo жe зeнитный кoмплeкc, ты чё

Nice, a smart Slovenian. I thought you all like Croats and don't wont to offend them..

I know one slut with this surname

бля я дyмaл этo coтoнa

The truth is the truth. Serbian and Croatian are the same language. Serbo-Crotian.

Since Croatian independence they've been adapting quite a few words from Slovene just so that it's different than Serbian.


I remember that it's similar in polish (kwiet if I remember) like "kwietań" for April I think, It's nice that at least some Slavs have their own names for months

Yeah, but dialects like čakavski and kajkavski (the real croatian IMO) are more similar to Slovene then they are to Serbian, but the rest of Croats speaks štokavski, and that is just Serbo-Croatian in it's ijekavica form

W Rosji sami geje)))))

You know the region it's from?

ueu tip, I speak Upper Carniolan

why do you ask?

Why is that even important to you?

Your language is taught here as the same, class is called something ridiculous like "Bosno-Croat-Serbian language class"